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Polar bears by Lucas

Polar bears by Lucas. 5. Features.

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Polar bears by Lucas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Polar bears by Lucas 5

  2. Features Hello, yes, I am a polar bear. i am up 3 meters long, I am up to 2 meters tall at my shoulder. I weigh 400 kg, males are bigger than females. I am clear coloured, and my coat camouflages me. My head is small, and I'm a really strong swimmer. My jaws are powerful. I have 42 teeth, thats a lot, right? I have two types of fur, and a small flat tail. I have a thick layer of fat to keep out cold. Now you have learned lot about me.

  3. Habitat My nesting ground is snow, ice, and frigid seas. I live in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia.

  4. Diet My favourite food is walruses. I eat walruses, seals,and other marine mammals. I'm a carnivore, a meat eater, and I don't drink water. My stomach can hold up to 70 kg, and I catch my prey in the water often many kilometers from land.

  5. How are my young born? We usually give birth to twin cubs after a gestation period of 24 days. Females build snow dens for winter. This is where the cubs are born.

  6. Offspring • My offspring is 30cm long. The new cub is 700 grams. The baby stays with mother for 10 months. And is has a coat of short sparse hair, is that cool or not? The baby gets milk from its mother for 3 months. The eyes open at 33 days.

  7. Enemies My natural enemies are other polar bears. My other enemies are walruses, and orcas. Storms cause babies to be crushed by ice, or they can drown. I protect myself by fighting, my claws and teeth are helpful. Sometimes I camouflage myself so enemies will think I'm snow. I use my powerful for paw to Also protect myself.

  8. Endangered Yes, I am endangered people sometimes collect my teeth for ornaments. Also, Inuit hunt me for pelts and meat. Lots of my ice is falling apart because it's getting hotter. The sun is melting our ice and snow and I don't want my land to melt. <img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" alt="http://www.firstpeople.us/pictures/bear/Polar_Bears/1600x1200/Playful_Baby_Polar_Bear-1600x1200-Bandwidth-thief.jpg" src="http://www.firstpeople.us/pictures/bear/Polar_Bears/1600x1200/Playful_Baby_Polar_Bear-1600x1200-Bandwidth-thief.jpg" width="460">

  9. Photo Credits http://www.pbs.org/kqed/oceanadventures/educators/library/images/polarbear-800polar bear looking for food http://www.pbs.org/kqed/oceanadventures/educators/library/images/polarbear-800.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1057/3173895543_e259ef5aeb.jpg polar bear is really hungry http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3107/2748540290_5818952942_o.jpg 3 cute polar bears http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3052/2850029954_7dfa60ba34_o.jpg A polar bear swimming http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2494/3737397045_7114af5f15_o.jpg a cool polar bear http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3472/3813453332_885132bc0f_o.jpg A polar bear trying to sleep http://farm1.static.flickr.com/24/43486888_7baefae152.jpg a polar bear walking http://farm1.static.flickr.com/69/183740272_0f9a87f0a8.jpgreally cute polar bear

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