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Computer TimeLine

Computer TimeLine. 1960. 1961 the first electronic spreadsheet 1962 The first commercial Modem 1963 The first Mouse 1964 visual Basic 1965 Andy Groove, former Intel CEO, predicted that Intel will ship a processor with one billion transistors in 2011 which is in line with Moore's Law

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Computer TimeLine

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  1. Computer TimeLine

  2. 1960 • 1961 the first electronic spreadsheet • 1962The first commercial Modem • 1963 The first Mouse • 1964 visual Basic • 1965Andy Groove, former Intel CEO, predicted that Intel will ship a processor with one billion transistors in 2011 which is in line with Moore's Law • 1969 Arpanet and the Internet 

  3. 1970 • 1971 Wireless Lan anda computer engineer named Ray Tomlinson sent the first e-mail message and The first Micro -processor, The 4004, is designed by Intel's Marcian Hoff • 1972 C was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie while working at Bell Labs in New Jersey and Xerox begin development of the GUI (Graphics User Interface) based system, known as the Alto, and later The Xerox Star. and The first experimental Ethernet system, the Alto Aloha Network, was developed by Dr Robert M Metcalfe at Xerox PARC and The Home Brew Club

  4. 1973CP/MGary Kildall writes a simple operating system in his PL/M language. He calls it CP/M (Control Program/Monitor). • 1975MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) was was founded in 1968 by Ed Roberts and two friends. • 1975 Bill Gates forms Microsoft and Imsai 8080 • 1976 Apple is formed and the floppy disk was introduced • 1977 MITS Altair sold andThe ADM-3A was one of the first affordable serial display terminals manufactured by Lear-Siegler Inc. of Anaheim California.

  5. 1977 Xerox introduces the Laser and in 1976 and sells ready to order computer kits based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor by mail and Apple II Launched and Z80-A chip is produced, its the Z80-A has a standard clock rate of 4 Mhz. • In 1997 the PET 2001 (Personal Electronic Transactor) was the first computer unit ready to plug in to a mains supply and use. • 1978 VisiCalc (visible calculator) Spreadsheet is born and The very first spam message was sent in 1978 when the internet was known as Arpanet. • 1979 Ashton Tate releases Dbase (a micro database system) and in 1979 Apple Computer also releases DOS 3.2

  6. 1980 • 1980 The first 3.5 inch floppy drive and SuperCalc, the  spreadsheetfor CPM. SuperCalcwas designed to work with any computer running the most popular operating system of the time, CP/M. The most popular CP/M computer and in 1980 The Apple III was announced in June 1980. It contained a Synertek 8-bit 6502A processor which could run at speeds up to 2 MHz. • 1981IBM PC and in 1981, IBM introduced its new revolution in a box, the "Personal Computer" complete with a brand new operating system from Microsoft and a 16-bit computer operating system called MS-DOS 1.0.  and also in 1981 Xerox invents WIMPSThe first concept of a windowing (or WIMP - windows, icons, menus and pointers) system appeared in the Xerox 8010 ('Star') system in 1981.

  7. 1981ctrl+alt+del was discovered by David J. Bradley • 1982Commodore 64.  The 64 came without a monitor, but had 64K RAM, and featured a sound synthesizer chip. and  Lotus is formed giving 1-2-3 Mitch Kapor developed Lotus and his spreadsheet program quickly became the new industry spreadsheet standard and in 1982 Hercules GraphicsA graphics display system for PCs developed by Van Suwannukul, founder of Hercules Computer Technology. • 1983 LCD and laptops and in 1983 Apple Lisa 1. It was the first personal computer to use a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Aimed mainly at large businesses.

  8. 1984Amstrad PCW and The 9600 modem and Adobe Post Script and in 1984 VoyetraSequencer was discovered. With this new tool, musicians could compose and edit music with great detail and hear their compositions played by an array of MIDI synthesizers. Psion launches 1st personal organizer. • 1984 HP pioneers inkjet technology and Apple Mac was launched and Microsoft Excel. • 1985The first virus. The first PC virus was created. Known as the brain virus which was written in Pakistan. • 1985Windows 1 • 1985Tandy TRS-80 In 1985 Tandy launched the TRS-80 (nicknamed the Trash-80) Model 100, a portable computer which featured an eight-row by 40-column reflective LCD screen and is regarded by many as the first mainstream notebook.

  9. 1985 NEC JC-1401PJA CRT monitor .The CRT was invented way back in 1897 and provided the obvious -and probably only -display technology to accommodate the computer revolution • 1985 CD-ROM is launched by Sony and Phillips combined. • 1985 Aldus Pagemaker The first desktop publishing program was created by Paul Brainard and a company called Aldus, the program called "Aldus Pagemaker 1.0" was released in July, 1985 for the "Macintosh" and in December, 1986, for the "IBM".  • 1985 Atari ST Atari introduced an all new line of computers called the Atari ST line.     These new computers would use the Motorola 68000 processor, come with 512K of memory, use 3.5" disk drives, RGB monitors and a graphics user environment based on CP/M 68K and Digital Research GEM.

  10. 1986Amiga 1000 UK lunchThe Commodore Amiga 1000 was the first computer to use more than 16 color output • 1986 SCSI interface standard adopted • 1986SQL (Standard Query Language) • 1986 JPEG invented. JPEG stands for the Joint Photographic Experts group, JPEG is designed for compressing either full-color or grey-scale images of natural, real-world scenes. • 1987 Windows 2

  11. 1987VGA (video graphics array) brings 256 colors at  640x480 • 1987PC Audio • 1987 Apple developsTrueType font • 1989 The World Wide Web • 1989 Internet Porn • 1989 Kurt Arkley started work on graphics interface Open GL. • 1989 Microsoft  Word for Windows 1. • 1989 Lotus begins work on Notes • 1989 Wireless communications

  12. 1990 • 1990 WordPerfect 5.1 launched. • 1990 IDE (Integrated Drive Elec1990tronics) • 1990 Adobe launches Photoshop. • 1990 Windows 3, a workable GUI • 1991 V32 Bis Modems • 1991 Linux is born • 1991 Sound Blaster Pro "ups" the audio stakes. • 1991SonicWall personal Firewall technology. • 1991 MPEG makes JPEGS  move.

  13. 1991 Adobe PDF. • 1991 IBM OS/2 • 1991 Windows NT a proper GUI multi-tasker. • 1991 Microsoft Visual Basic makes its debut. • 1991 The first version of HTML. • 1992Wolfenstein takes gamers by storm. • 1992 Palm starts improving hand held  computers. • 1992 VESA Bus • 1993  INTEL Pentium released. • 1993DOOM released

  14. 1993 The I386 processor and I387 math's co-processor launched. • 1993 Mosaic builds its first graphical Internet browser. • 1993 Windows NT 3.1 launched • 1993 PCI Local Bus • 1994 SMS brings text to the. • 1994 Mosaic releases NETSCAPE. • 1994 NetWare Directory Services. • 1994 Galaxy is the Internet's first searchable directory. • 1995 Microsoft plug and play into Win95. • 1995 Citrix stakes out the ASP model.

  15. 1995 Sun launches JAVA. • 1995 E-Commerce and Amazon. • 1995 Microsoft DirectX. • 1995 Exchange Server 3.51 released • 1996 Macromedia introduces Flash. • 1996 Office for windows 95 • 1996 USB (Universal Serial Bus). • 1996 NT 4.0 released • 1996 Windows CE V1.0 launched • 1996 DVD (Digital Video Disk).

  16. 1997 Voodoo launches 3D graphics. • 1997 IEEE standard • 1998Recordable and re-writable CD 's. • 1999 Gigabit Ethernet. • 1999 AMD puts Athlon on Motherboards. • 1999Nvidia launches GeForce. • 1999 MP3 music files. • 1999 Peer to Peer (P2P) from NAPSTER. • 2000 Compaq iPAQ. • 2000 Windows 2000

  17. 2000 • 2000 Windows ME • 2000 Bill Gates relinquishes CEO • 2000 Microsoft launches the Xbox • 2000 The millennium BUG • 2001 Convergence of Phones and PDA's. • 2001 Computer Generated Graphics create human forms indistinguishable from reality. • 2001 Windows XP • 2001 USB2 • 2002 XP SR1

  18. 2002Lindows • 2002Lindowssigns with Microtel • 2003 Microsoft Office 2003 • 2003Blaster worm • 2003 Multithreading • 2003 Intel Canterwood motherboard • 2003 Intel Prescott • 2003 WI-FI communication

  19. 1993 - The pentium processor invented. What developed in 1993?

  20. What Could Develop Over next 50 years? 2017,you could be taking off for a stay at a hotel in orbit, with the peace of mind that robots were tending the garden in your absence, making sure the kaleidoscopic flowers were well looked after. 2030, your children could be entertained by video tiles in the bathroom, before sitting in a playroom with wallpaper that changes appearance to promote energy, happiness, or calm, for example, while interacting with a toy that responds to their voice with matching emotions. 2040, we can look forward to holographic TVs projecting 3D images into our living rooms to entertain our custom designed pets, and a space elevator to take us up and away to a moon village.

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