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SIP Monitoring and Evaluation. Effective Principals. 1’ for Everybody Writes*: What makes Principals effective? 1’ for Numbered Heads Together**: Participants number off in teams. Participants put heads together. Participants share what they wrote with their team:
Effective Principals • 1’ for Everybody Writes*: What makes Principals effective? • 1’ for Numbered Heads Together**: • Participants number off in teams. • Participants put heads together. • Participants share what they wrote with their team: • Team members revise their writing as needed as they listen to their team members. • Facilitator selects a number; participants with that number respond. *TE 2.f; **TE 2. c & e
What correlates most closely with a principal's level of effectiveness? • Ability to recruit/retain effective teachers- 42.4% • Time spent on classroom observations/PD for teachers - 36.16% • Principal’s Level of training & PD- 7.89% • Other - 6.73% • Time spent on organization/management activities- 3.8% • Principal’s Years of experience-2.63% • Principal’s Level of education- .39%
Effective Principals • 30 seconds to Tell Your Partner*: Where do effective principals spend the majority of their time? *TE 2.c & e
Effective Principals • 79% of effective principals’ time is spent: • Recruiting & retaining effective teachers • In classrooms observing teachers • Providing PD for teachers
retaining effective teachers • 1’ for Everybody Writes*: What is the role of principals & APs in retaining effective teachers? • 1’ for Numbered Heads Together**: • Participants number off in teams. • Participants put heads together. • Participants share what they wrote with their team: • Team members revise their writing as needed as they listen to their team members. • Facilitator selects a number; participants with that number respond. *TE2.f **TE 2.c & e
What do teachers want??? (Public Agenda, 2010) • Administrators who back & support teachers • 74% Gen Y Teachers (born between 1975-1995) • 77% Older Teachers (born before 1975) • A principal who frequently observes in classrooms and gives teachers detailed feedback on how they’re doing. • 70% Gen Y Teachers • 61% Older Teachers
What do teachers want??? (Public Agenda, 2010) • Administrators who enable a lot of collaboration among teachers & guidance from other instructional experts in developing lesson plans • 68% Gen Y Teachers • 67% Older Teachers • Administrators who prepare teachers to adapt or vary their instruction to meet the needs of a diverse classroom • 65% Gen Y Teachers • 61% Older Teachers
What do teachers want??? (Public Agenda, 2010) • Administrators who remove students with severe discipline problems from classrooms • 56% Gen Y Teachers • 70% Older Teachers • Administrators who make the latest technology available to aid instruction • 52% Gen Y Teachers • 55% Older Teachers
What do teachers want??? (Public Agenda, 2010) • Administrators who provide & improve Professional Development opportunities • 50% Gen Y Teachers • 52% Older Teachers
How much time do you spend with your Teachers? • What percent of your time is spent with your teachers? • Observing your teachers & giving them feedback to increase their curricular & instructional expertise • Providing PD for your teachers to increase their curricular & instructional expertise
Which EPC have you observed a pattern of growth &/or a need for improvement in your school? Please explain. • 2’ for Everybody Writes (2.f) • Knowledge of content & pedagogy (TE 1.a) • Knowledge of students (TE 1. b) • Knowledge of resources & technology (TE 1.d) • Communicating with students (TE 2.a)
EPC’s cont. • Strategies to evoke HOT (TE 2.b) • Lesson delivery & student engagement (TE 2.c) • Using assessment &/or adjusting instruction (TE 2.d & 2.e) • Integrating content area reading & writing (TE 2.f)
EPC’s cont. • 2’ for Numbered Heads Together*: • Participants number off in teams. • Participants put heads together. • Participants share what they wrote with their team: • Team members revise their writing as needed as they listen to their team members. • Facilitator selects a number; participants with that number respond. *TE 2.c
Formative Assessments • Administer Formative assessments to students: • August/September • November/December • February
Formative Assessments • Use PLCs as a venue to make curricular/instructional decisions based on review and discussion of student data and artifacts
Formative Assessments • Use Baseline data & common assessment data (unit related and course pre-summative) to determine: • Which students are proficient? (AL3+=Tier 1) • Which students are basic? (AL2=Tier 2) • Which students are below basic? (AL1=Tier 3) • Determine which curricular/instructional changes need to be made. Then teachers plan & adjust accordingly. • This is a continuous cycle
SIP & Teacher Evaluation • Who? • The Principal • AP
Monitoring SIP with Teacher Evaluation • 1’ for Everybody Writes*: What, why, & how can Principals & APs monitor their SIP implementation using the TE process? • 1’ for Numbered Heads Together**: • Participants number off in teams. • Participants put heads together. • Participants share what they wrote with their team: • Team members revise their writing as needed as they listen to their team members. • Facilitator selects a number; participants with that number respond. *TE 2.f; **TE 2. c & e
SIP & Teacher Evaluation • What? • Daily Classroom Walk- throughs • Informal Observations • Formal Observations
SIP & Teacher Evaluation • Why? • Identify patterns of growth or need for improvement in TE EPCs • Affirm growth &/or provide next steps (TE) for improvement
SIP & Teacher Evaluation • How? Use TE rubrics to observe: • Knowledge of content & pedagogy (TE 1.a) • Knowledge of students (TE 1. b) • Knowledge of resources & technology (TE 1.d) • Communicating with students (TE 2.a) • Strategies to evoke HOT (TE 2.b) • Lesson delivery & student engagement (TE 2.c) • Using assessment to adjust instruction (TE 2.d & 2.e) • Integrating content area reading & writing (TE 2.f)
SIP & Teacher Evaluation • How? • Coach & monitor teachers’ on their next steps for TE • Provide PD on needed effective instructional strategies* • Coach & monitor teachers’ implementation of the school’s effective instructional strategies *TE: *2 c & e
Do a few things well! • The Elegance of the Hedgehog: • Hedgehogs do one thing well.They can roll into a ball to protect themselves in order to survive. • Let’s commit to the essentials for increasing student achievement so, we can survive & ignore the rest. • Be clear on your priorities!