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Atmospheric data for Arctic modeling

Atmospheric data for Arctic modeling. John Walsh International Arctic Research Center University of Alaska, Fairbanks Arctic System Modeling Workshop, Montreal, July 2009. Three categories of atmospheric observations:. Routine measurements for input to NWP models

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Atmospheric data for Arctic modeling

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  1. Atmospheric data for Arctic modeling John Walsh International Arctic Research Center University of Alaska, Fairbanks Arctic System Modeling Workshop, Montreal, July 2009

  2. Three categories of atmospheric observations: • Routine measurements for input to NWP models 2) Special observing networks • Short-duration field campaigns

  3. Three categories of atmospheric observations: • Routine measurements for input to NWP models 2) Special observing networks • Short-duration field campaigns + Value-added products: reanalyses gridded fields (e.g., CRU) Polar Pathfinder products

  4. Routine measurements – in some respects, the Arctic is well-covered • surface synoptic network • rawinsonde network • buoy, ship reports • aircraft reports • satellite measurements (profiles of T, q, wind) • Archived in reanalysis ingest data banks (e.g., PREPBUFR files at NCAR)

  5. Surface station observations Upper-air rawinsonde observations

  6. Surface ship and ocean buoy reports 7-days

  7. Reports from commercial, military, and reconnaissance sources 7-days: 01/01/2003 - 01/07/2003

  8. Satellite-derived temperatures 7-days Winds derived from satellite observed cloud drift analysis 7-days

  9. 01/01/2003 00Z 6-hour accumulated observations: red: surface station slate blue: upper-air yellow: sat. temp. green: sat. wind violet: aircraft sky blue: ship

  10. 01/01/2003 06Z 6-hour accumulated observations: red: surface station slate blue: upper-air yellow: sat. temp. green: sat. wind violet: aircraft sky blue: ship

  11. 01/01/2003 12Z 6-hour accumulated observations: red: surface station slate blue: upper-air yellow: sat. temp. green: sat. wind violet: aircraft sky blue: ship

  12. 01/01/2003 18Z 6-hour accumulated observations: red: surface station slate blue: upper-air yellow: sat. temp. green: sat. wind violet: aircraft sky blue: ship

  13. Sample PrepBUFR observations: SID=48582 , YOB= 82.85, XOB=194.99, ELV= 0, DHR= 1.883, RPT= 19.883, TCOR=0, TYP=180, TSB=*, T29=562, ITP=99, SQN= 203 PROCN= 2, SAID=*** PMO=******, PMQ=** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 1 obs qmark qc_step rcode fcst anal oberr category ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESSURE (MB) 988.2 2. PREPRO ***** 987.6 987.4 1.6 0. SP HUMIDITY(MG/KG) ******** ****** ***** 234.0 239.0 ******** 0. TEMPERATURE (C) -33.3 2. PREPRO ***** -32.8 -32.8 2.5 0. HEIGHT (METERS) 0.0 2. PREPRO ***** -4.0 -5.0 ******** 0. SID=BAW269 , YOB= 60.00, XOB=340.00, ELV=10058, DHR=-0.550, RPT= 17.450, TCOR=0, TYP=130, TSB=0, T29= 41, ITP=99, SQN= 26 PROCN= 0, SAID=*** RCT= 18.08, PCAT=*****, POAF=***, DGOT=*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 1 obs qmark qc_step rcode fcst anal oberr category ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESSURE (MB) 262.0 2. PREPRO ***** ******** ******** ******** 6. SP HUMIDITY(MG/KG) ******** ****** ***** 35.0 35.0 ******** 6. TEMPERATURE (C) -62.0 1. PREPACQC 17. -61.1 -60.9 1.7 6. TEMPERATURE (C) -62.0 2. PREPRO ***** -61.1 -60.9 1.7 6. HEIGHT (METERS) 10058.0 2. PREPRO ***** 9708.0 9724.0 ******** 6. U-COMP WIND (M/S) 4.4 1. PREPACQC 17. -2.3 1.8 3.6 6. U-COMP WIND (M/S) 4.4 2. PREPRO ***** -2.3 1.8 3.6 6. V-COMP WIND (M/S) 2.6 1. PREPACQC 17. 4.8 2.1 3.6 6. V-COMP WIND (M/S) 2.6 2. PREPRO ***** 4.8 2.1 3.6 6. WIND DIR (DEG) 240.0 ****** PREPRO ***** ******** ******** ******** 6. WIND SPEED (KNOTS) 10.0 ****** PREPRO ***** ******** ******** ******** 6.

  14. PrepBUFR data 0) Keep (always assimilate) • Good • Neutral or not checked (default) -- e.g., IAOBP T and P obs are flagged as QC=2 • Suspect • Rejected (don’t assimilate) ** Rejected obs. have an additional flag layer indicating justification (e.g., conflicts with a pre-existing QC=0; threshold test failure, etc.) Quality Control Flags

  15. 2) Examples of special observing networks • International Arctic Buoy Network ( + Russian NP stations) • Greenland automated weather stations • Trace gas/chemical sampling (NOAA CMDL) • Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN), ARM • International Arctic System for Observing the Atmosphere (IASAO)

  16. IASAO Tiksi, Russia Barrow, Alaska Eureka, Canada Alert, Canada Ny-Alesund, Svalbard Summit, Greenland IASOA Target Observatories

  17. IASAO: International Arctic System for Observing the Atmosphere

  18. 3) Short-duration field programs-- process studies for algorithm development, model validation • SHEBA • ATLAS, LAII Flux Study • ARM field campaigns • OASIS • IPY cruises … others

  19. Problem areas • Precipitation, especially solid precip (snowfall, depth, water equivalent) • Clouds • Aerosols • … others

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