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RENAISSANCE ZARAGOZA WP4 : Progress Report on Dissemination activities. 7th RENAISSANCE meeting- Lyon 27/04/2009. Local Leader : Javier Celma Director of Agencie of Environamental and Sustainability - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza Speaker : Astrid García
RENAISSANCE ZARAGOZA WP4 : Progress Report on Dissemination activities 7th RENAISSANCE meeting- Lyon 27/04/2009 Local Leader : Javier Celma Director of Agencie of Environamental and Sustainability - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza Speaker: Astrid García Agencie of Environamental and Sustainability - Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza 1
WP4.1 State of progress (4/2009) A-Local level (WP4.1): Already Done in local dissemination (since the beginning): Local Strategy dissemination (in Spanish) Local website renaissance for Spain (Ayto.) Public meetings in El Picarral Explanatory brochure of Renaissance for the general public Talks at Picarral Neighbours Association, December 2007, in February 2008 Standardised Presentation of the project (ppt) to be used in conferences Green Homes Programme at Picarral district (Hogares verdes) DVD restoration of the public school Cándido Domingo with renaissance Main achievements : The spreading of the project started from its very beginning, and is a horizontal measure already launched 3
WP4.1 State of progress (4/2009) List of main activities done between 10/2008-4/2009 • Publication of material for local information (SMVZ-Ayto) => Paper and Electronic Newsletter (in Spanish) • Consolidation of Zaragoza material in local Renaissance project website (Ayto-UdZ) • web page(Ayto): www.zaragoza.es/medioambiente • web page in UdZ (to be launched soon) : http://renaissance.unizar.es • web page Valdespartera (EZV) : http://www.valdespartera.es • Public presentation of the refurbishment works in El Picarral school 02/2009(Ayto) • Draft done for Guide book for house uses for people in general (Manual of recommendations for bioclimatic housing)– linked to WP5.2 (UdZ)- to be finalised Summer 2009 WORKING PLAN IN DISSEMINATION-MEETINGS (Ayto-UdZ) - Centralisation of partners’ Dissemination activities (Ayto) - Events list for local partners (Ayto) -database for dissemination activities in local communities (Ayto)
WP4.1 – Analysis of progress (4/2009) • Problem ? • the better problem is no problem • New element: • Keep on disseminating, with a new strong collaboration with UdZ • Strong points : • Strong involment in the project of politicians from the City Hall. of Zaragoza • RENAISSANCE project has been used as a basis of their LOCAL CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 5
Plans for the next 6 months (end of year 4) Overview of planned actions: • improve webpages: to give more visibility to renaissance website • Updating the local existing dissemination strategy- to cover activites until the end of the project • Developing a “Roadmap” of key events or target groups (dissemination) • Identification of responsible organisation : Local leader: AYTO- Javier celma (Director Env. Departmt) + Marisa campillos (Communication expert) Main other actor : UdZ (José Antonio Turegano´s group – UdZ/GEE) Other partners involved : SMVZ, EVZ, CENER, URBIC, ENDESA
Dissemination activities (WP4) of UdZ (linked with WP1.5/WP5 activities)
Summary (27th/2008) WP4 • Dissemination • New Website section of UdZ for disse-mination • Future activities
New Website for dissemination (1/3) • It has designed a web portal that will serve as a source of information, con-sultation and direct interaction with stake-holders, technicians and others interested in the Renaissance project. • This web portal will cover a part of the new dissemination responsibilities of UdZ and will contribute to cover the 1.5 objectives improving the validity of conclusions by incorporating a system for exchanging information with re-sidents and will set up a blog that citizen participation is expected. • The aim of all this is to present infor-mation organized by hierarchical way, so that it adapts to the different types of users who consult the information.
New Website for dissemination (2/3) • The information is divided basically into two sections • Renaissance Project • Valdespartera residents • Renaissance Section: • Will be made mainly for technicians, students and institutions that want to know the criteria for the urban design, the bioclima-tic criteria and energy effi-ciencyfor the ecobuildings and urban sustainability in Valdespartera.
New Website for dissemination (3/3) • Residents section: • Detailing the commitments made by the university, regarding the processing of data. • Giving information and advising about a correct use of their ecobuildings in order to reduce energy consumption. • This section will provide a public space to express opinions, criticism and any question in relation with the monitoring of their buildings and the results once collected.
WP4.2 State of progress (since beginning of project) Actions done (since the beginning of the project) : Common strategy in Spanish and English Common document, with the SMVZ (Municipal Society of Refurbishment) DVD in Spanish, English and French for spreading in Europe the Spanish Renaissance project Course in Brussels on the spreading of European projects Candidacy presented to the 11th Environment Prize, organized by CISS,Garrigues Abogados, andthe financial paper "Expansión” International events Expo Zaragoza 2008 Other International events (SMVZ/UdZ/Ayto) Launching of the common protocol to centralise dissemination activities Local Website updating Database of promotional events in Zaragoza 14
WP4.2 Analysis & Planned actions • Analysis • problems and deviations from the plan: Participation in international events • Strong / weak points: different jobs from several stakeholders • How to improve the quality of work: continue with the same working method • How to exploit collaboration : study networking opportunities • Overcome problems by early solutions: a group to work with Concerto Plus in dissemination: Marisa Campillos (Ayto.) + Daniel (UdZ) Plans for the next 6 months (end of year 4) Schedule: • Updating the List of events (See next slide for details) • Updating the common strategy on Dissemination • Participation of tel-conference with local leaders on dissemination (with Lyon, and Lombardy) • Development of Network strategy to optimize the dissemination 15
GO AHEAD UNTIL THE END Contact Astrid Garcia juridico-ambiente@zaragoza.es and Marisa Campillos informacionambiental@zaragoza.es 17