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Chapter 1 THE NEW NATION. Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Section 2: The English Colonies Section 3: Independence! Section 4: Founding the Nation. Section 2: The English Colonies. Objectives:. How was Virginia settled?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 1THE NEW NATION Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Section 2: The English Colonies Section 3: Independence! Section 4: Founding the Nation

  2. Section 2: The English Colonies Objectives: • How was Virginia settled? • What role did religion play in the settlement of the New England colonies? • Why were the southern and middle colonies established? • How did the settlement of North America affect American Indians?

  3. Section 2: The English Colonies Settlement of Virginia • James I left colonization to private joint-stock companies. • The London Company settled Jamestown in 1608 by growing tobacco. • Indentured servants were used for cheap labor. • Colonial government was by a House of Burgesses.

  4. Section 2: The English Colonies Role of religion in New England • the reason for leaving England • the basis of the Mayflower Compact • emphasis on the family • cooperation between church and state

  5. Section 2: The English Colonies Establishment of southern colonies • desire for profit • need for land • place for debtors Establishmentof northern colonies • conquest of the Dutch • “Holy Experiment”

  6. Section 2: The English Colonies Effects on American Indians • Indians fought each other for hunting grounds. • Europeans cleared land. • Indians and Europeans fought wars with each other. • Europeans brought diseases that devastated the Indians.

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