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Slavery . Eli Whitney . The Cotton Gin. 1800 About 1 Million American Slaves 1860 4 Million 500,000 Free Slaves 1/8 “Blood” considered Black . 3 Types of Slaves Field Slaves . Driver Overseer . House Slave Artisan Slave. Pellagra. Geophagy.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Slavery Eli Whitney The Cotton Gin

  2. 1800 About 1 Million American Slaves 1860 4 Million 500,000 Free Slaves 1/8 “Blood” considered Black

  3. 3 Types of Slaves Field Slaves Driver Overseer

  4. House Slave Artisan Slave

  5. Pellagra Geophagy

  6. Fictive Kin Broomstick Weddings

  7. Slave Rebellions Gabriel Proesser Denmark Vesey Day to Day Resistance Nat Turner

  8. Slave Justification George Fitzhugh Cannibals All Thomas Dew Used Religion to Justify

  9. Abolition American Colonization Society William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator

  10. Free Soil Party Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin

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