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Learn conflict resolution strategies to navigate through opposing viewpoints, emotions, and misunderstandings effectively. Improve communication skills to reach consensus and resolve conflicts in various scenarios.

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  2. ARTE and SAVs

  3. ARTE and SAVs • SAVs - Station Assistance Visits • ARTE - Advanced Rescue Trainer / Evaluator

  4. ARTE and SAVs • A Manager or Station can request a Station Assistance Visit to resolve a particular issue that may involve a: 1. Training deficiency 2. Personnel problem 3. Conflict within a station

  5. ARTE and SAVs • ARTE team members are used in this capacity, and may become aware of a situation that needs assessing. • Where issues appear straight forward, they may be able to deal with themselves. • However in more complex human resources situations, they would simply assess, and provide feed back to the Human Resources Manager.

  6. ARTE and SAVs • It is important therefore for ARTE Team members to be aware of the basics of conflict resolution, in order to: 1. obtain the necessary information needed for feedback 2. resolve some simple problems or conflicts that may arise. • It is extremely important that you don’t get in too deep!

  7. What is Conflict?

  8. What is Conflict? • “An opposition of opinions or purposes that may cause mental strife” – Fight – Argument – Disagreement – Heated Discussion

  9. Causes of Conflict

  10. Causes of Conflict 1 Conflict can stem from: • opposition • a clash of opposing ideas • disagreement • fight or battle • contention, hostility

  11. opposing viewpoints or opinions emotions selfishness miscommunication misunderstandings assumptions Causes of Conflict 2

  12. Ways People Often Deal With Conflict 1. Avoid the conflict 2. Smooth over the situation 3. One or both parties compromise 4. Confrontation 5. Power struggle 6. Consensus

  13. Paradigms • A theory, an explanation, or model of something else. • Wrong or Right map? Imagine you are navigating to find somewhere near Victoria and the chart you have is Vancouver. • The following examples show where two people will look at the same picture and see something different.

  14. Sleeping creature or dalmatian walking?

  15. Cartoon character playing trumpet or head of a girl?

  16. Duck or rabbit?

  17. Strategies to Get Past Paradigms (Perceptions) • Avoid Assumptions • Validation • Listen • Problem Solving Skills • Tell Your Story

  18. 1. Isolate the facts from the emotions: It is easy to get caught up in the emotion of the conflict but try to stick to the facts whenever possible. Conflict Resolution Strategies

  19. 2. Task versus relationship: Make decisions according to the rules of the organization, etc. Personal relationships and feelings should be set aside. Conflict Resolution Strategies

  20. 3. Listen more By listening to both verbal and nonverbal messages, you can gather more information to make accurate and fair decisions Conflict Resolution Strategies

  21. 4. Try to empathize with the person By showing empathy you are indicating that you are respectful of that individual’s perception and the emotions related to the conflict Conflict Resolution Strategies

  22. 5. Don’t be defensive Clarifying decisions should be a simple process when that decision is based on facts. Conflict Resolution Strategies

  23. 1. Remove the source of the problem 2. Change your perception of the problem 3. Use your coping resources - Flexibility - Communication - Problem solving The 3-step Process for HandlingConflict

  24. 90% of conflict occurs not with what was said but the tone in which it was said! A Simple fact

  25. Communication: 1 Way or 2 Way

  26. One Way Communication: Sender Message Receiver Communication: 1 Way

  27. Two Way Communication: Sender Feedback Message Receiver Communication: 2 Way

  28. Barriers to Effective Communication

  29. Judging: 1. Criticizing 2. Name-calling 3. Diagnosing Barriers to Effective Communication

  30. Sending Solutions: 1. Ordering 2. Threatening 3. Moralizing 4. Excessive questioning 5. Advising Barriers to Effective Communication

  31. Ordering, directing, commanding Warning, threatening Preaching, moralizing Advising Judging, criticizing, blaming Interpreting, assuming Ridiculing, shaming Blocking Phrases

  32. Active Listening and Talking

  33. Reflect meaning- respond to both the content and the feeling Paraphrasing-putting in different words what the other person has said Summarizing- identify the main themes by recapping and focusing on what is next If you don’t understand ask! Active Talking

  34. Active listeners should: S face the person SQUARELY O adopt an OPEN posture L LEAN slightly toward the other person D be at a DISTANCE apart of about 1 metre E keep good EYE contact R try to be RELAXED Active Listening

  35. Strategies to Resolve Conflicts

  36. Assume you do not have all the answers. Ask questions to understand the other person(s). Be prepared to compromise or make a deal. Postpone. Enforce. Compromise. Explore. Strategies to Resolve Conflicts

  37. Turn ... Strategies to Resolve Conflicts

  38. Strategies to Resolve Conflicts

  39. into ... Strategies to Resolve Conflicts

  40. Strategies to Resolve Conflicts

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