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Civil Rights and Equal Protection for All: Affirmative Action, Age Discrimination, Disabilities, LGBTQ+ Rights, Juvenile

Explore various civil rights issues, including affirmative action, age discrimination, disabilities, LGBTQ+ rights, and juvenile rights. Understand the policies and protections in place to ensure equal treatment for all individuals.

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Civil Rights and Equal Protection for All: Affirmative Action, Age Discrimination, Disabilities, LGBTQ+ Rights, Juvenile

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 6 Civil Rights: Beyond Equal Protection

  2. Affirmative Action • a policy in educational admissions or job hiring • gives special consideration or compensatory treatment to traditionally disadvantaged groups • is an effort to overcome present effects of past discrimination

  3. Special Protection for Older Americans • Population Projections • Attempts to Protect Older Americans • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 – prohibits discrimination on the basis of age unless age is shown to be a bona fide occupational qualification • Mandatory Retirement – is prohibited in most occupations by an amendment to the ADEA (1978)

  4. Securing Rights for Persons with Disabilities • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 • requires all public buildings and services be accessible to persons with disabilities • requires employers make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities • defines “disabilities” as physical or mental impairments that substantially limit everyday activities • In Bragdon v. Abbott (1998) the Supreme Court ruled that an HIV infection falls under the protection of the ADA

  5. The Rights and Status of Gay Males and Lesbians • in decades past, most states had anti-sodomy laws • most laws now have been repealed • the Supreme Court upheld a law in Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) that made homosexual conduct between two adults a crime • in Romer v. Evans (1986) the Supreme Court ruled that a Colorado amendment that invalidated state laws protecting homosexuals violated the equal protection clause • now 11 states and 165 municipalities have laws that protect gay men and lesbians from discrimination

  6. Gay Men and Lesbians in the Military 1993 Clinton administration policy was characterized as “don’t ask, don’t tell” Supreme Court will likely rule on the issue Same-sex marriages the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that denying marriage licenses to gay couples might violate the equal protection clause of the state constitution in a referendum, voters in Hawaii opposed allowing same-sex marriages the Vermont legislature has passed a law allowing same-sex “civil unions” Child Custody and Adoption courts now no longer deny custody or visitation to persons solely on the basis of sexual orientation The Gay Community and Politics

  7. The Rights and Status of Juveniles • parents are viewed as protectors of children’s rights • the 26th amendment grants 18-21 year olds the right to vote • most contracts entered into by minors cannot be enforced • parents can be held liable for minor’s negligent actions • minors are sometimes viewed as incapable of criminal intent • when minors are tried as adults, they are afforded the same protections, but are subject to adult penalties (including the death penalty)

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