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Welcome to 4 th Grade at Greenfield Intermediate!. Meet the Staff. 4 th Grade Team Mrs. Lowes- Quest & Regular Math Mr. Schewe (pronounced “ Shavey ”)-Math Mrs. Johnson- Quest & Regular Reading & Social Studies Mr. Tyler Knepp -Reading and Math
Meet the Staff 4th Grade Team • Mrs. Lowes- Quest & Regular Math • Mr. Schewe(pronounced “Shavey”)-Math • Mrs. Johnson- Quest & Regular Reading & Social Studies • Mr. Tyler Knepp-Reading and Math • Mrs. Staci Thompson-Reading, Social Studies, Science, & Writing Skills • Mrs. Rhonda Fada- Science & Writing Skills • Mrs. Kay Lithgow-Science, Writing Skills, & The Language program • Mrs. Angie Bishop-Resource and Language programs • Mrs. Katie Creamer-Title 1 • Mrs. Amanda Bradford-Reading Coach • Mrs. Jane Cooney-Math Coach
M.O.O.S.E. Binder • M.O.O.S.E. stands for Managing Our Organizational Skills Everyday • Inside the binder you need: • Pencil Pouch (contents of pouch explained later) • Assignment Notebook/Planner • 3 Pocket Plastic folders Blue for Science/Writing, Green for Math, and Red for Reading/Social Studies • Loose-Leaf Paper
M.O.O.S.E. Binder • Zippered Pouch • Scissors • 1 glue stick/bottle • 5 pencils • 1 big eraser • 2 pens (optional)
NO GUM!!!!!! • We WILL NOT have gum in 4th grade. • Please do not bring it to school.
4th Grade Values • Respect yourself, your school, and others who are here to learn. • Make good choices. Life is about making decisions and being the best you can be. • Be responsible. Plan and prepare to work hard. Do the things you know you should do.
4th Grade Values • Keep our school safe and secure. • Take pride and be proud to make your school the best it can be.
Rules of Respect • Say and do only things that make others feel good and confident about themselves. • Leave other students’ belongings alone. Touch them only if you have asked for their permission. • When you are upset and angry, choose to share your feelings, or ask an adult for advice at an appropriate time. Walk away if necessary.
Rules for Making Responsible Decisions • Be on time and have all materials ready to use when class begins. • Have your M.O.O.S.E. folder at all times. • Use your “best work habits” to complete work in a way you and your teacher can be proud of.
Rules for Making Responsible Decisions • Listen to instructions the first time they are given. • Raise your hand in class to show you need someone’s help or attention. • Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
Rules to be Safe and Secure • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. • Pick up anything that makes our room or hallway unsafe or messy. • No bullying! This means no verbal, physical, or social threats.
Procedures • You should come to each class daily with your M.O.O.S.E. binder containing your signed assignment notebook and completed homework. • Your assignment will be written on the board in every classroom. Copy it into your assignment notebook as soon as you get your M.O.O.S.E. planner to the correct page • As soon as you get in your classroom, you will have a “bell ringer” assignment to complete. • You will get into your locker ONLY at the beginning of the day and the end of the day. The lockers will be used for your coats and backpacks only. Other materials will be kept in your homeroom desks or in your M.O.O.S.E. binder.
Discipline Principals Principles Treat others as you want to be treated NO MATTER HOW THEY TREAT YOU! Control only those things that are in your control, don’t worry about that which you cannot control. Respect the Learning.
Assignment Notebook • Fill it out in everyclass. • A teacher will check to see that you have it filled out.
Assignment Notebook • Circle the assignments that need to be completed as homework. • It goes home with you every nightto be signed by a parent or guardian.
Auction All those M.O.O.S.E. bucks...You get to spend them in our auction! Bikes
Lip Balm • We will begin making and selling homemade lip balm sometime late fall. • The money we earn from the lip balm sales (aside from the money/lip balm for the troops) will be spent in May for our end-of-the-year auction. • You will be able to spend yourM.O.O.S.E. bucks to purchase items at the auction.
Field Trips & Events • On September 13th (a blue day) we will be going to Boondocks Farm for Ag Day. This is a free field trip! • This spring we will go to Conner Prairie. • At the end of May, we will have our auction. You will use your M.O.O.S.E. bucks to buy cool and exciting items that you can take home to keep!
Outdoor Recess Safety and Procedures • Do not perch on top of the climbing wall. Also do not jump off the top of the climbing wall. • On the Witch’s Hat please hang from your hands only, do not sit on top. Keep your body parallel to the ground so you will land on your feet if you let go. • No hanging upside down on anything. If you do that at home that is fine, but not at school. Please keep your feet hanging towards the ground on the monkey bars. • 1 person on the spinners at a time. If you are waiting for your turn, stay off the black mat under the spinners. The person on the spinner must spin themselves, don’t push them around please. If someone is waiting, move onto another piece of equipment. • 1 person at a time on the swings. Do not jump out of the swings! • The special education swings are available as long as there are no special education students on the playground. If there are, you must give up the red swings for them. • Football must be played as 2 hand touch, no tackling allowed. • If you wish to play tag, please do so outside the mulch area as there are too many people to run into. • Do not climb the fences. • Do not kick the balls to hit the building or land onto the roof, please go onto the football field. • Please leave the mulch on the ground (no throwing).
Indoor Recess Rules and Procedures • Stay off the bleachers. If a ball lands on top of them, please notify a teacher—do not climb up to retrieve the ball • Do not kick the balls into the air, there are too many students in such a small area and lights in the ceiling can also get broken. • Please allow the adults to move the tether ball stands, they are much too heavy and cumbersome for students. • We are allowing 1 basketball per hoop out onto the gym floor. If we get too many basketballs out onto the floor, it disrupts others’ games. • Please shoot the basketballs within the 3 point line and no further back. There are too many students in the gym and lobbing the ball from that distance can be dangerous. • Please stay on the gym floor, do not sit on the stage. • Footballs are not allowed indoors. • Kick balls are for 4-square only • Chin-up bar-one student at a time and do not hang upside down. • Hula hoops are for hula and spinning, not throwing
We are looking forward to a great school year! Your GIS 4th Grade Teachers