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Unit 3: A Shared Vision. Observation Assignment. Submit summary in dropbox by Sunday of week 3. Submit Answer to Knowledge Questions & More in Discussion Board. Power Distribution. Leaders frequently want to distribute rather than to maintain power. Five reasons for empowering others are:
Unit 3: A Shared Vision Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Observation Assignment • Submit summary in dropbox by Sunday of week 3. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Submit Answer to Knowledge Questions & More in Discussion Board Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Power Distribution Leaders frequently want to distribute rather than to maintain power. Five reasons for empowering others are: • 1. to increase follower task satisfaction and performance • 2. to foster greater cooperation in the group • 3. to ensure the survival of the group or organization • 4. to encourage the personal growth and learning of group members • 5. to prevent power abuses. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Credibility: Competence, Trustworthiness, and Dynamism. These perceptions, in turn, can be modified by adopting credibility-building behaviors: • discovering yourself, • appreciating constituents, • affirming shared values, • developing capacity, • serving a purpose, and • sustaining hope. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Leaders must resist influence as well as exert it. Being aware of the dangers of these unethical strategies reduces their power over our decisions. Manipulative influence tactics may appeal to • the principle of reciprocation (give and take), • the desire for consistency, • social proof (looking to others), • authority, and • the principle of scarcity. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Vision (K & P) Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Leaders have visions and dreams of what could be. • It is your mind that creates this world. • Imagine the attractive opportunities. • Know the constituents and speak their language. • To enlist support, leaders must have intimate knowledge of people's dreams, hopes, aspirations, visions, and values. • Be enthusiastic. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Commitment • Envision the future by imaging exciting and ennobling possibilities. • Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
ENVISION THE FUTURE • Credibility is the foundation of leadership. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Motivation • Extrinsic: More likely to produce compliance or defiance. People who are externally controlled are likely to stop trying once the rewards or punishments are removed. • Intrinsic: More likely to produce far superior results. People who are self-motivated will keep working toward a result even if there's no reward. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
One of the most important practices of leadership is giving life and work a sense of meaning and purpose by offering an exciting vision. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Patterns • People of great vision see patterns when others see chaos, says venture capitalist Geoff Yang. • You have to maintain vision among distractions. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Discover the theme • Express your passion through self-exploration and self-creation. If you aren't passionate, how do you expect others to be passionate? • Explore the past. When we gaze into our past, we elongate our future. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Notice Things • Pay attention to your experiences. • Visions come from paying attention to what is right in front of us. • To be able to have a vision of the future you have to know the big story, see trends, patterns, and occurrences. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Immerse yourself. • The longer our participation and the more varied our experiences, the broader and deeper our understanding is likely to be. • By immersing ourselves, we get inspired to do more. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Write a vision statement regarding work and add that to your core assessment. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Focus on a meaningful theme. • Vision begins with passion, feeling, concern, or an inspiration that something is worth doing. • Your vision of the future may be fuzzy, but at least you're focused on a meaningful theme. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Imagine the Possibilities • Leaders are possibility thinkers, not probability thinkers. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Find meaning in the ideal. • Visions are about hopes, dreams, and aspirations. • Ideals reveal our higher-order value preferences. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Make images of the future. • In your mind, you can be a beacon of light cutting through the fog. • You must be able to create images. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Write your 5 year goals for work. Add that to your core assessment. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Look to the future. • Most organizations don't spend enough time working on creating a vision collectively. • Instead of using a tactical approach, use a strategic approach. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Write and add to your core assessment. • You can think about your past. • Determine the "something" you want to do. • Write an statement about how you've made a difference. • Write your vision statement. • Become a futurist. • Test your assumptions. • Rehearse with visualization and affirmations. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Take pride in being unique. • Uniqueness enables smaller units within large organizations to have their own vision while being a part of a collective vision. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
When leaders clearly articulate their vision for the organization, constituents report significantly higher levels: • Job satisfaction • Motivation • Commitment • Loyalty • Esprit de corps • Clarity about the organization's values • Pride in the organization • Organizational productivity Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Expressiveness comes naturally when talking about deep desires for the future. • People lean forward in their chairs. • Move their arms about. • Their eyes light up. • Their voices sing with enthusiasm. • They smile. • They are animated. • Their enthusiasm lifts the spirits of others. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Give life to a vision. • Listen deeply to others. • Find common values. • Use powerful language. • Practice positive communication. • Tap into nonverbal expressiveness. • Appeal to shared aspirations. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Rewrite your 5 year goals for yourself and put them in your wallet. Add them to your core assessment. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Listen deeply to others. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Do this now: • Take your vision statement and make a list of assumptions underlying your vision. • Flesh out each assumption by asking whether they are true or untrue of your organization, technology, politics, the world around you. • Ask a few close advisors to react to your assumptions, whether they agree or disagree and why or why not. • Ask people you think might have different assumptions to respond to yours. • FOR YOUR CORE ASSESSMENT: Test your assumptions with an experiment. If you're inspired to do something, go try it. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
What strategies will you use to enlist others in a common vision? • Get to know your constituents. • Find common ground. • Draft a collective vision statement. • Expand your communication skills. • Breathe life into your vision. • Speak from the heart. • Listen first--and often. • Hang out. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
How are you doing on the measures? You will need summaries of 10 measures from Hackman and Johnson for the week six core assessment. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Ready for next week? • You should have used the LPI software to figure out your leadership analysis. Write a summary page to attach to the LPI software printout. Use an .rtf or .txt format. Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)
Visuals from Microsoft and AllPosters.comhttp://onlineacademics.org/Store/Art.html Unit 2: Measuring Leadership (Aitken)