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Division of Public Affairs Marine Corps Trademark Licensing

Division of Public Affairs Marine Corps Trademark Licensing. Topics Covered. Who We Are Our Mission Recognition Study Guidance Samples of Proper Use Samples of Improper Use Q & A. Who We Are….

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Division of Public Affairs Marine Corps Trademark Licensing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Division of Public Affairs Marine Corps Trademark Licensing

  2. Topics Covered • Who We Are • Our Mission • Recognition Study • Guidance • Samples of Proper Use • Samples of Improper Use • Q & A

  3. Who We Are… • The USMC Trademark Licensing Program exists to regulate the usage of trademarks via commercial licensing & internal Marine Corps products

  4. Who We Are • Est. July 2009 by CMC • Currently falls as a branch under DIVPA • Responsible for corporately developing and prioritizing MC trademark licensing policies, strategies, budgeting, contract oversight, cross-functional coordination and key opportunities for MC brands worldwide • Supports national outreach and other communication programs • Manage overall aspects of 225+ merchandise agreements

  5. Our Mission • Build Brand Recognition • Avoid consumer confusion • Consistency • Maintain Trademark Rights

  6. Mission Statement “Foster good will, promote positive USMC public image and assist with recruiting efforts via the commercial licensing of Marine Corps Trademarks”

  7. Our Mission • Authority: 10 USC 2260 authorized USMC to license its trademarks, service marks, certification marks, and collective marks and retain and expend fees received from such licensing • Designate Marks: Service Secretaries required to designate which marks they will exercise the authority to retain licensing fees • Use of Fees: - For payment of the following costs incurred by the Secretary - Costs of operating the licensing program - Costs of securing trademark registrations - Remaining proceeds go to USMC morale, welfare and recreation

  8. Recognition Study

  9. Recognition Study

  10. Marine Corps JAMRS 07’ Recognition Study • Question: To what organization does this emblem belong? • Youth who did not recognize the Eagle, Globe and Anchor were most likely to associate it with the Coast Guard (16%) None of the above Air Force Army

  11. Guidance - Our Trademarks USMC name and Initials

  12. Guidance – Design Guidelines Do not stretch /distort Do not encroach Stand off spacing is required MARINES THE FEW. THE PROUD. Logo type never on top Color Do not add or subtract elements

  13. Guidance - Regulations • 10 USC 7881 - Sec. 7881 (gives authority) - No person may, except with the written permission of the Secretary of the Navy, use the seal, emblem, name, or initials of the Marine Corps in connection with any promotion, goods, services, or commercial activity suggesting that such use is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the Marine Corps • 32 C.F.R. § 765.14 (allows disclaimer) - “Neither the Department of the Navy nor any other component of the DoD has approved, endorsed or authorized this product, promotion, service or activity” • SECNAVIST 5720.44B (covers endorsement) - Prohibits DoN and it’s employees for using their official government position, title, or organizational name in a way that would suggest government endorsement or preferential treatment of a non-federal entity, event, product, service or enterprise

  14. Proper Use Samples Uniforms Buildings Gates Commercials Official Websites

  15. Proper Use Samples Celebrations Merchandise Literature Tattoos

  16. Samples of Improper Use

  17. Improper Use

  18. Improper Use Who are they? Why?

  19. Samples of Improper Use No orange tip, looks real! Eagle, Globe and Anchor One hundred of these AirSoft “children’s toys” are currently being held by DHS Los Angeles, Customs. Aug 31st TMLO notified of unauthorized Pin-up girl sale. September 3rd all sales cease, product is no longer available.

  20. Resistant Companies • When companies don’t want to comply we can… • Terminate their license agreement if they have one • Send a C&D Letter • Seize their inventory • Request retailer pull their products • DoJ is our court of law

  21. Questions? Jessica O’Haver Program Manager Marine Corps Trademark Licensing Office Comm: 703-692-1872 DSN: 224-1872 Jessica.ohaver@usmc.mil

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