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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt. Longest river in the world Flows from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea Egyptian civilization developed along the banks of the river Divided kingdom into Upper and Lower Egypt Considered divine by the Egyptians. Nile River. Old Kingdom 2686-2125 BC

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Ancient Egypt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ancient Egypt

  2. Longest river in the world Flows from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea Egyptian civilization developed along the banks of the river Divided kingdom into Upper and Lower Egypt Considered divine by the Egyptians Nile River

  3. Old Kingdom 2686-2125 BC First Intermediate Period 2155-2055 BC Middle Kingdom 2055-1650 BC Second Intermediate Period 1650-1550 BC New Kingdom 1550-1085 BC 31 Major dynasties dating from 3100 BC Kingdoms of Egypt

  4. Pyramids built Pharaoh Vizer “steward of the whole land” Nomes- provinces of Ancient Egypt Nomarch- pharaoh appointed administrator of a nome Old Kingdom

  5. First Intermediate Period Middle Kingdom featured a return to stability and prosperity Common people were included in the religion of Egypt Hyksos Invasion Middle Kingdom

  6. After the Hyksos defeat, stability once again returned. Amenhotep IV (c.1364-1347) introduced the worship of the Aten Changed his name and moved the capitol of Egypt to Akhenaten His son Tutankhamen abandoned the worship of Aten and restored the old gods of Egypt New Kingdom

  7. Ramesses II (1279-1213) engaged in numerous military campaigns and succeeded in expanding Egypts borders Ramesses efforts proved short lived as Egypt was invaded and conquered by several rival nations. 332 BC Alexander the Great 30 BC Octavian Caesar New Kingdom

  8. Cult of Osiris Book of the Dead Pyramids Mummification Heiroglyphics Religion

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