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Seamus, Jessica, Thomas and Brendan S. Olympic Test. Diet. First the runners need to eat Carbohydrates such as pasta, nuts, strawberries, eggs etc. It gives them energy. Also they can eat fruits to be healthy for the Olympics. Purpose.
Seamus, Jessica, Thomas and Brendan S Olympic Test
Diet First the runners need to eat Carbohydrates such as pasta, nuts, strawberries, eggs etc. It gives them energy. Also they can eat fruits to be healthy for the Olympics.
Purpose Do the systems in the body work together so they can survive? To answer that question we ran an experiment showing the Olympics team how the body works to regulate oxygen/carbon dioxide, waste/nutrition.
Hypothesis We all think that the body does need to work together to survive. We know that will be the outcome from previous lessons and logs.
Materials • 1 Thermometer • 1 Clipboard • 5 Hurdles • 1 soccer field • 3 Lap tops • 1 Flip video camera • 1 runner • 1 person to record the data • 1 cameraman • Use the runners pulse, body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, and sweat to record the data.
Procedure • First look at the rubric. • Second open up a PowerPoint and start purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, data, and conclusion. • Finish that. • Make a blank chart. • Go outside to start the running portion of the project. • Before the running starts check Jessica’s pulse, heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, and if she is sweating or not. • Also set up the hurdles. • Start running. • While she is running video tape her with the flip. • When she is done stop video taping. • Check if she is sweating, also check her temperature with the thermometer , check her pulse, heart rate, and breathing rate. • Record the data on the clipboard. • Go inside. • Upload the videos from the Flip video camera on a laptop. • Work on the video on the laptop. • Add music, maybe credits and the videos you recorded. • Finish the video. • Put the video on the PowerPoint slide show. • After that post the PowerPoint slide show on the wiki and you’re done.
Conclusion From the chart and data as you can see before the runner (Jessica) started running her heart beated 44 times in one minute. Also the runner took 34 breathes in one minute before running, the runners pulse beated 40 times in one minute before running, and last the runners temperature was 97 degrees before running. The runner did not sweat before running. Then the runner ended up with 60 heart beats in one minute after running. Also the runner took 45 breathes after running, then the runners pulse beated 59 times in one minute after running, last the runners body temperature was 99 degrees after running. The runner did sweat after running. So you see the heart beats, breathes, body temperature, and pulse went up after running. The reason this happened was because after and while running it is hard to breathe so your body needs to take many breathes so your respiratory system can go back to normal. Same with your heart, that oxygen needs to be passed to other places in your body like the brain. So since after you run you take many more breathes and with many more breathes means you have to pump that oxygen so your heart begins to beat more because it is pumping all that oxygen. Also before you ran you must have ate some time so the runners food (which had energy in it) kept that energy and that energy went to the circulatory system so it can be pumped. Once that was pumped the circulatory system passes the oxygen to your brain so your brain can send message to your body. The energy goes to your muscular and skeletal systems so those systems can move and support your body. The pulse is the same as your heart, it pumps fast so it can pump all that oxygen. The body temperature goes up because you get hotter while running and the runner sweats so it can cool your body down. If those systems didn’t get what they needed or didn’t work together you would have no oxygen in your brain and that would shut down so would your heart and blood vessels. That is what these systems do after you run or while you run. Also that is why they need to work together. But last a way we could have made this experiment more organized is people can follow their roles and listen to others ideas. That is our experiment.
How the body regulates oxygen/carbon Dioxide, waste/nutrition. Your body eats and swallows food you eat and then that energy that was in that food goes to your circulatory system which passes the energy to your brain and organs. And then the energy also goes to your muscular system so it that system can be strong healthy and so it can support your body. But the waste that you eat (like fat, sugar, and candy) goes a different route through the small intestine and out the anus into the pee or poop. And then your body is healthy and has no waste. That is how it regulates waste and nutrition's. Your body also regulates oxygen and carbon dioxide by breathing in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. Your body breaths in the oxygen and gives it to the circulatory system so that you can breath and be passed to your brain by it being pumped from the heart and blood vessels. Than your body gets rid of the oxygen that you passed which is now carbon dioxide. You breath out so you get rid of the carbon dioxide. That is how your body regulates oxygen/carbon dioxide, waste/nutrition.