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Objectives. Students will recognize stage fright is a common experience that can be dealt with by using preparation, practice, visualization and relaxation techniques. Students will be able to define stage fright.
Objectives • Students will recognize stage fright is a common experience that can be dealt with by using preparation, practice, visualization and relaxation techniques. • Students will be able to define stage fright. • Students will distinguish the most effective coping strategies for stage fright. • Students will strategize ways to overcome anxieties, especially related to performances.
Essential Questions • What are your fears with public speaking? • What is stage fright? • How can you overcome stage fright? • What techniques can you use to overcome stage fright?
Jerry Seinfeld got a big laugh when he joked about a survey that found that the fear of public speaking ranks higher in most people's minds than the fear of death. • "In other words, at a funeral, the average person would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy."
Warm-Up: What are your fears with public speaking? • www.polleverywhere.com • BYOD! • Send text to 37607 and put 554659 in front of your answer • Example text: “554659 I’m afraid of getting nervous in front of everyone.”
What is Stage Fright? • Nervousness before or during an appearance before an audience. • “Humans are wired to worry about reputation. Public speaking can threaten it. It’s the fight-or-flight response, a self-protective process seen in a range of species.” - Mikael Cho, Educator • An estimated 75% of people have a fear of speaking in public • The science of stage fright: http://blog.ted.com/2013/10/16/required-watching-for-any-ted-speaker-the-science-of-stage-fright/
What Causes Stage Fright? • Fight or flight response to perceived threats • When confronted by something scary, the body automatically: • Shuts down nonessential functions, like digestion • Amps up blood flow, muscle tension and perspiration to prime you for crushing danger or racing to safety. • Mary Fensholt, the author The Francis Effect: The Real Reason You Hate Public Speaking and How to Get Over It, believes that fear of public speaking is related to the ancient fear of being eaten. • Thirty-five thousand years ago in Sub-Saharan Africa, a couple dozen eyes staring your way meant that it was lunchtime for a pack of predators.
You're Gonna Hear Me Roar: Overcoming Classroom Stage Fright http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srPAliz_EzA
Tips to Overcome Stage Fright • Move, laugh, breathe • “Power pose” for 120 seconds • Plant some surprises in the speech for you and the class to look forward to • Commit to an emotion • Positive self-talk ("I can do this", "I know I can," etc.) • Practice, practice, practice! • Get perspective • Remember it’s not about you; It’s about the audience
Overcoming Real-Life Fears & Anxieties Think-Pair-Share Activity • Pair up with your assigned partner • Take turns asking each other the scenarios on the cards • Come up with ways to overcome each of the problems (You may write your answers on the card.)
How do YOU plan to deal with stage fright? • BYOD poll (www.polleverywhere.com ) • Send text to 37607 and put 554948 in front of message • Example: “554948 Practice a million times so I feel prepared.”
Resources • http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-science-of-stage-fright-and-how-to-overcome-it-mikael-cho • http://www.edutopia.org/blog/overcoming-classroom-stage-fright-todd-finley • http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/shyness-is-nice/201202/getting-over-stage-fright-becoming-effective-public-speaker • http://www.vh1.com/partners/vh1_music_studio/supplies/specials/josh_groban-lesson1.html • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srPAliz_EzA