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MISSION. Through a community partnership the Averill Park Central School District will ensure opportunities for each person to maximize individual potential in the pursuit of life-long learning by providing a safe, respectful, student-centered environment.. Who are we in AP? . 3357 Students (3262
1. Averill Park Central School District Adopted Budget
for 2010-2011
Through a community partnership the Averill Park Central School District will ensure opportunities for each person to maximize individual potential in the pursuit of life-long learning by providing a safe, respectful, student-centered environment.
3. Who are we in AP? 3357 Students (3262 Sept ’10)
Approximately 2200 Families
8814 taxable parcels
140 square miles, 73 buses on the road, 1 million miles traveled per year
Academically Successful
Largest local Employer
4. Demographics 97% Caucasian
7% Free or Reduced Lunch Program
98% Stability
14.6% Students with Disabilities
Under 1% Limited English Proficiency
Under 1% Homeless
1% Home-Schooled students
5% Enrolled in private schools
5. 96% Student Attendance
4% Student Suspensions
1% Drop-Out Rate
1% GED
91% Graduation Rate (Local + Regents)
85% Post-Secondary Education
6. School Report Card Data District is in Good Standing in all areas
Academic performance has steadily improved in every area over the last 3 years
Adequate Yearly Progress made in all areas for all groups!
Graduation rate highest in Rensselaer County and in top 3 with Niskayuna and Bethlehem in Capital area
7. 96% of our HS students pass the required Regents exam in English on the first attempt
89% of our HS students pass the required Math Regents on the first attempt
97% of our HS students passed the required US History Regents exam on the first attempt
95% of students taking the Physics Regents pass it
99% of the students taking the Spanish Regents pass it
8. Poised for next steps….21st century skills Today’s global economy requires a trained workforce
What are the skills needed?
Reading comprehension
Basic applied mathematics including algebra
Effective communication, both written and verbal
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
An understanding of global cultures and languages
Ethical behavior
9. ARE WE READY? Public schools have a responsibility to prepare students for higher education opportunities
Integration of new instructional technology is essential to keep students involved and to offer a broader curriculum
Higher education has a responsibility to work with public schools to provide pathways for students
High-tech companies have concerns about locating in the Capital Region
10. Suburban
Average needs
Low free/reduced Lunch Population
Fewer families below poverty
16. What’s the bottom line?
The budget to budget spending is DECREASED by $512,787 or -0.92%
The tax levy increase is 1.96%
This budget honors the BOE’s guidelines of maintaining a quality program that is fiscally responsible
18. Changes effective 2010-11 Reduce from 5 elementary buildings to 3
Reduce by 12.5 FTE faculty (includes retirements, resignations, not replacing some on leave, and lay-offs)
Reduce professional development and Mentoring
Reduce Business Course offerings
Reduce Questar services
Reduced energy use district-wide and avoided spending over $1.7 million over 4 years
Move some special education expense from general fund to federal fund as a result of stimulus aid
19. Major Financial Impacts Personnel-salaries + 2.54%
Teachers +4.35%
Non-instructional - 1.85%
Admin +1.93%
Personnel benefits +3.22%
Non personnel - 4.15%
Transportation - 8.80%
Utilities -18.73%
Buildings and Grounds -10.95%
Debt Service -16.09%
20. Major Financial Impacts
21. Budget The budget to budget spending is DECREASED by $512,787 or -0.92% for a TOTAL expense budget of $ 55,437,669
The tax levy increase is 1.96%
Contingent Budget requires a further reduction of $738,695
22. Vote May 18, 2010 APHS 7 AM - 9 PM
US Citizen, District resident for at least 30 days, 18 years of age
Must have ID, no exceptions