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Understanding English Grammar Basics

Learn the rules of English grammar, parts of speech, and various grammar terms. Explore adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs, tenses, and more.

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Understanding English Grammar Basics

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  1. Grammar Esercitazioni di Inglese EGST 2016-2017 Dott.ssa Barbara Meloni teacher.barbara.meloni@gmail.com barbara.meloni@unica.it

  2. Grammar What is Grammar?

  3. Grammar “They are the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences, or the study or use of these rules”.

  4. ENGLISH GRAMMAR PARTS OF SPEECH A sentence has its cast of characters. Each word has a role. Let's call those roles partsof speech.

  5. ENGLISH GRAMMAR PARTS OF SPEECH What function do the various parts of speech perform?

  6. ENGLISH GRAMMAR PARTS OF SPEECH Adjectives describe. Adverbs qualify. Nouns and pronouns name. Verbs do.

  7. ENGLISH GRAMMAR SOME GRAMMAR TERMS Adjective: describes a noun. (quick, large, international) Adverb: describes a verb. (quickly, yesterday, in France)

  8. ENGLISH GRAMMAR SOME GRAMMAR TERMS Noun: name of an object, idea, place or person.Car, freedom, Italy, Susan. Preposition: word like at, behind,in ,with, etc., that shows place, movement, time and so on.

  9. ENGLISH GRAMMAR SOME GRAMMAR TERMS A verb is a word such as “sing”, “feel” or “live”, which is used with a subject to say what someone or something does or what happens to them, or to give information about them.

  10. ENGLISH GRAMMAR • The Tenses • Things can happen now,in the future or in the past. The tenses show the time of a verb's action or being. The verb ending is changed (conjugated) to show what time it is referring to. • Time can be divided into three periods: ThePresent (what you are doing), The Past (what you did) and The Future (what you are going to do).

  11. The Tenses • The tenses we use to show what time we are talking about are divided into the Simple, Continuous and Perfect tenses. • In English we use two tenses to talk about the present and six tenses to talk about the past. There are several ways to talk about the future.

  12. The Tenses Simple Tenses The simple tenses are used to show permanent characteristics of people and events or what happens regularly, habitually or in a single completed action.

  13. The Tenses Continuous Tenses The continuous tenses are used when talking about a particular point in time.

  14. The Tenses Perfect Tenses The perfect tenses are used when an action or situation in the present is linked to a moment in the past. It is often used to show things that have happened up to now but aren't finished yet or to emphasize that something happened but is not true anymore. When they end determines which of them you use.

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