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US Marine Corps MAGTF C2 Brief to GCE Conference. Prepared by: LtCol Deb Beutel, EFDC, MCCDC. 4 May 2005. Outline. Purpose Background MAGTF C2 relationship to FORCEnet & GIG MAGTF C2 Snapshot Connectivity Snapshot Definition of “End to end MAGTF C2” Concepts to Capabilities
US Marine CorpsMAGTF C2Brief toGCE Conference Prepared by: LtCol Deb Beutel, EFDC, MCCDC 4 May 2005
Outline • Purpose • Background • MAGTF C2 relationship to FORCEnet & GIG • MAGTF C2 Snapshot • Connectivity Snapshot • Definition of “End to end MAGTF C2” • Concepts to Capabilities • Warfighter Mandate • Way Ahead
Purpose • Provide an overview of MAGTF Command and Control
Why MAGTF C2? • The USMC’s plan for the development and fielding of future Joint, interoperable C2 Capabilities ISO the Joint C2 Functional Concept, GIG CONOPS, FORCEnet, LandWarNet, AF C2 Constellation, Sea Power 21, EMW, etc…
“Netting the Joint Force” MAGTF C2 Global Information Grid Architecture Key to Integration
GLOBAL HAWK U2 RIVET JOINT (RS-135) EP-3 JSTARS AIP EP-3 PREDATOR UAV CAS EW PIONEER UAV Tethered Relay Convoy Operations DRAGON EYE SCAN EAGLE DKET/FKET DKET/FKET VSAT Independent Mobile IP Routed Network Independent Mobile IP Routed Network CAC2S MAGTF C2 CAC2S MAGTF C2 GMF/LMST GMF/LMST DisOps Independent Mobile IP Routed Network SMART-T SMART-T MilSatCom (X, C Ka) JTRS PoP-V and CONDOR Gateway MilSatCom (EHF/AEHF) TS/SI Nets (Intel) Commercial SatCom X, C,Ku, Ka) STEP Nat SYSTEMS TROJAN SPIRIT DSCS L-Band/MTX Supporting Establishment INMARSAT IRIDIUM MILSTAR Commercial C/Ku/Ka In-Theater Intra-Net C2 OTM Network (CONDOR) Blue Force Tracking Systems CONDOR Gateway TROJAN SPIRIT JTRS PoP-V and CONDOR Gateway CONDOR Jump C2 Vehicle USN - ESG JTRS PoP-V and CONDOR Gateway MEF DIV/WING/FSSG REGT/SQDR/CSSD BN/CO/PLT MEB/MEU
C2PC-EPLRS/802.11x Mobile Networks 1.5m 1.5m Ku Ku Common Ground Communications Architecture USA Ku/Ka SATCOM USMC STEP STEP Joint C2 Intranet (JNTC-S WIN-T) Ku/Ka VSAT IP Based C2 OTM Network with Digital OTH Relay (CONDOR) Unit Hub Node SMART-T GMF/PHOENIX SMART-T MEF GMF/LMST JNN JECCS or UOC Jump C2 Vehicle “MBCOTM” Jump C2 Vehicle “MBCOTM” MEB/MEU/Regt UEx/UA Bn Jump C2 Vehicle “MBCOTM” Jump C2 Vehicle “MBCOTM” GW GW GW Bn Command Post FBCB2-EPLRS/802.11x Mobile Network GW Bn Command Post Brigade and Below COP Data shared via CONDOR-Like GW over USA/USMC Ku VSATs Systems GW GW Company/Convoy Data Company/Convoy Data
Defining the Strategy • The MAGTF “end to end C2” Strategy: • Is a methodology for delivering an “… end to end, fully integrated, cross functional set of MAGTF C2 capabilities that include forward deployed as well as reach back,” functions IAW MROC DMs 39-2004 & 29-2005 (Continuation of Army/USMC convergence in JROCM-161-03)
Capabilities Concept-Based Development Guidance Macro Functional Orientation Concepts Integrated Architectures Capabilities List Technology Insertion S&T Investment Experimentation
Unclassified Working Paper Joint Command and Control Functional Concept Version 0.7 31 October 2003 Joint, Naval & Service Concepts & Capabilities JC2 Functional Concept GIG CONOPS FORCEnet Concept MAGTF C2 Strategy
MAGTF C2 “Born Joint” Concepts, ECLs JC2 NCES GIG B/E JTRS TCA Applications Enterprise Services Network (MCEN) B/W - Tactical B/W - Operational MAGTF C2 DOT_LPF GIG
App/Sys Enterprise Services Data Network Fn C2 Constellation LandWarNet Tactical B/W Operational B/W MAGTF C2 Portfolio GIG GIG MAGTF C2 Operational Strategic End to End Tactical
JC2 Functional Capabilities • 1. The ability to monitor the execution of the plan and adapt as necessary • 2. The ability to execute the C2 process • 3. The ability to network • 4. The ability to share information • 5. The ability to interact • 6. The ability to develop shared awareness • 7. The ability to monitor and collect data • 8. The ability to develop an understanding of the situation • 9. The ability to develop courses of action • 10. The ability to develop a plan • 11. The ability to execute the plan including providing direction and leadership to subordinates
Title Description Metric Source Internet Protocol (IP) Data packets routed across network, not switched via dedicated circuits IP as the Convergence Layer Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model (NCOW RM), Technical View compliant with Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) NCOW RM, GIG Arch v2, IPv6 Memos (9 Jun 03 and 29 Sep 03), JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Secure and available communications Encrypted initially for core network; goal is edge-to-edge encryption and hardened against denial of service Black Transport Layer Transformational Communications Architecture (TCA) compliance; Technical View compliant with JTA TCA; IA Component of Assured GIG Architecture; JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Only handle information once (OHIO) Data posted by authoritative sources and visible, available, usable to accelerate decision making Reuse of existing data repositories Community of interest policy (TBD) Post in parallel Business process owners make their data available on the net as soon as it is created Data tagged and posted before processing NCOW RM, Technical View compliant with JTA NCOW RM, DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (9 May 03) JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Smart pull (vice smart push) Applications encourage discovery; users can pull data directly from the net or use value-added discovery services Data stored in public space and advertised (tagged) for discovery NCOW RM, Technical View compliant with JTA NCOW RM; DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (9 May 03); JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Data centric Data separate from applications; apps talk to each other by posting data Metadata registered in DoD Metadata Registry NCOW RM, Technical View compliant with JTA NCOW RM; DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (9 May 03); JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Application diversity Users can pull multiple apps to access same data or choose same app (e.g., for collaboration) Apps posted to net and tagged for discovery NCOW RM, Technical View compliant with JTA NCOW RM; JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Assured Sharing Trusted accessibility to net resources (data, services, apps, people, collaborative environment, etc.) Access assured for authorized users; denied for unauthorized users Security/IA policy (TBD); IA Component of Assured GIG Architecture; JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Quality of service Data timeliness, accuracy, completeness, integrity, and ease of use Net-ready key performance parameter Service level agreements (TBD); JTA Memo 23 Nov. 04, JTA v6.0 Net-centric Attributes
FORCEnet Capabilities • Robust, reliable communication to all nodes • Reliable, accurate and timely Blue Force location and status • Reliable, accurate and timely red, white and gray force location, identification, tracking and engagement • Storage, cataloging and retrieval of all information • Information processing, sorting, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis • Means to depict situational information in a tailorable, user-defined, shareable representation • Collaborative environment to allow cooperation by distributed groups of decision makers • Automation of certain lower-order C2 sub-processes thru AI and decision aids to support human, higher-order sub-processes • Information assurance • Function in multiple security domains, and within multiple levels of security • Interoperability with different command and control systems • Ability of individual nodes to function while temporarily disconnected • Means of monitoring and managing the functioning of the system • Seamless incorporation of new capabilities into the system • Commanders able to make and carry out good decisions quickly 2 Specific Development Guidance
FORCENet Capabilities mapped to MAGTF C2 Layers Enable rapid decision Auto Decision Aides Reliable tracking Distributed Grp SA Robust all nodes Shareable/visible SA Disconnected ops Self test/diagnose Mult Sec Domains Interop various sys Info assurrance Reliable status Upgrade quickly Store/ retrieve Process/analyze
Mandate from the Warfighter • Spiral 0 integrates CAC2S Increment 1 and C2PC version 7.0 • All the capabilities inherent in CAC2S and C2PC on one screen • CLC2S (LOG) injectors • Enhanced CE C2 • Spiral 0 ACE/GCE convergence • Fused Tactical Air Picture • Integrated Air/Grnd Picture • Increased Army Interoperability (JTCW/JBFSA) • Air/Ground Expeditionary Planning (WEEMC/ADOCS) • Collaborative Planning/Execution • Improved Battlespace Deconfliction
MAGTF C2 Implementation • Spiral 0: • Address GCE and ACE C2: focus on BFT, COP, CTP, and SA capabilities • Focus on CAC2S as baseline • Already has Joint pedigree as potential JC2 AoA candidate, w/C2PC (JCTW) functionality as an added but, essential requirement • Spiral 1: • Draft a MAGTF C2 SoS ICD Draft NLT September 05 ISO POM-08 FEA
SPIRAL 0 Capabilities: Fused Tactical Air Picture Improved Air/Grnd Picture Common ACE Equip/SW MAGTF C2 Technical foundation Increased Army Interop WEEMC Capability Air/Gnd Expeditionary Plng Integrated Air/Grnd Picture Collaborative Planning/Exec Improved Battlespace Deconfliction SPIRAL 1 Capabilities (TBD): MAGTF C2 Spiral 0 Plus added functionality Air/Grnd/Intel/CSSE Enterprise Services MAGTF C2 System of Systems Capabilities
Way Ahead • Establish and Charter a MAGTF C2 Transformation Task Force (TTF) • Commence JCIDS analysis and program reviews while developing long-term strategy and Requirements Documentation ISO POM-08 & MAGTF C2 • Draft C2 Campaign Plan • Develop FORCEnet & MAGTF C2 OV’s • Draft MAGTF C2 Functional Concept • Draft MAGTF C2 Warfighter CONOPS • Draft MAGTF C2 SoS ICD
Initial Functional MAGTF C2 Baseline Integrated MAGTF C2 Baseline TACC TAOM DASC ABDASC ADCP Notional MAGTF C2 Common Software Roadmap Sample Programs 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ACE CE CAC2S Time TBD FOC MS C IOC MAGTF C2 SoS IOC FOC UOC GCE MSBL/C2PC V6.1 V8.0 V7.0 V9.0 TCO IAS MCISRES AFATDS GCSS-MC CSSE IOC ATLASS CLC2S LOGAIS
Documents Required IOT Execute MAGTF C2 Purpose Title • ConceptsMAGTF C2 Functional Concept • (Futures Division Lead with input from C2 Integration Division, Concepts and Capabilities Branch) • Guidance/VisionC2 Campaign Plan • (C2 Integration Lead contracted) • Capabilities EMW Capabilities List • (C2I Lead w/input from TTF) MAGTF C2 WARFIGHTER CONOPS • Acquisition DocumentsMAGTF C2 SoS ICD • (MCD Lead with input and assistance from C2I and advocates) • Deferred for now MCEN/MCNOSC ICD/CDD • (MCD Lead with input and assistance from C2I and advocates)
Elements: C2 Campaign Plan • Vision (“End to End C2” Strategy) the cultural and organizational change and approach the Marine Corps is taking toward C2 • Concepts Joint C2Functional,EMW operational and FORCEnet functional • ProcessesEFDS, NCDP, JCIDS, PPBS, EIMA, BMMP, Clinger Cohen • Roles and Responsibilitiesall C2 stakeholders • Integrationharmonization of the C2 processw/OSD mandates • Roadmapfocus on PORs, POM cycles and what needs to be built, refined, next, (i.e. Actionable guidance)
Documentation that can be leveraged ISO MAGTF C2: • Joint Command and Control Functional Concept • FORCEnet Functional Concept • GIG CONOPS • NETOPS WARFIGHTER CONOPS • MAGTF C2 Spiral 0 requirements traceability matrix • C2PC/JTCW (ver 7.0) Notional ORD • MCEITS JCIDS Analysis
Applications / Systems (MAGTF C2 SoS) Enterprise Services (MCEITS) Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) B/W Transmission Systems - Tactical B/W Transmission Systems - Operational MAGTF C2 System (CAC2S +C2PC + GCSS-MC) MAGTF “end to end” C2 C2 System Support Structure FORCEnet Joint C2
MAGTF C2 Five Layers aligned with Joint C2 initiatives Systems / Applications (MAGTF C2 SoS) JC2 NCES GIG B/E JTRS TCA Enterprise Services (e,g, MCEITS) Network (e.g. MCEN, MCNOSC, TDN, DTC) B/W Transmission – Tactical (e.g. JTRS, CoNDOR) B/W Transmission – Operational (e.g. TCA, LMST) Strategic Tactical Operational
Layer Terms of Reference • Systems (Applications & End User Equipment): End User information technology programs (software) and equipment (hardware) that enhance the ability to Command and Control. • Enterprise Services: Provides the operating system and other supporting applications, services and interfaces (i.e., SDE, storage, collaboration, messaging, etc.) to users throughout the network • Network: Provides basic DISN services pulled from the GIG; DSN, the IP backbone (NIPRnet and SIPRnet) connectivity to the GIG. • Bandwidth Tactical: "The terrestrial bandwidth communications essential for the planning, directing, and controlling of fires, movements or manuever within the operational area to accomplish missions and tasks" • Bandwidth Operational: Provides mobile, robust, space-based bandwidth communications essential for the employment of military forces to attain strategic and/or operational objectives through the design, organization, integration and conduct of strategies, campaigns, major operations and battles. between specified nodes.
JC2 Functional ConceptAttributes Superior Decision Making Shared Understanding Flexible Synchronization Simultaneous C2 Processes Dispersed Command and Control Responsive & Tailorable Organizations Full Spectrum Integration Shared Quality Information Robust Networking Unclassified Working Paper Joint Command and Control Functional Concept Version 0.7 31 October 2003
Issues • Proliferation of stove-piped non-integrated Command and Control Systems across the Warfighting Functional Domains. • Multiple “boxes” to be managed by the Warfighter with no measurable capability increase. • Lack of interoperability and integration with continued expenditure on duplicative infrastructure, networking, storage and bandwidth services in a fiscally constrained environment.
Benefits of MAGTF C2 • Ensures USMC C2 development ISO Joint, Naval, and Marine Warfighting Concepts and Requirements • Alleviates multiple, redundant, stove-piped systems • Ensures that required Enterprise Services (i.e. Bandwidth, access to Reach-back and Shared Data Environment ) are available to all War-fighting Functional domains. • Consolidated C2 capability to Operational Forces • Provide shared tactical information environment • Supports collaborative planning, execution and assessment • Strategic to disconnected tactical operations • Common data strategy that supports • Non-real time • Near-real time • Real-time • Consolidated training requirements
C2 Definitions • “The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission. Also called C2." JP 1-02 • Command and Control includes all the, “people, procedures and technology” necessary for the Commander to command and control. – MCDP 6