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East Boulevard Pedscape – Scott Avenue to Kings Drive. April 6, 2005. Issues to Discuss Tonight. Introduction East Blvd. Pedscape Background & Status Update Why consider a 3-lane option? Review 3-lane traffic model Project Budget & Schedule (Proposed) Project Implementation
East Boulevard Pedscape – Scott Avenue to Kings Drive April 6, 2005
Issues to Discuss Tonight • Introduction • East Blvd. Pedscape Background & Status Update • Why consider a 3-lane option? • Review 3-lane traffic model • Project Budget & Schedule (Proposed) • Project Implementation • Breakout Session and Questions
1) Introduction • City of Charlotte staff: • CDOT – Dan Gallagher, Debbie Self, Josh Saak • CMPC – Kent Main • Engineering – Eric Bilsky
2) East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background Tree-lined avenue Pedestrians activity sidewalks Sidewalk cafés and public art Comfortable for bikes, peds, transit users and motorists Pedestrian-oriented new development mixed with historic fabric
East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background and Implementation Segment
3 crashes: ped (2) bike (1) 11 crashes: ped (4) bike (7) East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background
What we know about this area… Current corridor is not consistent with vision Not pedestrian-friendly but lots of pedestrians High travel speeds – wide range of speeds (44 mph) 21,400 vpd….lots of slaloming Difficult to cross street High level of bike/pedestrian accidents Minimal congestion (few traffic signals)
East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background Will occur over time…
East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background Are the “original” Pedestrian Islands with 4-lane East Boulevard the best that we can do? • Only 2 islands (Floral/Fountain View and at Cumberland/Garden Terrace) • Requires costly ROW because 4-lanes • Eliminates planting strip (exchanges one ped element for another) • Will block some driveways • Will not reduce high travel speeds • Cannot include ped-refuge islands east of Cumberland Avenue - (Freedom Park)
3) How can we accommodate your vision….with a 3-lane option for this segment? • More consistent with corridor vision • Better utilization of roadway space, is more compatible with adjacent land uses and can include better/more pedestrian islands. • Will accommodate East Boulevard traffic and maintain “Dilworth friendly” travel speeds • Should reduce accidents and severity of accidents Video description
Why consider a 3-lane option for this segment cont’d? • Eliminates higher speed, aggressive travel and “slaloming” down the street. • Will provide more locations for pedestrian refuge islands (up to 5) • Will reduce impacts on adjacent properties (no ROW, no driveways blocked) • Can be implemented more quickly than original proposal because 3-laning can be done within the existing curbs.
Why consider a 3-lane section now? Provides a near-term opportunity to “re-think” the 4-lane section. Proposed 4-lane section with ped refuge islands will not fully accomplish the desired vision. Moderate travel speeds in near-term…most prudent driver….and on Dilworth’s terms. Bike lanes in the near term provides benefits to motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Can the 3-lane section include ped-refuge islands? Yes, and they can be wider, landscaped and create a more desirable pedestrian treatment….and more of them. Note: Landscaping will not include annuals