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Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egypt

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Ancient Egypt Studied and assembled by students in room 5

    2. Authors Food Sage Clothing and Jewelry Jada Transportation Rafael Religion and Beliefs Kyrra Homes and Furniture Caelyn Education J.R. Recreation and Games Safeez Location and the Nile Christina

    3. Food The Egyptians ate vegetables, fruit, fish, milk, bread, onions, cow and goat meat. The rich and the poor ate with their fingers. They ate three meals per day. The Egyptians grew their cereal crops to make bread and they kept cows and goats for meat and milk. The Egyptian diet also included bread and beer.The Egyptians cooked food in a spit.

    4. Clothing and Jewelry Egyptians wore linen cloths. The men and women wore wigs. They were very popular. The shoes they wore were called spindles. They were made out of twine strap. Men wore short kilts leaving their chest bare. Horus the sky god wore a bracelet to protect him. One makeup was made put of iron oxide. The makeup you put on the eye were called kohl.

    5. Clothing and Jewelry In Egypt the women wore headdresses called lotus headdresses. The women wore long tight fitting dresses. On cool evenings they might put on long sleeved gowns. They even wore earrings that looked like mushrooms of all kinds of colors.

    6. Transportation The Egyptians made their first rafts in 2900 B.C. The rafts were made from papyrus. The rafts did not have sails. The rafts were used to transport food and goods.

    7. Transportation Later, the Egyptians built boats from wood. These boats were strong enough to transport stone blocks for building pyramids and statues. The Egyptians invented the sail that caught the wind and moved the boat quickly through the water. The main way of getting around was by walking. Rafts,boat and ships were other ways of getting around.

    8. Religion and Beliefs The Egyptians believed in the Afterlife, Underworld, Gods, Goddesses and magic. The Afterlife is a place where good people go. On their way to the afterlife, they had to stop and be tested in the Underworld to make sure that their heart was pure. Their heart was weighed against the feather of truth. If the heart went down they would go to the underworld and be devoured by the devourer, if it went up they continued to live in the Afterlife.

    9. Religion and Beliefs The Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods and goddesses. They believed that the Gods controlled everything from making the Nile flood to the sun rising in the sky.

    10. Homes and Furniture The houses were made of mud bricks. The houses were built two or three stories high. The gardens have trees that gave shade and food. There were many tall thin houses. A mixture of lime and water was used to whitewash the walls in most houses. Some of richest homes had painted walls. They would paint the walls blue. Houses had small high windows with wooden shutters.

    11. Homes and Furniture A staircase usally led to the rooftop. The roof was actually a great place. When the sun made the indoors too hot the Egyptians would sleep on the roof in the cooler evening air.

    12. Homes and Furniture The rich homes had about 10 rooms and the poor homes had one. All rich people had gardens with pools to swim in. They had high walls to keep out noise and intruders. At the doors there were guards to protect the gardens. Their kitchens had some small tables. There were often two cellars for storage under the home. There were lamp stands in the form of papyrus plants.

    13. Education Ordinary people were educated at home. Most woman taught their children reading,writing and math. The Egyptian children would learn proverbs and stories by heart. Good handwritting was considered essential and copy practice. A son would receive training in professional secrets of his fathers trade or craft.

    14. Education Only boys from rich families attended school. Royal families had their own tutors. They usually graduated when they were 14. Many of the boys became scribes. Scribes are important people they do all writing. They needed a lot of practice.

    15. Recreation and Games The Ancient Egyptians were fun loving people. Children had dolls, bikes and other toys. They played Senet for fun. They had leather balls and jumping jacks. The Ancient Egyptians played games like checkers with knuckle bones.

    16. Recreation and Games The favourite sport of the upper class was hunting. Only nobles were allowed to use curved sticks called a boomerang.

    17. The Nile River To the ancient Egyptians, one of the most important things was the Nile river. The Nile river has flooded for four months each year. This would would give them very furtile soil that they would use to grow crops. Most of the farmland was used to grow grain, mainly barley and emmer( a kind of wheat ).

    18. The Nile River The Nile river and the desert affected where people chose to live. Along the Nile River there were some rapids. It was therefore not easy for the ancient Egyptians to have contact with other civilizations.

    19. Location Egypt is close to Libya, Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Sudan and Saubl Arubla in eastern North Africa. Egypt is the desert of the god called Set.

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