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THE MATRIX. The Matrix Characters. Morpheus Thomas Anderson/Neo Trinity The Oracle Cypher Apoc and Dozer Switch. The Agents. The Matrix Characters. Morpheus Thomas Anderson/Neo Trinity The Oracle Apoc and Dozer Switch. The Agents Cypher. the matrix and message.

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  2. The Matrix Characters • Morpheus • Thomas Anderson/Neo • Trinity • The Oracle • Cypher • Apoc and Dozer • Switch • The Agents

  3. The Matrix Characters • Morpheus • Thomas Anderson/Neo • Trinity • The Oracle • Apoc and Dozer • Switch • The Agents • Cypher

  4. the matrix and message • Trinity Morpheus and Neo are searching for each other • that which you search for is searching you!!! • SEARCHING AND CHOOSING • GUIDANCE; LEADER; LEARNING • The Agents say Morpheus is dangerous!! • THIS “DANGEROUS” THEME KEEPS POPPING UP!! HOLY ROSARY!!!

  5. the matrix and message • Search and Choice • Identity and Self Esteem • Faith Hope Love • Sacrifice • Unconditional love

  6. The Matrix • DISCOVERING: Truth and Reality and Fate and Destiny • “The first matrix was created and designed to be perfect, everyone was supposed to be happy with no suffering. It was a disaster no one accepted the program, crops were lost” • We created the machines; then they tried to destroy us???

  7. MORPHEUS AND NEO • Morpheus believes in Neo more than Neo believes in himself • Morpheus tells Neo “to let it all go” • “Free your mind” Fear Doubt Disbelief • What is Morpheus really asking of Neo? • Neo asks “Why Me?” • Neo learns his identity and strength through his love and loyalty for Morpheus

  8. Morpheus • As John the Baptist: • As God the Father:

  9. Thomas Anderson/Neo • As Jesus, the Son of God who takes away the sins and suffering of the world • NEO: sacrifices himself; Dies, Rises, Ascends • Has 2 natures: human and divine • Thomas Anderson and Neo • Neo is the One they have been waiting for: The Messiah, THE Savior of the world • He learns his identity and strength through his love and loyalty (Sacrifice)

  10. Trinity • As Mary Magdalene: • As the Holy Spirit:

  11. The Oracle • “KNOW THYSELF” • The Oracle tells Neo exactly what he needs to hear to motivate him to discover his true identity… that he is not the One, so he can discover himself • Neo wants to tell Morpheus that He is not the One but there is no time. Neo has to make a choice!!!

  12. Cypher • As Judas Iscariot The betrayer • Cypher turns off the screen when Neo enters the room, why? • Switch says, “not like this” why?

  13. The Agents • The Roman Government & • Religious Authorities • Are we really free? • The Agents say “never send a human to do a machine’s job” what does that mean? • The agents always call Neo Mr. Anderson and only human, why?

  14. The Blessed Trinity • God the Father, The Creator • Jesus the Son, The Redeemer • The Holy Spirit, The Sanctifier • The Helicopter Scene!!!

  15. The Blessed Trinity • The Father gives everything to the Son, all power, knowledge, love and glory • The Son wants to glorify the Father, so He does everything in His Fathers’ name and returns all power, knowledge, love and glory to the father • The Holy Spirit is the joining force of Love uniting Father and Son together

  16. The HOLY SPIRIT Trinity • Is a powerful force • The power of the Holy Spirit in Luke’s Gospel guides Jesus through His ministry ……

  17. JESUS • FULLY HUMAN AND FULLY DIVINE • How do you think Jesus figured out his identity as God’s Son? And who He was meant to be? • He grew in age, wisdom and grace!! • How do you think you will figure out your identity as who you are meant to be?

  18. The Matrix Reflection Paper: • Connect each of the following characters from the movie with their biblical counterparts!!! • include specific quotations from the Bible!! • Morpheus • Neo • Trinity • Cypher • the Agents • End your paper with a powerful conclusion.

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