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What is Ecology?

What is Ecology?. Share your ideas with your shoulder partner. Ecology. The study of how organisms interact with their environment Eco = house, home (environment) o logy = to study Organism : a living thing. Habitats.

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What is Ecology?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Ecology? Share your ideas with your shoulder partner.

  2. Ecology • The study of how organisms interact with their environment • Eco= house, home (environment) • ology= to study • Organism: a living thing

  3. Habitats • Organisms need food, water, shelter, and other things to live, grow, and reproduce • An environment that provides the things an organism needs is called a habitat.

  4. Factors of a Habitat • Biotic and Abiotic • The living parts of a habitat are called biotic factors. • Examples: plants, animals, bacteria, fungi • The nonliving parts of a habitat are called abiotic factors. • Examples: water, sunlight, oxygen, temperature, and soil.

  5. What do you think an “Ecologist” is?Can you name a famous Ecologist? Share your ideas with your shoulder partner.

  6. Ecologist • Scientist who studies ecology. • Studies how organisms interact with each other and how they react to changes in their environment. • Uses “levels” to describe the organization of ecosystems.

  7. Levels of Ecological Organization • Environments are organized from the smallest level to the largest/most complex level. 1) Organism- one animal of a certain species 2) Population- All members of a species in an area. 3) Community- all the different populations that interact in an area. 4) Ecosystem- all the biotic factors in an area plus the abiotic surroundings 5) Biome- ecosystems with similar biotic/abiotic factors found worldwide

  8. Exit Slip List the 5 abiotic factors and explain why each is important and/or necessary.

  9. Copy this chart into the next blank page of your Science Notebook. Write at least 10 BIOTIC and 10 ABIOTIC factorsyou observe at the park.

  10. Add this table to the next blank page in your Science Notebook

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