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The circulatory system

The circulatory system. August smith. The circulatory system. There are many system I picked this system is because I'm going talk about blood and other stuff. It cant do it by its self why because it needs every part to do its job.

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The circulatory system

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The circulatory system August smith

  2. The circulatory system There are many system I picked this system is because I'm going talk about blood and other stuff. It cant do it by its self why because it needs every part to do its job. The transportation system of a city has roads ,buses, trucks and cars to move people and supplies. The circulatory system is like the transportation system why because it has the same stuff like jobs and other stuff.

  3. Bloods cells There are 3 typesof bloods cells first one is called red cells, white cells, and platelet.

  4. The circulatory system The veins are blue and the artery are pink .this tell you about the parts in your body. I hope you like it . Parts of your heart Each part of your heart has two parts called atrium and the ventricle. Your heart beat more then 3 billion times that’s a lot.

  5. What is a system ? • A system is a group of smaller parts working together to get the job done.

  6. Capillary's The Capillary's colors are peach color. but the arteries color is red.

  7. Blood vessels It would be impossible to show all the blood vessels in a person body . This picture shows only some of the larger blood vessels. The color of blood vessels is red and blue.

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