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Chinese 1 Lesson plan Aug.26-30-13

Chinese 1 Lesson plan Aug.26-30-13 . Objectives: TEKS : 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A , * Chinese course description, class expectation *To identify and say Chinese phonics, *To say and write family members in Chinese *To make sentence with sentence pattern: This is ___.

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Chinese 1 Lesson plan Aug.26-30-13

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  1. Chinese 1 Lesson plan Aug.26-30-13 Objectives: TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, *Chinese course description, class expectation *To identify and say Chinese phonics, *To say and write family members in Chinese *To make sentence with sentence pattern: This is ___. * Conversation: Hello, how are you, I am fine. Thank you, and You?

  2. Monday: Welcome to Chinese class!! • Class description and expectations 欢迎 Welcome!

  3. Mondayobjectives: • Students in group of 3 to study the class description and rules they assigned. • Students present to class what they learn about class description and rules. • The teacher introduce the procedures to make the cover and bottom of their binder and grammar book.

  4. dialogues • 你好!我叫_________. 你呢?Hi, My name is_____. How about you? • Nǐhǎo! Wǒjiào_________. Nǐ ne? • 你好! 我叫___________. Hi, My name is___ • Nǐhǎo! Wǒjiào

  5. Tuesday objectives • TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, • Students will be able to pronounce their name in Chinese. • Teacher will introduce new words: family members • Students make a foldable and copy down all the new words in their foldable. • Students practice the new words in pair. • Voc. Quiz tomorrow: dad, mom, elder sister, young sister • Home work: practice reading the new words and at home.

  6. Get your Chinese name BHS • Arenas GizelLizbeth丽沙白lìshābái • Bolander Louis Andrew安德鲁āndélǔ • Bolton Soleil Esperanza希望xīwàng • Brakeley Emerson Elaine Lewis • Caudillo Joseph Andrew安德鲁āndélǔ • Hernandez Angel Saul扫罗sǎoluō • Jimenez Ramon Guillermo • Juarez Ulises Robert罗伯特luōbótè • Le matthew Van 文wén • Lim kaileanMinmae咪咪mīmī • Matatall Nicolette Jeanne珍妮zhēnnī • Rasbury Alexander Michael 麦克màikè • Sturgeon John Thanh他 • Tapia Juan Pablo保罗 bǎoluó • Samuel:

  7. Get to know your Chinese name RHS • Cunningham aiden drake 得瑞克 • Mann Aubrey lynn 09 梅琳 • O‘steen Riley Allan Jerrald 杰纳德 • Dearmon Ka-veonne Isaiah Rashad 拉沙德 • Turner Brent Daniel 丹尼尔 • Mitchell Kahlan Rose 玫瑰 • Raganit Joey Ron 瑞荣 • Tucker Douglas Dale 戴尔 • Compton Jared Alexander 亚力山大 • Schedler Sydney Caroline 石卡兰 • Shaw Daniel Jacob 肖杰克 • Hudson Tristan Nathaniel 胡纳山 • Morris Hunter William 莫维廉 • West Cassidy Nicole 卫妮可 • Wilson Sarah Kendall 威肯德尔 • Weiss Katie lynette魏琳体 • Taing Diane 泰戴安

  8. Family members 爸爸BàBa dad 妈妈Māmāmom 妹妹Mèimeiyounger sister姐姐elder sister

  9. conversation • 你好!Nǐhǎo hello • 我叫_________.Wǒjiào_____ My name is__. • ( 我叫Tom. I am Tom.) • 再见!Zàijiàn Good bye!

  10. Wednesdayobjectives • TEKS:1A,1B, 2A • Review the new words: dad, mom, big sister, little sister, • Learn 4 new words: grandpa, grandma, big brother, little brother. • Review the sentence patterns: • 这是+familymember • Example: 这是我妈妈。Thisismymom。 • Pleasemakeafoldableandtalkaboutyourfamilymembers,atleast4people.

  11. Sentence pattern • This is …. • 这是_________. • This is mom/ dad/ big sister/little sister. • 这是爸爸/妈妈/妹妹/姐姐.

  12. New words 弟弟Dìdì younger brother 哥哥 gege elder brother 奶奶Nǎinai grandma 爷爷Yéye grandpa

  13. Thursday objectives • Teks: 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a • Review new words • Voc.quiz • Make foldable: • Write down new words and make a sentence with each new word. • It is due Friday.

  14. Words are: • 1. 爸爸 2. 妈妈 • 3.爷爷 4.奶奶 • 5.哥哥 6.姐姐 • 7.弟弟 8.妹妹 • Sentence is: This is….这是+familymember

  15. Friday ObjectivesTEKS: 2A, 3A, 5A • GhostMonthproject (Aug. 7 to Sep. 4 western calendar) • The students will go to the library and do a research on Chinese Ghost month. • The students should turn in their project draft next Monday. The research paper is a test grade. It is due Sep. 6. •  Your foldable is due today.

  16. Voc.quiz: Next Monday Please put English after each word • 1. 爸爸 2. 妈妈 • 3.妹妹 4. 爷爷 • 5.姐姐 6. 哥哥 • 7.弟弟 8.奶奶

  17. Ghostmonth Project rubrics • 1. What is Chinese Halloween? When is Chinese Halloween?  • 2.  How long will Chinese Halloween last? What will Chinese people do to celebrate Chinese Halloween? • 3.   What are the characters in Chinese Halloween? • 4.What are the taboos in Chinese Ghost Month? • 5. What is the difference between Chinese Ghost Month and western Halloween? Please name three. • Send your project to Ms. Wu’s email address: • yun-ping.wu@birdvilleschools.net

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