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Public Schools of Robeson County Common Core State Standards 6 – 12 Mathematics SESSION 6. June 11, 2012 8:00-11:00am Welcome Back!!! Aaron Locklear Curriculum Specialist, LSHS Catrina Bailey Curriculum Specialist , SRHS Annette Kenworthy Mathematics teacher, PSHS.
Public Schools of Robeson CountyCommon Core State Standards6 – 12 MathematicsSESSION 6 June 11, 2012 8:00-11:00am Welcome Back!!! Aaron Locklear Curriculum Specialist, LSHS Catrina Bailey Curriculum Specialist, SRHS Annette Kenworthy Mathematics teacher, PSHS
How familiar are you with the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice? • Think-Pair-Share • 1) Think for one minute • 2) Share with your shoulder partner • 3) Share with your group STARTER
Starter • Session Logistics • Total Instructional Alignment recap • Review of Previous CCSS Workshops • Reflection Activity • Closure…Evaluation of CCSS Workshops Sequence of Session
“Train the Trainer” Model Parking Lot Session Materials Technology
1. To create a Total Instructional Alignment guide for a Common Core State Standard. 2. To review and discuss the major themes of previous CCSS sessions. 3. To explore rich tasks that lend themselves to the CCSS implementation 4. To summarize how we can use what we have learned to implement the standards. Learning Objectives
A process to ensure that what we are teaching, what we are assessing and how we are teaching are congruent. TOTAL INSTRUCTIONAL ALIGNMENT
Instructional Task Analysis • The task analysis should begin with a verb (preferably a Revised Bloom’s) and the task should be measurable. • What knowledge and skills are needed in order for the student to master the learning standard? • Sequence in order to simple to complex • The last task should be a restatement of the standard.
For your specific standard complete only the: • Mathematical Practices • Clarifying Objective • Instructional Task Analysis • Essential Vocabulary 6th7th8th High School • 6.RP.3 7.RP.2 8.F.2 F.IF.6 • Write info on large template chart paper Total Instructional Alignment Activity
Domain corestandards.org Grade Level Cluster Standards
http://www.ncpublicschools.org/acre/standards/support-tools Mathematics Crosswalks
A comparison between the Common Core State Standards and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They inform educators about how the current standards align with the CCSS Standards. Crosswalk Documents
The purpose of the Unpacking Documents is to increase student achievement by ensuring educators understand the new standards. • These documents is an effort to answer a simple question “What does this standard mean that a student must know and be able to do?” and to ensure the description is helpful, specific and comprehensive for educators. Unpacking Documents
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Standards for Mathematical Practices • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of • others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Geometry 7.G Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. 4. Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle. Middle School Standards
Method 1: • Enclose the circle in a square. • Draw two perpendicular diameters. • What is the size of each of the 4 smaller • squares? • Cover the circle in lima beans. • Using the beans covering the circle, cover • the squares. • How does the area of the circle compare to • the squares? Discovering the Area of A Circle
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Original Revised Noun Verb
Which of the 8 mathematical practices apply to the “Discovering the Area of a Circle” activity? • Which verbs relate to Revised Blooms Taxonomy relate to this activity? • How do you move students beyond the “remembering” level of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy? Talking Tables Meeting the CCSS standards
Mathematical practices describe the habits of mathematically proficient students… Who is doing the talking? Who is doing the math? - Cathy Seely
What comes to your mind when you see the following types of Math Assessment sample items?
Statistics and Probability 6.SP Summarize and describe distributions. 4. Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots, histograms, and box plots. 6th grade standard
The CCSS explicitly call for, and integrate, higher-order thinking skills as a means to achieving career and college readiness for all students. http://www.p21.org/tools-and-resources/publications/p21-common-core-toolkit RIGOR and CCSS
Sample Forms of Next Generation Assessments • Sample forms of the new READY EOC assessments for English II, Algebra I/Integrated I, and Biology will be available on the web early fall 2012. • Sample forms of the new READY EOG assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science will be available late winter 2013. They will be available on the current released forms web page. http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/testing/releasedforms
When planning, ask “What task can I give that will build student understanding?” rather than “How can I explain clearly so they will understand?” Grayson Wheatley, NCCTM, 2002
Topic: Ways to Implement the CCSS Directions • Separate flip chart into parts (based on # in group) • Each person in group gets a place • Write down what you learned about the topic • Read each person’s response in your group • Pick top 5 and place in middle of “place mat” • Share with audience place mat “Place Mat” Activity
Edmodois a free and secure social networking platform for teachers, students, parents, and administrators. Trainees must have an account to access all training powerpoints, activities,etc: 1)www.robeson.edmodo.com 2) If you have a current account, login with your credentials. If not, then select “I’m a Teacher” and enter Edmodo school code (ask your office staff) 3) Click “join” and enter code i9oi0e to join Mathematics Group-grades 6-12 EDMODO
Questions and Comments aaron.locklear@robeson.k12.nc.us Aaron Locklear annette.kenworthy@robeson.k12.nc.us Annette Kenworthy catrina.bailey@robeson.k12.nc.usCatrina Bailey 9/10/2014 • page 37
Did you sign in? • Parking Lot questions • Workshop Evaluation • What suggestions do you have for future professional development next year for the Common Core State Standards? • HAVE A GREAT SUMMER REMINDERS:
What worked? • What did not work? Group Dynamics for CCSS