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SAFER Final progress meeting 14-15 December 2011, Brussels WP 30210 – Earthquakes & Volcanoes thematic services Is

SAFER Final progress meeting 14-15 December 2011, Brussels WP 30210 – Earthquakes & Volcanoes thematic services Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. WP 30210 Team Leader INGV (Italy) contributors: NILU (Norway) EUCENTRE (Italy) GAMMA (Switzerland) IGAR (Romania)

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SAFER Final progress meeting 14-15 December 2011, Brussels WP 30210 – Earthquakes & Volcanoes thematic services Is

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  1. SAFER Final progress meeting 14-15 December 2011, Brussels WP 30210 – Earthquakes & Volcanoes thematic services IstitutoNazionaledi Geofisica e Vulcanologia
  2. WP 30210 Team Leader INGV (Italy) contributors: NILU (Norway) EUCENTRE (Italy) GAMMA (Switzerland) IGAR (Romania) E-GEOS (Italy) ENS (France)
  3. Proposed E&V services Service test on 2009-2011 events Services implemented in the V2 Operational Checks Activations & Delivered products in the last period Conclusion OVER VIEW
  4. Thematic Service – Geophysical risks (WP30210) Earthquakes and Volcanoes (E&V) services – WP 30210 Summary of Main Objectives of WP 30210 consolidate, validate and deliver thematic information at European and Worldwide level related to the geophysical risk for ERCS activities: (E) Surface deformation maps and damage mapping for earthquake scenario. (V) HTE information, gas and ash emissions, and surface deformation creating a permanent exchange of information with user community and other partners in order to facilitate the integration, validation and use of E&V thematic services in the ERCS system
  5. Service and Products Specifications
  6. Status and Activities of the Service Major events used to test the E&V thematic service products April 2009 Aquila earthquake (Italy) January 2010 Port au Prince earthquake (Haiti) April-May 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption(Iceland) October-November 2010 Merapi eruption (Indonesia) May 2011 Grimsvotn eruption (Iceland) June 2011 Dubbi eruption October-November 2011 El Hierroeruption(Spain) Etna volcanic activity 2009-2011 Van earthquake, October 2011
  7. PRODUCTS/SERVICE: Eyjafjallajökull
  10. Service Evolution The proposed service for E&V are now in the SAFER V2 Portoflio Volcanoes service Earthquake service: Damage mapping by SAR (and/or by VHR optical and SAR fusion) ExtractedfromSAFER newsletter
  11. Operational Check of Earthquake product The Operational Check was performed for the case study related to the earthquake that hit Padang city, Indonesia, Sumatra island, on 30th of September 2009. Service Request Form (SRF) received on 28th of February 2011 INGV and EUCENTRE provided the requested map compliant wrtSRF: shapefile + metafile + jpeg map within the deadline of 2nd of March. Delivered product: BASeDaLe – Block-Aggregated Seismic Damage Level BASeDaLe derived from single post-event SAR data: TerraSAR-X spotlight image acquired on 3rd of October 2009
  12. BASeDale deliverd map Polygons correspond to urban block damaged areas Three levels of damaged are classified: No or negligible damage (green), moderate damage (yellow) and extensive damage (red), corresponding to collapse ratio of 0-10%, 10-40% more than 40% respectively
  13. Volcanic products Operational Check On May 16, 2011 INGV received the request for performing the operational check for the Volcanoes service The 30210 Team started the data analysis but the first results were not encouraging: Information from NILU and from the DARWIN VAACindicate a short-lived ash rich eruption that did not get very high with no SO2 alert MODISdata look very cloudy preliminary results indicate no ash and SO2
  14. Scenario change for operational On Sunday 22th INGV and DLR agreed to redirect the operational check toward the already started Grimsvotn eruption - 21 May 2011 The SRF was issued from DLR on 23th may 2011 The products have been delivered 8 days later, and after 5 days from the data availability In particular, six products on 22 and 23 May 2011 MODIS (both Terra and Aqua satellites) data have been delivered
  15. Delivered products from MODIS May 22 03:35
  16. Delivered products from MODIS May 22 13:00
  17. DeliveredproductsfromMODIS May 22 13:30
  18. Delivered products from MODIS May 23 13:45
  19. Modeled cumulative ground deposit map from Vol-CALPUFF numerical model
  20. E&V service activations In the last six months E&V services were activated to provide maps about: El Hierro sub-marine eruption Van, Turkey, earthquake
  21. El Hierro volcanic crises INGV has been activate (GERS109) in order to delivered the services available for supporting the Spanish authorities INGV published in less then 12 hour a web based service for real time (5-15 minutes refresh) analysis of surface thermal state of El Hierro island Moreover, two dedicated modules for the preliminary detection in real time of SO2 and ASH content have been included On User request specific areas have been set in the website as well INGV agreed to keep the service active also after the closing of the activation
  22. El Hierro web service authomatic ASH detection Surface thermal monitoring Authomatic SO2 detection
  23. Earthquake in Turkey On 23th of October 2011 a strong earthquake (M7.3) hit the province of Van in eastern Turkey. Several towns were affected: more than 2000 buildings were strongly damaged and collapsed Earthquake service was activated: GERS110 Damage map based on post-event SAR VHR image has been requested for the city of Ercis EUCENTRE processed a single post-event image by COSMO-SkyMed on 25th of October 2011, at 14:54 UTC, in SPOTLIGHT-2 mode, at 1m resolution JPEG map + shapefile + google-kml file were delivered
  24. BASeDaLe map of Ercis city Polygons correspond to urban block damaged areas Three levels of damaged are recognized: No or negligible damage (green), moderate damage (yellow) and extensive damage (red), corresponding to collapse ratio of 0-10%, 10-40% more than 40% respectively
  25. User feedbacks El Hierro Gregorio PascualSantamaría,Jefe de Área de RiesgosNaturalesDirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias sent his feddeback on the INGV web service: “Thank you very much to all of you for your help. We are using the data provided in our making decision team and we are sure that this information will be very useful. Unfortunately the data of the last day didn’t allow the real knowledge in the sea surface. We hope this situation could change in the next days.” Ercis damage map “…the information provided by your products is contradictory to what it is observed on the field. Actually it seems that the town center is the most affected part of the city.” We are investigating on possible causes of errors, e.g. dense presence of vegetation which results in biased homogeneity statistics; non-compliant data format (no SLC were received), which required additional processing and possibly information loss; quantization of damage into 3 classes sometimes turned out to be somehow too rough
  26. SAR Time series analysis on Vrancea Region During the last period IGAR (Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy ) research focussed on : study on the tectonic and geodynamic framework of the Vrancea zone study on the peculiarities of the Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes processing geophysical investigations aimed at outlining the fault track and its in depth structure interpreting the electromagnetic experiment for revealing eventual electrical currents along PCF, as evidence for the active character of the contact geodetic observations aimed at estimating slip rate along the PCF: time series recorded at the Baspunar geodynamic observatory have confirmed slight dextral features (with an average slip rate ranging between 1 - 6 mm/yr) These analysis aimed at comparing and validating the results of the IPTA (SAR time series) data processed by Gamma Remote Sensing
  27. SAR Timeseriesanalysis on VranceaRegion Surface velocity pattern does not highlight significant movement respect to the tectonic setting of the area Complexity of tectonic setting hampered the full exploitation of time series technique SAR processing limitated by the strong vegetation in the study area The interpretation results by integrating IGAR analysis and SAR velocity filed are not conclusive:
  28. Data Access Portfolio – quota consumption 189 images requested and downloaded into INGV data archive: 11 VHR optical (QuickBird, WorldView, Geoye ...) 75 VHR SAR images from Radarsat-2 67 VHR SAR images from Terrsar-X 36 VHR SAR images from Cosmo-SKyMed Areas of interest: Mt. Etna, Messina Strait (Italy), Mt. Merapi, Mt. Tambora (Indonesia) , Mt. Kanlaon (Philippines), Talcahuano, Constitucion (Chile), Pitone de la Fournaise (France), Fogo (Cape Verde), Dujiang (China) ENVISAT for time series for the indicated areas
  29. The ITAFCE: draft version WP30210 Partners
  30. CONCLUSIONS Activities which will be completed in the extension period Vrancea study completion Improve the reliability of Damage map based SAR VHR imagery ITAFACE completion and publication of the products in the SAFER Gateway Continuing to interact with the user to improve the use of the products in the operative procedures at National, European and International level SAFER and E&V Service has been presented on the: United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Risk Management - “Best Practices for Risk Reduction and Rapid Response mapping” 22-25 November 2011 Participation to FP7 RTD for GMES and to GIO proposals
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