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Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test. Is there a relationship?. Observed Results. A study was conducted to see if the GPA of baseball fans was related to what hometown baseball team they liked: THE CUBS or THE SOX. Expected Calculations Table. Step 1: Create an Expected Calculations Table. Expected Results.

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Chi-Square Test

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chi-Square Test Is there a relationship?

  2. Observed Results • A study was conducted to see if the GPA of baseball fans was related to what hometown baseball team they liked: THE CUBS or THE SOX.

  3. Expected Calculations Table • Step 1: Create an Expected Calculations Table

  4. Expected Results • Step 2: Calculate the Expected Results using the graphing calculator.

  5. Chi Square Expanded Form

  6. Chi-Square

  7. What is our Hypothesis?

  8. What is our Test Criteria?

  9. Conclusion

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