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Pennacchietti et al. Suppl. Fig. 3

Pennacchietti et al. Suppl. Fig. 3. MKN-45. H1993. MKN-45. H1993. DN30 Fab (nM). 0. 400. 0. 400. 0. 400. 0. 400. HGF (100 ng/ml). pAKT. pMET. AKT. MET. pHER3. ERK. HER3. HER3. pGAB1. GAB1. pERK.

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Pennacchietti et al. Suppl. Fig. 3

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  1. Pennacchietti et al. Suppl. Fig. 3 MKN-45 H1993 MKN-45 H1993 DN30 Fab (nM) 0 400 0 400 0 400 0 400 HGF (100 ng/ml) pAKT pMET AKT MET pHER3 ERK HER3 HER3 pGAB1 GAB1 pERK Suppl. Fig. 3. HGF restores physiological, GAB-1-mediated MET signaling in DN30 Fab-treated MET-addicted cells. MKN-45 gastric carcinoma cells and H1993 lung carcinoma cells were incubated with the indicated concentrations of DN30 Fab in the absence or presence of 100 ng/ml HGF. Cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting using antibodies directed against the indicated signaling proteins and their phosphorylated forms (indicated with the ‘p’ prefix).

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