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Plant & Animal Cells

Plant & Animal Cells. Animal Cell. Cell Membrane Gate of the Cell It controls what comes in and out of the cell. Animal Cell. Ribosomes Protein Producer It produces proteins for the cell. Animal Cell. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Bumpy Maze

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Plant & Animal Cells

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plant & Animal Cells

  2. Animal Cell Cell Membrane • Gate of the Cell • It controls what comes in and out of the cell.

  3. Animal Cell Ribosomes • Protein Producer • It produces proteins for the cell.

  4. Animal Cell Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum • Bumpy Maze • Passageways that carry proteins around the cell.

  5. Animal Cell Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Maze • Maze of Passageways

  6. Animal Cell Golgi Bodies • Mailroom (package) • Packages and transports materials around the cell.

  7. Animal Cell Vacuole • Storage Tanks • It stores food, water, and chemicals in the cell.

  8. Animal Cell Mitochondria • Powerhouse • It produces most of the energy for the cell.

  9. Animal Cell Lysosomes • Garbage Cans • It breaks down and digests waste products

  10. Animal Cell Cytoplasm • Jelly / Gel • A gel-like substance that holds the organelles

  11. Animal Cell Nuclear Membrane • Gate to the nucleus • Controls what goes in and out the nucleus.

  12. Animal Cell Nucleoplasm • Nucleus Jelly • Gel in the nucleus.

  13. Animal Cell Nucleolus • Little Ball • Makes the ribosomes.

  14. Animal Cell Chromatin • Director • It directs the functions of cells.

  15. Plant Cell Cell Wall • Supporter & Protector • It shapes and protects the cell.

  16. Plant Cell Cell Membrane • Gate of the Cell • It controls what comes in and out of the cell.

  17. Plant Cell Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum • Smooth Maze • The passageways that carry proteins around the cell.

  18. Plant Cell Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum • Bumpy Maze • The passageways that carry proteins around the cell.

  19. Plant Cell Mitochondria • Powerhouse • It produces most of the energy for the cell.

  20. Plant Cell Chloroplasts • Food Producers (green) • Contain chlorophyll and trap energy from the sun for photosnthesis.

  21. Plant Cell Vacuole • Storage Tanks • It stores food, water, and chemicals in the cell.

  22. Plant Cell Golgi Body (Golgi Apparatus) • Mailroom • Packages and transports proteins from the ER and moves them in the cell.

  23. Plant Cell Nucleolus • Little Ball • Makes the ribosomes.

  24. Plant Cell Nucleoplasm • Nucleus Jelly • Gel in the nucleus.

  25. Plant Cell Chromatin • Director • It directs the functions of the cell.

  26. Plant Cell Ribosomes • Protein Producer • It produces proteins for the cell.

  27. Plant Cell Cytoplasm • Jelly / Gel • A gel-like substance that holds the organelles

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