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SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION Organization Name Proposal For
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION I.SUMMARY This section should include information for those readers who will not read the entire document but who will need a summary of the proposal. Although this section appears first in the document, it is usually written last. • The summary should remain on a separate page and not exceed one page. • The summary should contain the following elements: • Brief identification and purpose of your organization • The purpose and anticipated end result of this proposal • The type and amount of support requested • The total anticipated budget • Other information you deem pertinent
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION II. INTRODUCTION • Introduce your organization here. • It is best to begin by explaining how and why your organization was founded. It is also a good idea to provide a mission statement so that your readers know who you are and what you do. • Your introduction can include information such as the purpose of your organization, a description of its activities, a description of its target population, and evidence to show that it is a healthy organization.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION III. NEEDS/PROBLEMS A. Identify the needs or problems to be addressed. Include the target population and any statistical information that you may have. B. Ideas for information to include here are: Length of time needs/problems have existed • Whether problem has ever been addressed before, and what the outcome was • Impact of problem to target population • Impact of problem to surrounding populations
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION IV. GOALS/OBJECTIVES State the desired goals and objectives to address the needs/problems stated above. Also include key benefits of reaching goals/objectives. Goal 1____________________ Goal 2____________________ Goal 3____________________
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION • PROCEDURES/SCOPE OF WORK • Provide detailed information about proposed procedures, if available, and the scope of work. • Include information on activities such as recruiting, training, testing, and actual work required.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION VI. TIMETABLE: Provide detailed information on the expected timetable for the project. Break the project into phases, and provide a schedulefor each phase.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION VII. BUDGET State the proposed costs and budget of the project. Also include information on how you intend to manage the budget.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION VIII. KEY PERSONNEL List the key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the project, as well as other personnel involved in the project.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION IX. EVALUATION Discuss how progress will be evaluated throughout and at the end of the project.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION X. ENDORSEMENTS Provide the names and addresses of individuals and companies who support and endorse the project.
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION XI. NEXT STEPS A. Specify the actions required of the readers of this document. • Step 1________________ • Step 2________________ • Step 3________________
SAMPLE GRANT APPLICATION XII. APPENDIX Provide supporting material for your proposal here.
FOLLOW-UP AFTER GRANT APPLICATION • Note the report / award of grant date. • If you are awarded a grant, review the requirements to fulfill the grantee requests. • Always send a letter of thanks if awarded and a letter of appreciation if not awarded. • Keep your avenues open.
ONE SAMPLE OF GRANT REQUEST September 7, 2010 , Dear , I am the Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska. Thank you for the opportunity to apply for some grant money from your Outreach Committee. You have generously provided us some grant monies in the past. The last time was in 2008 when you sent me $600 which enabled me to visit three of our native missions in the interior bush area. As a diocese we just emerged from Chapter 11 in February of this year. For the last two years I have only been able to get to three villages in the bush. I am hoping this year that I will be able to get to more of the villages and assist them in their catechetical programs and sacramental preparation. On the average it is about $400 for a round trip to an interior village and about $500-600 to a village on the Northwest coast. All these villages are remote and only accessible by airplane. So I am requesting about $1000 if possible from your Outreach Committee. Of course I will be most grateful and appreciative for whatever you can afford to give us. I am enclosing a map of the area where I will be ministering in the bush and also an article I wrote about my trip to Little Diomede Island which is our most remote mission. So it is with hopeful anticipation that I submit this grant and ask you to consider assisting me in reaching these remote native villages. I have seen the Spirit alive and well in the midst of our native peoples. Their faith has been strong even though the number of priests, Sisters, and Brothers is declining. All of these villages only have Mass once every several months or less that that. It is the local people who lead the Communion Services and perform all the ministries in their parishes. It is my dream that I will be able to reach all thirteen bush parishes this year and continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus to all those I encounter there. Gratefully in prayer, Sister Dorothy Giloley SSJ 16
Outreach Application Date: September 7, 2010 Organization Name: Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska –Fairbanks Diocese Office of Religious Education Contact Person: Sister Dorothy Giloley SSJ Address: The Chancery 1316 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 Phone: 907-374-9572 Fax: 907-374-9580 Website: www.dioceseoffairbanks.org E-mail : dorothy@cbna.org Project Name: Office of Religious Education-Transportation to Remote Parishes and Missions • What is the purpose of the organization/project? What are your goals? What is your mission? The mission statement of the Fairbanks Diocese is: We are people of God in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fairbanks. Blessed with a rich variety of backgrounds and talents, we strive to be a living reflection of the Universal Church. Through our baptism, we continue Christ's mission to further the kingdom of God through the human family. We share our living faith by proclaiming the Gospel in word and example. Together we celebrate Christ's presence in worship and sacraments. In a spirit of justice, mercy and love, we dedicate ourselves not only to minister to the people in the urban and rural areas of our Diocese, but also to minister to the world community. As the Diocesan Director of Religious Education part of my mission is to travel to thirteen of our remote native missions in the interior and on the Northwest Coast which are only accessible by airplane. My ministry is to prepare catechists in the knowledge of the faith, to instruct them in methods of religious education and to assist them in setting up the sacramental prep and the catechetical ministry in their parishes. 17
2. How will the organization /project benefit a poverty group? This project will benefit the people in our missions living in eight Athabaskan villages on the Yukon River, three Inupiat villages on the Northwest Coast and the towns of Nome on the Bering Sea and Barrow on the Arctic Ocean. The population is 75% native with some white, black and Asian people who work for the state, the utilities or are in the schools. About half of the people in the villages are under 20 years old. The native people live a subsistence life style and about 25 % were living below the poverty level in 2004 and the median income would be around $25,000 a year. The unemployment rate is given at 15 % in 2006 but now of course it is much higher. The cost of food and fuel is very high (fuel is $7.00 a gallon). These parishes are subsidized by our diocesethrough donations to our Alaskan Shepherd Fund plus grants from charitable foundations. 3. What are the non-financial ways our parish can support this organization? First of all your support and prayers would be greatly appreciated. Secondly if it were possible I could connect your parish with the leaders in some of our village missions and your children and youth could perhaps keep in touch with the native children and youth. There is a parish in Michigan that sends me one of their children’s collections each month for the catechetical needs of the children in our native villages. We have connected the native children with the families in this parish through cards, letters, photos, prayer cards, and little gifts that the children make for each other. What other sources of funding presently exist for this organization/project? Right now I only have limited funding available from a few donations I have received. I am always seeking grants and donations to help with this crucial need. I would like to be able to get to the thirteen villages this year if possible. As a diocese we just emerged from a Chapter 11 in February, 2010, so we are still struggling to get the funding we need especially in my case for travel to the missions in the bush. What structures are in place to assure that your group has the capacity to do what they propose? (money, people, know-how, past record, etc. ) Many of these parishes already have some volunteer catechists who have limited catechetical formation. They are preparing the children and youth for the sacraments and they need further preparation in the knowledge of their faith and in methods of teaching. I would continue the formation of the catechists and assist the parishes in having on-going faith formation, youth ministry, a catechetical program for children and adult faith formation. In the past when I was able to visit a village mission I have been able to motivate the catechists and assist them in taking leadership in the catechetical ministry in their parish. 18
COMPLETED PACKET SHOULD INCLUDE Check List __x__ a. Proposal Cover Sheet __x__ b. Proposal Narrative (Questions #1-4 ) __x__ c. Project Budget Sheet __x__ d. List of Governing/Advisory Board or Group __x__ e. Organization is not requesting capital or operating fund __x__ f. Letter of Support from organization Representative __x__ g. Documentation of updated 501 (c) (3) non-profit status ( tax exempt status is not sufficient) Incomplete packets will not be considered. 20
NCCL RURAL CATECHESIS COMMITTEE Members Rosie Bartel (co-chairs) Evelyn Burton Denise Donahoe Carole Eipers Patrick Finan Sr. Dorothy Giloley Bill Harper Susan Kay Emily Klinker Linda Lewis Mary Helen Llañez Heidi Macko Linda Mulvaney Karen Pesek Barbara Anne Radtke Sr. Digna Vela 5/16/2011