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Chapter 3: The English Colonies. Section 4: The Struggle For Land. Pages: 86-91. The Struggle For Land. THE FRENCH IN NORTH AMERICA : Conflict between France and Britain erupted as Britain’s North American Colonial Empire grew and expanded.
Chapter 3: The English Colonies Section 4: The Struggle For Land Pages: 86-91
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH IN NORTH AMERICA: • Conflict between France and Britain erupted as Britain’s North American Colonial Empire grew and expanded. • British Frontiersmen and traders crossed the Appalachian Mountains into the Ohio Valley, they moved into territory claimed by both France and Britain
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH IN NORTH AMERICA: • Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle explored the Mississippi River in the late 1600s (17th Century) and the French began to build forts along the Mississippi River • French Found New Orleans (1718) giving the French command of the Mississippi River
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH IN NORTH AMERICA: • New France – France’s North American Empire – never reached its potential or strength • France claimed a huge area but never settled it.
The Struggle For Land • CULTURES CLASH: • The success of the French Colonial Economy was tied to the Native Americans • American Indians and French Fur Traders • American Indians want European goods (firearms, horses, and metal tools) in exchange for Beaver Pelts and Furs
The Struggle For Land • CULTURES CLASH: • Fur Trade: European desire for Furs altered life of the Native Americans – the Native Americans became dependent on Fur Trade for survival • Native Americans spent so much time hunting furs that the Indian villages were forced to buy food they once produced • Because Native Americans want Furs to trade they moved onto other Native American land which resulted in competition
The Struggle For Land • CONFLICTS OVER LAND: • European desires for land had an even more disastrous consequence for Native Americans than the European demand for Furs did. • Europeans would take Native American land not registered by deed, cleared, or built upon • A settler said: “it was against the laws of God and Nature that so much land should be idle while so many Christians wanted it to work on.” • The American Indians viewed land differently: they recognized territorial boundaries, but not individual ownership
The Struggle For Land • WAR IN NEW ENGLAND: • Pequot Indian Tribe goes to war against the English over land • 1636, The English and their Narraganset and Mohegan allies fought the Pequot • The Fight ended in 1637, when the English burned the Pequot village killing hundreds of Pequot Indians and virtually destroyed the Pequot
The Struggle For Land • THE WAR IN NEW ENGLAND: • 1675, Wampanoag Chief Metacomet – called King Philip by the English – led the American Indians against the colonists; an estimated 3,000 Native Americans and Metacomet died
The Struggle For Land • “The last wars…have reduced them (Native Americans) to a small number, and consequently they are incapable of defending themselves.” • By a Frenchman
The Struggle For Land • THE IROQUOIS LEAGUE: a political confederation of American Indian Nations that spoke one of the Iroquoian languages • Six Nations (Cayoga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca in NY and Pennsylvania formed the League. • Tuscarora (North Carolina) joined the League – Now the League is also known as SIX NATIONS
The Struggle For Land • IROQUOIS LEAGUE: • The Iroquois League dominated the Fur Trade • The Iroquois League acted as middlemen by obtaining Furs from other American Indians and selling them to the English • The Iroquois League played the English and French against each other
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR: • England, France and Spain are engaging in a worldwide struggle to be the biggest Empire • The Fighting spilled over into the North America • The English Colonists were dragged into three wars • 1) King Williams War (1689-1697) • 2) Queen Anne’s War (1702-1713) • 3) King George’s War (1744-1748)
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR: • Albany Plan of Union: Benjamin Franklin wanted a loose confederation of the colonies to promote defense • Colonial Governments and the English Parliament rejected the plan because they feared it would weaken Britain’s power over the colonies
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR: competition for the Ohio Valley – Both the French and British felt the Ohio Valley was highly valuable • The French and Indian War began in the colonies but then spread to Europe in 1756, and became known as the Seven Years’ War
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR: • Both the French and British felt the Ohio Valley was highly valuable • Virginia Land Speculators – people who bought land expecting quick profits from resale – had acquired a large land grant in the Ohio Valley • Ohio Company – a group of Virginians and British built a Fort to protect their investment
The Struggle For Land • THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR: • The French considered the land theirs and drove the Ohio Company off and built Fort Duquesne. • Virginia sent young, George Washington, and a company of militia to expel the French, but the French held firm. • The French and Native Americans succeeded to defeat the British and Colonial settlers
The Struggle For Land • BRITISH VICTORIES: • British fortunes improve when William Pitt took full-control of the war effort • He defeated the French which meant that the British can prevent French supplies from reaching Canada. • The British take Fort Duguesne which is present-day Pittsburgh • After the British wins war Iroquois League supports the British and the French lost Indian Allies in the Ohio Valley and the French go to Canada
The Struggle For Land • THE SPOILS OF WAR: • War in North America ended in 1761 • In 1763, the Treaty of Paris ended hostilities in North America and awarded territories • British Got Canada and all French holdings east of the Mississippi River Except New Orleans • Spain now received France’s vast Louisianna territory west of the Mississippi in 1762 “TREATY OF FONTAINEBLEAU