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Understand factors driving good employees away, steps to retain and motivate them, importance of cultural values, managing coworker differences, and effective recruiting practices. Learn how to resolve conflicts, improve leadership skills, and assess employee performance for a successful company culture.
Employ, Motivate & Retain Good EmployeesStephen A. Dickens, JD, FACMPEVice President, Medical Practice Services
Objectives • Identify the factors that frustrate and drive away good employees • Define steps to retain and motivate employees • Articulate the cultural values important to employees • Categorize coworker personality and generational differences and how to work with each
Recruit & Onboard Essential Phases Retain Best Employees Develop & Motivate
Engaged Employees=Successful Companies Dale Carnegie
Why Good Employees Leave I Q U I T
What You Are Up Against 32% satisfied w/ advancement opportunities 73% would participate in education & training 37% satisfied w/ training & learning 32% plan to change jobs 42% give up on difficult applications 51% continue job search after acceptance 25% do not show up 75% benefits most important Career Builder
Interviewing • If you've previously reported to multiple supervisors at the same time, how did you get to know each person's preferences and juggle conflicting priorities? • Tell me about a workplace conflict you were involved in, either with your peers or someone else in the company. How did you manage that conflict, and were you able to resolve it? • Describe the most challenging supervisor you've ever worked with. What was the most difficult thing about that relationship from your perspective, and how did you manage it? • What would a previous boss say is the area that you need to work on most? Have you taken steps to improve in this area, and if so, what have you tried to change? • Tell me about a day when everything went wrong. How did you handle it? • What type of working environment brings out your best performance? Your worst? • If business priorities change, describe how you would help your team understand and carry out the shifted goals? • What would you do if…?
What Is Really Important Intelligence Energy Attitude Integrity
New Employees Leadership Freak
Employee Evaluations • Document • Be honest – not everyone “meets expectations” • Be consistent • Use only permissible metrics • Avoid criticism for approved leave or bona fide complaints • Task not person • Provide a plan for improving any deficiencies
Performance: Won’t vs. Can’t • Comply • Success • Do not understand • Explanation • Refuse • Termination • Won’t • Comply • Success • Performance Issue • Do not want to • Warning • Refuse • Termination • Success • Can’t • Training • Failure • Termination What Exceptional Leaders Know
Know Where You Stand MGMA Stat May 2017
Retention Interviews • What makes for a great day at work? • On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your job? • Does the job described to you before you started match what you have experienced? • Do you have a clear understanding of the company’s goals and how your contributions fit into those goals? • Do you know where you stand in terms of your performance? • What has been the most impactful to your personal development and success? • What has been the most challenging part of your role? • If you could wave a wand and change something here, what would it be?
Staff Development • Do you have a specific budgeted line item for staff development for all of your staff? • Do you have a budgeted amount of CME for clinical staff, non-clinical staff and business office staff? • Do you keep track of the training each staff member receives? • Do you encourage staff to attend CME conferences or workshops? • Do you discuss the importance of training in your staff meetings? • Do you set yearly goals with all of your employees and help them address any weaknesses they may have by offering CME and/or the opportunity to attend other appropriate conferences?
Culture Commonalities that characterize a practice
Create Trust Listen first, respond second Be an advocate Explain decisions Invest in development Culture Rethink what an “open door policy” really means Assume the best
Expressions of Care Leadership Freak
Traits & Characteristics Perfectionism Controlling Get it right Fears criticism Get it done Fears failure Get along Fears loss of security Get appreciated Fears rejections Approval Seeking Attention Seeking
General Population - DISC D=10-15% I=25-30% S=30-35% C=20-25% Weninger, Donna
Physician Population - DISC Maron & Keogh
Generations in the Workplace Pew Research Center
Generational Characteristics Boomers 1946-1964 • Career=identity • Loyal, Hardworking • Optimistic • Struggle with change X’ers 1965-1980 • Work/life balance • Independent • Technoliterate • Skeptical Millennials 1981-1996 • Want value to work • Social • Civic duty, optimistic • Struggle with hierarchy Z 1997- • Dream job • Managers as mentors • Immediate gratification • Struggle with waiting
Employee Conflict When to get involved Employees are threatening to quit Disagreements are getting personal Coworker respect is eroding Affecting morale and organizational success
Conflict Resolution I have given you the opportunity to resolve this but you do not seem to able to do that… Understand this, I do not care who is right or wrong… I am going to write up both of you…
Recognizing A Keeper Neutralize toxic people Control ego Never satisfied Marketable Focus Judiciously courageous Recognize something broken & fix Accountable Delay gratification Tolerate conflict Bradberry, Travis
Questions Stephen A. Dickens, JD, FACMPE Vice President Medical Practice Services steved@svmic.com 615.846.8336
Resources 5 Ways to Motivate Your Employees, https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/blog/employee-retention/2015/5-ways-to-motivate-your-employees-without-spending-any-more-money 9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit, http://www.talentsmart.com/articles/9-Things-That-Make-Good-Employees-Quit-172420765-p-1.html 9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money, https://www.inc.com/ilya-pozin/9-things-that-motivate-employees-more-than-money.html Bradberry, Travis.10 Ways to Spot A Truly Exceptional Employee, https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/02/09/10-ways-to-spot-a-truly-exceptional-employee/amp/ CareerBuilder Survey, http://press.careerbuilder.com/2019-07-23-Survey-from-CareerBuilder-Reveals-Half-of-Employees-Feel-They-Have-Just-a-Job-Amid-Heightened-Career-Expectations. Fabrizio, Nick, What is Your Staff Development Plan?, https://www.mgma.com/healthcare-consulting/hot-topics/consulting-articles/nick-fabrizio-what-is-your-staff-development-plan
Resources Fry, Richard. Millennials are the largest generation in the US labor force, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/04/11/millennials-largest-generation-us-labor-force/. Geis, Shannon, To keep top talent, talk to employees about their workplace needs, https://www.mgma.com/practice-resources/mgma-connection-plus/online-only/2017/may/to-keep-top-talent-talk-to-employees-about-their-workplace-needs Harrop, Chris, Hitting the culture reset button for your medial practice, https://www.mgma.com/practice-resources/mgma-connection-plus/executive-view/2017/november-december-2017/hitting-the-culture-reset-button-for-your-medical-practice Heathfield, Susan, Top Ten Ways to Retain Your Great Employees, https://www.thebalance.com/top-ways-to-retain-your-great-employees-1919038 How to Build an Organizational Where People Take Care of each Other. Leadership Freak, https://leadershipfreak.blog/2019/07/08/how-to-build-an-organization-where-people-take-care-of-each-other/
Resources Maron & Keogh, Managing Medical Groups, Journal of Medical Practice Management 2004 The Real Reason Good Employees Quit, https://www.forbes.com/sites/lizryan/2017/03/31/the-real-reason-good-employees-quit/#7fb7cf494b4e Siegel, Theresa, The Impact of Employee Exodus on Medical Practices, https://www.mgma.com/Libraries/Assets/Practice%20Resources/Publications/Fellow%20Papers/2013/The-Impact-of-Employee-Exodus-manuscript-2.pdf?ext=.pdf Spears, Tracy & Wally Schmaker, What Exceptional Leaders Know. Weninger, Donna. DISC Personality Styles.