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Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom 2055-1650 BC

Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom 2055-1650 BC. Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Vocabulary. Civil War – war between two groups in the same place Famine – food shortages Cost Benefit Analysis – decide whether to carry out trade. The Middle Kingdom ( 2055-1650)

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Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom 2055-1650 BC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ancient Egypt Middle Kingdom 2055-1650 BC

  2. Chapter 4 Lesson 3 Vocabulary Civil War – war between two groups in the same place Famine – food shortages Cost Benefit Analysis – decide whether to carry out trade

  3. The Middle Kingdom (2055-1650) • Began with the reuniting of Egypt after a civil war • Time of stability and growth

  4. Middle Kingdom Achievements • Reunited Egypt • Conquered Northern Nubia • Completed building projects (forts, irrigation canals, temples, pyramids) • Revived interest in the arts (wall painting, jewelry and literature) • Grew more crops  Could support more people Needed more land

  5. Middle Kingdom Trade • Trade with other regions increased • Trade by land and sea was dangerous, but traders could become wealthy • Traded with other places to get resources such as wood and copper • Got silver from Syria, Turquoise from Sinai Peninsula, wood from Lebanon, and gold, ebony and ivory from southern Nubia

  6. Time of Invasion • After Dynasty 12 Egypt faced attacks from invaders • People from Southwest Asia called Hyksos (foreigners) conquered Lower Egypt • Ended the Middle Kingdom • Hyksos ruled for about 100 years and were then overthrown • Hyksosntroduced superior weapons, the horse, and expanded Egyptian trade routes

  7. Life In Ancient Egypt • Social Classes

  8. Life In Ancient Egypt • Status of women • Egyptian women enjoyed a dimension of freedom greater than any of their counterparts from other places in ancient times.

  9. Life In Ancient Egypt • Religious beliefs • Religion guided every aspect of Egyptian life. Egyptian religion was based on polytheism. The Egyptians had as many as 2000 gods and goddesses. Often gods and goddesses were represented as part human and part animal.

  10. Life In Ancient Egypt • System of writing • Hieroglyphics--pictograms Rosetta Stone (1799 A.D.)

  11. Life In Ancient Egypt • Achievements in Science Board Game Bronze Decimal System Copper tubing Papyrus Medical/Surgery Surveying Large scale building Beekeeping Calendar Beer Alphabet Glass making Petroleum tar for mummification

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