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Week 7 Chinese 1 Lesson plan 10.8-10.12

Week 7 Chinese 1 Lesson plan 10.8-10.12. Objectives: TEKS : 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A , Go over First 6 week exam Review New word: animals Verbs: watch movie, go shopping, play computer games Learn new words: fast, slow, fly, run, walk, swim, sit, stand, sleep, wake up

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Week 7 Chinese 1 Lesson plan 10.8-10.12

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  1. Week 7 Chinese 1 Lesson plan 10.8-10.12 Objectives: TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, Go over First 6 week exam Review New word: animals Verbs: watch movie, go shopping, play computer games Learn new words: fast, slow, fly, run, walk, swim, sit, stand, sleep, wake up To identify and say Chinese Finals: ai, ei, ao, ou, an, en, in, ang, eng, ing,

  2. Monday Staff development • Students’ holiday!!!

  3. Tuesday • Test • Good luck!!

  4. Wednesday • Test correction • Vocabulary • Numbers: • Numbers over 10, you put ten + rest of the one’s number: 11= ten one • 十一 11 • 二十一 21 • 四十一 41 • 五十七 57

  5. Thursday objectives: Review lesson 2TEKS: 1A, 3B, 3A, 4A, 5A, 1) review animals2) Review adjectives3) learn new words:快,慢,飞,跑,走, 游泳,坐,站,睡,醒4) learning text: Please stand up! Please sit down! Be quiet please!

  6. Read the following words • 1. 爸爸 2. 妈妈 • 3.妹妹 4. 爷爷 • 5.姐姐 6. 哥哥 • 7.弟弟 8.奶奶 • 9. 她 10。我 • 11。他 12。它

  7. Read the numbers • 一 Yīone • 二 Èr two • 三 Sān three • 四 Sì four • 五 Wǔ five • 六 Liù six • 七 Qī seven • 八 Bā eight • 九 Jiǔ nine • 十 Shí ten

  8. Sentencereview • Please translate the sentences into English • 1。我是Tom。 • 2。她是Willow。 • 3。这是爷爷。 • 4。这是奶奶。 • 5。他是我弟弟。 • 6。她是我姐姐。 • 7。它是Frank。

  9. Animals, or bugs, or mammals, etc….. • Giraffe/Chángjǐnglù长颈鹿 • bird/Niǎo 鸟 • Monkey/Hóuzi猴子 • Panda/Xióngmāo熊猫 • Skunk/Chòuyòu臭鼬 • Peacock/Kǒngquè孔雀 • Spider/Zhīzhū 蜘蛛 • Horse/Mǎ马 • Elephant/Xiàng象 • Hippo/Hémǎ河马 • Tiger/Hǔ虎 • Lion,/ Shīzi,狮子, • Penguin/Qì'é企鹅 • Wolf/ Láng狼

  10. New words • 快 Kuài fast Enrique跑得快Enrique pǎo de kuài。Enrique runs fast. • 慢màn slow 武老师走得慢Wǔlǎoshīzǒu de màn。Ms. Wu walks slowly. • 飞fēi fly • 鸟飞得快Niǎofēi de kuài. 。 • 跑pǎo run • Scott 跑得慢Azarelpǎo de màn。Scott runs slow. • 走zǒu, walk • 我走得快Wǒzǒu de kuài。 • Make a foldable and turn it in to me next Monday. Oct. 15th. run. Azarel runs slow. Zǒu

  11. Friday objectives • 1)The usage of 得 • 2)Greetings • 3)Vowel sounds: in, an, en, • ing, ang, eng, ong, • a, o, e, • Nice weekend! • Do your homework! • Foldable is due next Monday!!

  12. Grammar: adv usage in the sentence得will be needed after the verb. • V+得+adv to modify a verb /describe “ how” a subject does. • Examples • 吃得好 eat well • 跑得快 run fast • 走得慢 walk slowly • You turn to use verb + 得+ adv

  13. Commands • 起立Qǐlì!Standup, please! • 请坐Qǐngzuò!Sit down, please! • 请安静qǐngĀnjìng! Be quiet, please!

  14. Adjectives Review • Tall高Gāo • Short矮ǎi • thin瘦shòu • fat胖pàng tame驯服xùnfú ferocious凶猛xiōngměng Subject + adj. Remember: do not put 是before the adjective. 我高。(Correct) 我是高。(incorrect)

  15. New words 游泳Yóuyǒng swim 坐Zuò sit 站Zhàn stand 睡Shuì sleep 醒Xǐng wake up

  16. Finals/ vowel sounds in Pinyin • in, an, en, • 您Nín,宾bīn,林lín,民mín, • 饭Fàn,蛋dàn, 炭tàn,班bān, • 本Běn,门mén,粉fěn • ing, ang, eng, ong, • 听Tīng,零Líng,名míng,平píng • 羊yáng,房fáng,糖táng,港gǎng • 灯dēng,朋Péng, 梦mèng,风, fēn • 红hóng,勇yǒng,熊xióng,凶xiōng

  17. Practice dialogue • Please stand up! • Please sit down! • Please be quiet!

  18. Home work • Please memorize the new words • Please practice making sentences with adjectives and adverbs and make 4 sentences with your adverbs and adjectives. • To the absent students: • Copy down the new words • Memorize the new words. Prepare for Tuesday’s voc.quiz • Please practice making sentences with adjectives. • Make 4 sentences in your spirals with adverbs.

  19. Learn more, more, more, more Chinese. Tell me what you learn and you earn a ruffle ticket~ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNoOdNvdZlg • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5rNiEnpB7c

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