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Enhance your writing skills with grammar and punctuation tips. Learn to create complex sentences and use connectives effectively. Improve communication in English.
Punctuation Question Marks Semi-Colons Back to Grammar Full Stops Back to Punctuation Colons Speech Marks Exclamation Marks Commas
Grammar Complex Sentences Nouns Back to Grammar Chunks of Meaning Auxiliary Verb Back to Punctuation Adverbs Improving Sentences Verbs Connectives Adjectives
Auxiliary Verbs An auxiliary verb is also called a helper verb It comes before some verbs Not all sentences have an auxiliary
Sentences with no auxiliary verb • I played football last night • I walk this way to school every day • I like chocolate Can you identify the verbs in these sentences?
Here are some sentences with missing auxiliary verbs – can you suggest replacements? • I _____ walking along the dusty road. • Tomorrow I ___ swim for my school. • I __ very good at maths. • Dad _____ the dishes because mum cooks the tea. • I ___ spell all of the words on my list.
Modals can, will, shall, could, would, should,may, might, must These are followed by the base form of a verb Use each of these in a sentence of your own:- Can walk; will try; shall play; could tidy; would like; should work; may eat; might choose; must breathe Back to Grammar Back to Punctuation
Connectives • Connectives are connecting adverbs that link ideas which may be in different sentences or paragraphs. • They help to link your: • Ideas • Sentences • Paragraphs • Connectives are used between paragraphs or between sentences in order to show a connection between one part of your writing and another. • They make your writing more powerful.
Connectives • Using a whiteboard write down as many connectives as you can. Remember they need not just be single words; some can be made up of a few words put together. • What effect do the different connectives you have written down have on sentences they could be used in? Discuss this with your Talking Partner.
Adding Connectives and moreover too also as well as • These add further information. • e.g. He liked sausages as well as ice cream. • Have a go at writing some of your own sentences using these connectives.
Sequencing Connectives before next first after then second third eventually meanwhile finally firstly • These help to develop the logical sequence of you ideas. • They enable you to show chronological order. • e.g. He went into the bathroom before he went downstairs. • Write two sentences in your book that use a couple of these connectives.
Emphasising Connectives above all especially indeed in particular notably significantly • These help to highlight your ideas. • e.g. He loved skating especially on a cold frosty day. • Choose one of these connectives to write a really interesting sentence with.
CAUSE AND EFFECT CONNECTIVES • These connectives help to explain why something happens. • e.g. The boy missed his bus and consequently was late for school. • Try to explain why something happened using one of these connectives. so because thus consequently therefore Back to Grammar Back to Punctuation
Creating Complex Sentences Splicing is when you join two sentences together without using a conjunction, semi-colon or even a full stop and capital letter. HINT: Listen out for a pause when the sentence is read. e.g. David dragged his heels to the shop he was in a foul mood. (splice) David dragged his heels to the shop, he was in a foul mood. (comma splice) David dragged his heels to the shop because he was in a foul mood. (corrected with conjunction) David dragged his heels to the shop; he was in a foul mood. (corrected with semi-colon) David dragged his heels to the shop. He was in a foul mood. (corrected with new sentence)
Creating Complex Sentences Splicing is most commonly caused by using pronouns incorrectly. Common pronouns are: I, you, it, she, he, we, they… Common conjunctions are: and, but, although, even though, yet, because, until, whereas, despite, whilst, so, since, as, after, so that, before, once, which…
Creating Complex Sentences Now correct these sentences using a different technique or conjunction each time. 1) Ali stepped cautiously onto the pad he couldn’t believe what he saw. 2) “It’s amazing!” exclaimed Anna she was completely taken aback. 3) I think it would be better to go home now we need to go to bed. 4) Adam was extremely pleased with his work Beth was completely disgusted.
Creating Complex Sentences What is a complex sentence? A complex sentence is a two or more sentences joined together. They usually start with a compound sentence (2 sentences joined), but with added detail, using extra punctuation. HINT: That last sentence was complex!
Creating Complex Sentences We can add more detail to a sentence by adding a new phrase with commas, brackets or dashes. Have a look at the example below. Example: • It was a beautiful summer’s day as Alan paced towards the pier. • It was a beautiful summer’s day as Alan, with his prize held high, paced towards the pier. • It was a beautiful summer’s day (probably the hottest that year) as Alan paced towards the pier. • It was a beautiful summer’s day as Alan paced -with a bounce in his step - towards the pier.
Creating Complex Sentences We can add more information to a sentence by adding an embedded clause. For example… The girl chose a good book becomes The girl, who was sitting in the library, chose a good book. Have a go at completing some more of these. Back to Grammar Back to Punctuation
Chunks of Meaning Words Dog Barked Big • Nouns • Verbs • Adjectives • Adverbs
Clauses subject verb the big dog was barking At midnight last Wednesday, the big dog was barking rather wistfully, in the garden behind my house. • Words and phrases go together to make clauses • A clause must always have a verb in • It may also have other chunks, but as long as there’s only one verb (or verb chain) it’s a single clause • Clauses can be put together to make compound or complex sentences.
Chunks of Meaning Words Dog Barked Big Phrases the big dog was barking in the garden Clauses subject verb the big dog was barking
Chunks of Meaning Words Dog Barked Big Phrases was barking the big dog in the garden Clauses subject verb the big dog was barking Sentences At midnight last Wednesday, the big dog was barking rather wistfully, in the garden behind my house.
Commas can also affect meaning Sentence Slow, children crossing. • Go slowly there are children crossing the road. Sentence Slow children crossing. • This is just describing that there are a group of slow children crossing something.
Let’s Practice Our teacher Mr Elliot like’s Tortoises a lot. The human body is a fantastic thing which we really take for granted but should really take more care of. School is fun most of the time but can sometimes be boring. The man ran down the hallway not noticing the people behind him. When you go to sleep you sometimes have dreams that can turn into nightmares. She looked around wondering if anyone was following her when she saw a shadow behind her. Back to Grammar Back to Punctuation
Semi-colons Where should they go? ;
Colons and Semi-colons Like commas and full tops they mark the places where you would pause when speaking. : ;
. ; , : Each punctuation mark has a certain strength. The comma is the weakest mark, then comes the semi-colon. The colon is stronger than the semi-colon, but weaker than the full stop.
Semi-colon A semi-colon can sometimes be used to replace a full stop. It links two complete sentences and turns them into one. A semi-colon can sometimes be used to replace a full stop. It links two complete sentences and turns them into one.
Here’s how The door swung open; a masked figure strode in. He never took any exercise; consequently he became very fat. At the circus we saw a clown juggling with swords and daggers; a lion who stood on a ball; a fire eater with flashing eyes;and an eight year old acrobat. She was very tired; she had worked late the night before.
Have a go! Back to Grammar 1. The rabbit had been sadly neglected it was in an awful state. • John opened the drawer it was empty. • The wedding invitations have all been sent out two hundred guests are expected. • Tom was very clever and worked hard he deserved to pass all his Sats. • Sally’s birthday is in November John’s is in September. Back to Punctuation
Colons Where should they go? :
Colons and Semi colons Like commas and full tops they mark the places where you would pause when speaking. : ;
. ; , : Each punctuation mark has a certain strength. The comma is the weakest mark, then comes the semi-colon. The colon is stronger than the semi-colon, but weaker than the full stop.
Colon A colon can sometimes be used to introduce lists. You need the following ingredients: eggs, butter, flour, sugar and milk.
Colons Are used in plays. Tom: Don’t forget to lock the door. Lisa: I won’t. Tom: And close all the windows.
Colons Can be used before direct speech, instead of a comma. To my amazement, I heard Mary say: “I am never coming back.”
Have a go! Back to Grammar 1. I think I have remembered everything, string, nails, plywood, hammer and pliers. • Remember the saying “A stitch in time saves nine.” • All my tools were stolen a hammer, saw, screwdriver and wire cutters. • I enjoy all subjects French, Spanish, English and Maths. • Roald Dahl wrote many books James and the Giant Peach, Esio Trot and The Twits. • I shall never forget his advice “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Back to Punctuation
Negative Prefixes A prefix is added to the beginning of a word, or to a word root to change its meaning. For example adding un to pleasant becomes unpleasant. It makes the original word an antonym (its opposite) pleasant Try these: Move the un to the root word and see what antonym you get dress decided Un cooked acceptable did
Choose negative prefixes from the box to make each of these words into antonyms. In dis mis im il word roots justice polite approve behave possible sufficient literate colour trust honest Can you think of any more examples of antonyms containing these negative prefixes? Does it change its spelling in each case?
Use a dictionary and a thesaurus to help. On your whiteboards write these word roots to make antonyms. Work in pairs. Word experience logical mature regular possible complete legal reversible Antonym using negative prefix Back to Grammar Back to Punctuation Show me your Whiteboards. How did you get on? What did you learn?
Their • Belonging to them
There • Over there
They’re • They are
Which one? • How often do they tidy __________ mess up? Never!
Which one? • How often do they tidy their mess up? Never!
Which one? • _________ legs are so long, they can just walk over fences!
Which one? • Their legs are so long, they can just walk over fences!
Which one? • The Science Books are over _____.