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Social Media Optimization Tools That Won’t Break the Bank. Lisa Buyer The Buyer Group – Interactive PR and Social Media President/CEO – Publicist Search Engine Watch Journalist. (speaker logo). Meet Lisa Buyer. Publicist, Columnist, Specialist. Social #PR Chat Editor
Social Media Optimization Tools That Won’t Break the Bank Lisa Buyer The Buyer Group – Interactive PR and Social Media President/CEO – Publicist Search Engine Watch Journalist (speaker logo)
Meet Lisa Buyer Publicist, Columnist, Specialist. Social #PR Chat Editor CEO of The Buyer Group, a Social PR agency Search Engine Watch Columnist Clients include B2B, B2C, Public, and Private companies across a spectrum of industries. Frequent industry speaker and writer for various publications including ClickZ, SocialPRChat, and SearchEngineWatch.com. University of Florida (Go Gators!) graduate with a degree in Public Relations & Business Administration. @lisabuyer
Social MediaOptimization @lisabuyer
The Possibility @lisabuyer
Social Media @lisabuyer
No Pain!Social Media Optimization Social Media - What’s is costing you? Productivity Efficiency Time Money @lisabuyer
Social Media Optimization Tools Free to Affordable Social Collaboration Promote across multiple networks Measurement Offer Multiple Benefits Lead generation Spread good content @lisabuyer
Learn how to put Social Media to work for you! @lisabuyer
Social Media Tools Affordable and Easy Increase Productivity Improve Efficiencies Save Time Make Money @lisabuyer
8 SMO Tools @lisabuyer
Social Collaboration @lisabuyer
Overworked, overwhelmed, and underdone. Z Z Z Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Vestibulumnecmassaurna. Mauris et augueeros. Aeneanconsequatpurus non nuncegestasbibendum. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Vestibulumnecmassaurna. Mauris et augueeros. Aeneanconsequatpurus non nuncegestasbibendum. Praesentfermentumauctorligulaquismollis. Donecullamcorpertinciduntelit in convallis. Utvariusrisusutmassavariuslacinia et necturpis. Utaccumsancondimentumsollicitudin. Quisqueornareposuerevolutpat. Sedlobortistincidunt dolor, velsemperorcicursus id. Ut dolor felis, bibendumsedpellentesque ac, convallissedleo. Nunc tempus, tellus ac sollicitudinaccumsan, mi elitmattisnunc, ac suscipiterosaugue sit ametfelis. Proin at ligulahendreritodiovulputateposuere. Aliquamauguenunc, porttitor ac sagittisvel, suscipitvel est. Proin at ligulahendreritodiovulputateposuere. Aliquamauguenunc, porttitor ac sagittisvel, suscipitvel est. Nullamvelodiovelit. Vestibulum ante ipsumprimis in faucibusorciluctus et ultricesposuerecubiliaCurae; Nulla at interdum dui. Pellentesquemalesuada, ante sedporttitorvehicula, turpisliberogravidaerat, sedaccumsan dui nunc in nunc. Maecenas sedjustorisus. Integer auctorultriceseros non tempor. Mauris at ante in loremvehiculainterdum. Donecvulputate, odio ac vehiculavehicula, eratrisuspulvinarmassa, at vehiculatellussapienutipsum. Integer auctorultriceseros non tempor. Mauris at ante in loremvehiculainterdum. Donecvulputate, odio ac vehiculavehicula, eratrisuspulvinarmassa, at vehiculatellussapienutipsum. x Fewer Staff Current tools are boring People are picky Brands are now social x @lisabuyer
Connect. Collaborate. Share. @lisabuyer
is an open social collaboration tool. Easily get things done with anyone, anywhere. Connect Collaborate Done Working on a story Ideas, sources, proofs Submit
But, there’s good news. People are social Companies love people Social platforms grow business @lisabuyer
is a social collaboration platform that bridges the gap betweenour personal and professional circles. • Inside the organization • Outside the organization • Social sharing • Private and public collaboration @lisabuyer
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A unified space forall your professional projects. From planning acontent strategy to collaborating on a keyword research or finding new SEO talent. @lisabuyer
Plan your social and professionallife using one shared calendar.
Instant messaging, group discussion,file transfer and storage, time tracking, calendar syncing, private to-dos, and group collaboration.
Discover the world’s most interesting doers. See what they’re working on. Invite them into your own projects.
The search and social side of • Search-friendly • Trending hash tags • Twitter feeds and Twitter handles • Tweet a link to the tracks that are public to promote your panel and increase conference exposure • Facebook sharing • TIP • Subtrackcould include a 140 character-ready tweet with a Twitter handle and conference event hashtag
What can you do with this session Join our panel’s group Find our Power Points Supporting articles and resources Share stats on Facebook/Twitter/Email Collaborate with everyone Continue the conversation after the session @lisabuyer
Cost: Free @lisabuyer
Connect. Collaborate. Share. What if you had 20304050100+trusted bloggers spreading the word for you and sharing your content?
Content distribution Content generation Engagement Cost: FREE @lisabuyer
Social Media Promotion Case Study @lisabuyer
Facebook is primary integration Great for Sweepstakes Contest Easy to use Results Oriented Excellent customer service Affordable SM Promotion Platforms @lisabuyer
Grow Your Fan Base Create Interactions Generate Leads Attract Publicity Affordable Results:SMO to build your brand exposure @lisabuyer
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Starting at $30/month • For 1 Page • Up to 1000 fans @lisabuyer
Facebook is primary integration Great for Sweepstakes Contest Easy to use Results Oriented Excellent customer service Affordable SM Promotion Platforms @lisabuyer
Affordable SM Promotion Platforms @lisabuyer
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