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Ch. 5: CLASSICAL GREECE. AKINS HIGH SCHOOL Loessin’s World History Room 167 Tutorials: T-F 8:20-8:50. Today’s Musical Selection: “Troy” 2004 Movie Soundtrack. TODAY’S OBJECTIVES:
Ch. 5:CLASSICAL GREECE AKINS HIGH SCHOOL Loessin’s World History Room 167 Tutorials: T-F 8:20-8:50 Today’s Musical Selection: “Troy” 2004 Movie Soundtrack • TODAY’S OBJECTIVES: • Identify the ways geography and climate shaped Greek life. • Explain the rise and development of Mycenaean civilization. • Describe how Homer and Greek myths contributed to early Greek culture. • AGENDA:Please Begin your Warm-up Immediately ! • WARM-UP –Begin labeling your Map in packet, p. 16b • INTRODUCTION to UNIT and Project I assignment • DISCUSSION of Section 1, Text p. 111 / Packet p. 4 • DAILY QUIZ • NEXT ASSIGNMENT: • Read Chapter 5, Section 2 and complete p. 5 in packet • MANDATORY TEXTBOOK CHECK TOMORROW !
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Labeling Map” Text p. 109; Packet p. 16b WARM-UP:Begin labeling your map of Greece ! Enjoy the traditional Greek music! Black Sea MACEDONIA • Troy Aegean Sea ASIA MINOR (Anatolia) MAINLAND IONIA Greek colonies Ionian Sea • Athens Mycenae . PELOPONNESUS CYCLADES • Sparta Mediterranean Sea CRETE PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
The people of Greece do not call their country Greece ! nor do they call themselves Greeks ! In their language their land is calledS ‘ (Hellas) In their language they are the ‘ OS (Hellenes) PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
Discussing Current Events: The Greeks were in the news a lot this summer…..Why? Students… BRAINSTORM: What do you know about the History of the Olympics ? Where? WHEN? WHY? HOW LONG? PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
See Textbook, p. 126-7 Model of the sanctuary of Olympia. Originally part of a religious festival dedicated to the ancient Greek god Zeus. Wars between the city-states were suspended so that athletes could compete. The ancient Olympics were a total entertainment package for all who attended where five days of sometimes brutal sports competition mixed with wild partying. The new Christian Roman emperor Theodosius banned all pagan festivals. Christians were oppossed to the Olympic Games – a celebration of the human body, men covered in olive oil running around naked, drinking, fornicating, the whole bit. The end came as an incredible shock to the psyche of the ancient Greeks. They had assumed quite logically that the games would go on forever – a time every four years when men put their differences aside and came together in the fraternity of athletic competition. The Olympicsbegan in 776 B.C. The ancient games ended in 394 A.D. The Discus Thrower was originally a bronze work by the Greek sculptor Myron. The famous great work of marble that we all recognize today is a Roman copy.
Linking the past…. Little is ever mentioned about the many, many attempts of the Greeks to revive the Olympic Games, long before the birth of the Baron de Coubertin. Yet, it is Coubertin who is given credit. Coubertin was a French aristocrat who was only seven years old when France was overrun by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Coubertin attributed the defeat of France not to its military skills but rather to the French soldiers lack of “vigor.” Coubertin decided it was exercise, more specifically sports, that made a well-rounded and vigorous person.And so he began his crusade to revive the games. Many people truly contributed to the realization of the new Olympic Games. The 19th century structure of the worlds new national states was ideal now for the gradual acceptance of the Olympic Idea - a new “national” framework would replace the old Greek “city-state” competition. Baron Pierre de Coubertin the man who inspired the revival of the Olympic Games. The Olympicsare revived in 1896. Finally, in 1896, the 1st International Olympic Games took place in Athens. A wealthy Greek architect, Georgios Averoff, donated one million drachmas (over $100,000) to restore the Panathenaic Stadium, originally built in 330 BCE with white marble for the new 1896 Olympic Games. There were14 nations, with the largest delegations coming from Greece, Germany, France and Great Britain. On 6 April 1896, the American James Connolly won the triple jump to become the first Olympic champion in more than 1,500 years! Commemorative medal of the 1896 Olympic Games
Linking the past…. The Greeks were thrilled to be able to host the Olympics once again this year in 2004. It gave them a chance to showcase Athens, their capital, and to teach the world history again. Throughout the games, television viewers all over the world were reminded of where not only the Olympics began but where … indeed …it was here our Western Civilization was born !!! …to the present ! Fireworks illuminate a dramatic performance at the $27 billion dollar Sports Complex Olympic Stadium during the closing ceremony of the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games. KODAK Olympic Journal Summer Games in Athens 2004 – Medal count Athens 2004 Interactive Map History Timeline since 1896.
Besides the Olympics, GREECE was the “starting line” for many cultural achievements found in our society today. Students… BRAINSTORM: What else do you recall as part of the historic Legacyof The Greeks ? Southwestern University students on a 1985 Study Abroad trip stand on the original starting line for the Olympic footrace. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
ARCHITECTURE SCIENCES SCULPTURE p PHILOSOPHY The Legacy of THE GREEKS to Western Civilization PROJECT I is due Tuesday Sept. 28 ! U.S. Supreme Court Building THEATER DEMOCRACY U.S. Constitution
DATE DUE: _________________________ TASK OBJECTIVE: The student will design a creative presentation that highlights one individual or other subject chosen from the Ancient, Classical, or Hellenistic periods in Greek history. PRESENTATION Options*: §ART POSTER (Full-zize posterboard with 2-page, 10 pt. Font, typed paper attached or incorporated into the poster design. See Criteria List for information to include in your presentation. A list of Works Cited / Referenced in preparing your assignment should also be attached.) §POWERPOINT (Saved to 3.5 floppy or CD-Rom, the presentation must include sufficient slides with appropriate graphics and associated text to address fully the Criteria List. A list of Works Cited / Referenced in preparing yourassignment should also be attached.) Please pull out your Project I assignment ! PROJECT I “The Greeks” Tuesday, Sept. 28 ! See back of handout for List of Suggested Subjects ! Students may suggest other means of presenting their subject – webpage design, miniature model of Greek temple or theater, plaster bust of a Greek figure, etc. Prior approval must be obtained from the instructor. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
DATE DUE: _________________________ • TASK OBJECTIVE:The student will design a creative presentation that • highlights one individual or other subject chosen from • the Ancient, Classical, or Hellenistic periods in Greek history. • RESOURCES • For both your textual information as well as pictures / graphics you should consider the following : • · Student Textbook • · Computer Internet research • · School and public libraries • (Akins Library will hold reserve cart of books on Greek subjects) • o Encyclopedias and other research programs available on library computers • · Student’s own creativity (a student-drawn map, color drawing or painting of Greek subject, • computer-generated graphics, etc.) • * Having difficulty finding information on your selected topic? Please see instructor. • CRITERIA LIST • q Project coherently responds to the questions Who?, When?, Where?, Did What? • q Project conveys appreciation for the specific Achievement of the Greek subject chosen and • explains the Significance of the achievement either historically or upon our culture today. • q Project demonstrates that sufficient amount of time and effort was employed in order to confirm • high-level interest on the part of student. • q Textual information is articulate and presented in paragraphs that are well-organized by topic • and appropriately indented; spelling is grammatically accurate. • q Pictures, graphics, and/or other illustrations are clear and appropriate to topic. • Works Cited page is attached to typed paper (if paper has been incorporated into poster design, the Works Cited page should be attached to back of Poster) or, if choosing PowerPoint design, Works Cited page should be final slide. Tuesday, Sept. 28 ! Please pull out your Project I assignment ! See back of handout for List of Suggested Subjects ! PROJECT I “The Greeks” PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Cultures of the Mountains & the Sea”Text p. 111; Packet p. 4 Let’s begin our first Objective by examining the effect geography had on the development of ancient Greece. Black Sea MACEDONIA Pull out your homework, Packet p. 4 • Troy Aegean Sea ASIA MINOR (Anatolia) MAINLAND IONIA Greek colonies Ionian Sea Marathon. • Athens Mycenae . PELOPONNESUS CYCLADES • Sparta Mediterranean Sea CRETE PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Cultures of the Mountains & the Sea”Text p. 111; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Provided transportation linksfor the various regions of Greece.Connected Greece to other societies/ civilizations through trade. • Location “around a sea” See textbook map, p. 112 Please have your homework, Packet p. 4 Out on your desk during our class discussions so that I can “eye” it! Cruising around the coastlines of Greece today. Greek fishermen. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Cultures of the Mountains & the Sea”Text p. 111; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Provided transportation linksfor the various regions of Greece.Connected Greece to other societies/ civilizations through trade. • Location “around a sea” Made unification of Greek city-states difficult. Therefore, Greek city-states would be proudly independent, competitive, isolated societies. Made land transportation difficult. • Rugged mountains The ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi Greece.
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Cultures of the Mountains & the Sea”Text p. 111; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Provided transportation linksfor the various regions of Greece.Connected Greece to other societies/ civilizations through trade. • Location “around a sea” Made unification of Greek city-states difficult. Therefore, Greek city-states would be proudly independent, competitive, isolated societies. Made land transportation difficult. • Rugged mountains • Little fertile farmland Only 20% was arable (suitable for farming).Resulted in small population whose diet was mainly grains, grapes, olives. Also, led to the need for colonies. Picking and Pressing Olives
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Cultures of the Mountains & the Sea”Text p. 111; Packet p. 4 Black Sea 3. Little fertile farmland… …led the Greeks to send their people out to colonize elsewhere. MACEDONIA • Troy Aegean Sea ASIA MINOR (Anatolia) MAINLAND IONIA Greek colonies Ionian Sea • Athens Mycenae . PELOPONNESUS CYCLADES • Sparta Mediterranean Sea CRETE PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“Cultures of the Mountains & the Sea”Text p. 112; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Provided transportation linksfor the various regions of Greece.Connected Greece to other societies/ civilizations through trade. • Location “around a sea” Made unification of Greek city-states difficult. Therefore, Greek city-states would be proudly independent, competitive, isolated societies. Made land transportation difficult. • Rugged mountains Only 20% was arable (suitable for farming).Resulted in small population whose diet based on grains, grapes, olives. Also, led to the need for colonies. • Little fertile farmland • Moderate climate Greek life was centered around the outdoors – taking part in an active civic life in city marketplaces, open-air Temples and gymnasiums. Greece has a beautiful, moderate climate. A constant 80 degrees Farenheit throughout the summer makes it a holiday destination for Europeans and international travelers even today! < Greece: the Land (Lands, Peoples & Cultures) available at Amazon.com and your library.
ReadText p. 112; “Myceaean Civilization Develops” • The Mycenaeans were part of the Indo-European • migrations • settled on Greek mainland ca. 2,000 B.C. • Their leading city, Mycenae. • Invaded Crete and finished off theMinoans. • From the Minoans they learned the importance • of becoming sea-borne traders. • May have been the terrifying “sea peoples”? • mentioned in Egyptian records. (recall CH 4.) • Preserved and assimilated elements of Minoan culture • into their own. STOP! Check out your Timeline, Packet p. 1 “When did the Mycenaean Civilization flourish?” Mycenaean port
GREECE: “Myceaean Civilization Develops”Text p. 113; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Mycenaeans adopted and spread Minoan culturethrough Greece, including legends that would form the core of Greek religion, politics, and literature / myths. • Mycenaean invasions CRITICAL THINKING: Can you describe another such instance of cultural diffusion we’ve already discussed … one in which the old religious ideas of one group were “assimilated” into the new religion. The Minoans on Crete designed mosaics of seashells and painted beautiful frescoes on the walls of their homes depicting their daily life as well as myths about their gods. The Mycenaeans invaded the Minoans and adopted their same religious myths ! Theseus slaying the Minotaur is an example of a Greek myth that originated with the Minoans on Crete. Religious Syncretism PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
Read about The Trojan War -Text p. 113 • Was there really a Trojan War ? • For many years it was thought the legends found in • Homer’s epic, the Illiad, were fictional. • In 1870, archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann • believes hediscovered the site. • Troy appears to have been destroyed • around 1200 B.C. by a war the city lost. STOP! Reference your Timeline, Packet p. 1 “What is the date given for the Trojan War?” • << Because Paris stole Helen? • It is believed today the war’s cause was: • Troy and the Mycenaeans were • competing for a crucial waterway • connecting the Mediterranean • to the Black Sea. The Trojan Horse story is still loved today and coined the familiar saying, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” The hilltop excavation of Troy in today’s northwestern Turkey.
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 1“The Trojan War” Text p. 113 Troy and the Mycenaeans were competing for a crucial waterway connecting the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. Black Sea MACEDONIA Dardanelles Strait • Troy Aegean Sea ASIA MINOR (Anatolia) MAINLAND IONIA Greek colonies Ionian Sea Myceneane . • Athens PELOPONNESUS CYCLADES • Sparta Mediterranean Sea CRETE PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
For all practical purposes, Western literature begins with the Iliad. We still use expressions like “Achilles’ heel,” “Trojan horse,” or “the face that launched a thousand ships,” all with roots in the Iliad or the mythic cycle on which it is based, nearly 3,000 years after the poem was written. And, at least in terms of the number of copies to survive from antiquity, the poems of Homer are second only to the Bible in popularity. “Iliad” means “the story of Ilion,” the Greek name for Troy. The epic poem has much more to say about Achilles and Hector than it does about Troy. As the first word of the Greek text suggests (“Rage! Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’s son Achilles”), this poem has a lot to do with anger that can consume and cripple an individual. Honor, glory, and fate are also themes of this great work of Western literature. Appreciating Classic Literature “Rage! Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’s son… Achilles” PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: “Myceaean Civilization Develops”Text p. 113; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Mycenaeans adopted and spread Minoan culturethrough Greece, including legends that would form the core of Greek religion, politics, and literature / myths. • Mycenaean invasions The war’s story provided the basis for Greek legends and Homer’s epics(Illiadand theOdyssey).The war may have contributed to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization. • The Trojan War
GREECE: “Greek Culture Declines Under the Dorians”Text p. 113; Packet p. 4 • How did each of the following effect the Greek civilization’s • History and Culture CAUSE EFFECT Mycenaeans adopted and spread Minoan culturethrough Greece, including legends that would form the core of Greek religion, politics, and literature / myths. • Mycenaean invasions The war’s story provided the basis for Greek legends and Homer’s epics(Illiad and the Odyssey). The war may have contributed to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization. • The Trojan War 7. Collapse of Mycenaean civilization Led to Greece’s Dark Ages – a decline in economy, trade, and even writing.A period we know little about since no written records were kept. STOP! See Timeline, Packet p. 1 “Who invaded Mycenae Greece around 1200-1100 B.C.?” • The Dorians • Distant relatives of the Bronze-Age Greeks • Were they taking revenge on the Indo-European Mycenaeans • for invading their land centuries earlier? • Spoke a dialect of Greek, but were far less advanced • than the Mycenaeans. • Greeks appear to forget the art of writing – This is the Greek • Dark Ages – no written records for 400 years (1150-750 B.C.) PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: “Epics of Homer / Greeks Create Myths”Text p. 114; Packet p. 4 • Explain the significance of the epics of Homer and myths in • ancient Greek culture. • During the Greek’s Dark Ages, the story of the Trojan War was passed on through the spoken word (oral tradition). • According to Greek tradition, their greatest storyteller was a blind man named Homer. • Homer’s two greatest epic poems are theIliad and the Odyssey, both dealing with the Trojan War and are believed to have been written around 750-700 B.C. • Epicsare long, narrative poems that celebrate heroic deeds. • The heroes of the Iliad are warriors: the fierce Greek, Achilles, and the courageous and noble Hector of Troy. • The Iliad gives us a good example of the Greek idea of arête, meaning virtue and excellence. A Greek could display this ideal on the battlefield, in combat, in political life, or in athletic contest. • The Odyssey concerns the adventures of Odysseus on his return home from defeating the Trojans. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: “Epics of Homer / Greeks Create Myths”Text p. 114; Packet p. 4 • Explain the significance of the epics of Homer and myths in • ancient Greek culture. • The Greeks developed a rich set of myths~traditional stories of a particular culture passed on for many years. • The Greeks developed extensive myths about their gods. Like the religious myths found in most cultures, the Greeks sought to understand the mysteries of nature and the power of human passions. For example, myths explained the changing of the seasons, the cause of lightening, etc. • Human qualities such as love, hate, and jealousy • were attributed to the Greek gods. Check it out… COOL WEBSITES http://www.mythweb.com/ also http://www.pantheon.org/areas/mythology/europe/greek/articles.html Find other helpful websites that could help you with your PROJECT I on the inside front cover of your packet. Artist conception of the 40 ft. statue of Athena that once stood in the Parthenon (the Temple to Athena) in Athens. The 40 ft. gold statue of Zeus in the Temple at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
A visit to the Greek isles is an unforgettable experience for all who get the chance. The British poet Lord Byron became such a “Romantic” for this birthplace of Western Civilization he joined the Greeks in their nationalist revolution against the Ottomans in the 19th c. “THE isles of Greece! the isles of Greece Where burning Sappho loved and sung, Where grew the arts of war and peace, Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung! Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all, except their sun, is set.” ~ Lord Byron, 19th c. Island of Santorini today PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; World History
Time for your Timed Daily Quiz … Please clear your Desk! The day your Project I is due, Tuesday, September 28th, all of Greece pauses to commemorate a rather unusual national holiday in their country – “Ochi! Day” What is Ochi Day? The anniversary of General Ioannis Metaxas' flat denial to the Italian dictator Mussolini’s request for free passage to invade Greece. In October, 1940, Italy, backed by Hitler, wanted to occupy Greece; Metaxas simply responded "Ochi!" - "No!" in Greek. It was a "No!" that brought Greece into the war on the Allied side; for a time, Greece was Britain's only ally against Hitler. Greece not only did not give Mussolini's forces free passage, they seized the offensive and drove them back through most of Albania. Had Metaxas not said "No!", World War II might well have lasted considerably longer. TRIVIA TIME “Did you know…” PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; World History
Ch. 5:CLASSICAL GREECE WARNING! MANDATORY TEXTBOOK CHECK TOMORROW Eagles, Have a great Monday! Mr Loessin Tutorials, 8:20-8:50 Today’s Musical Selection: “Troy” 2004 Movie Soundtrack • TODAY’S OBJECTIVES: • Identify the ways geography and climate shaped Greek life. • Explain the rise and development of Mycenaean civilization. • Describe how Homer and Greek myths contributed to early Greek culture. • AGENDA: • WARM-UP – Begin labeling your Map in packet, p. 16b • INTRODUCTION to UNIT and Project I assignment • DISCUSSION of Section 1, Text p. 111 / Packet p. 4 • DAILY QUIZ • NEXT ASSIGNMENT: • Read Chapter 5, Section 2 and complete p. 5 in packet • MANDATORY TEXTBOOK CHECK TOMORROW ! Today’s Lesson / PowerPoint is available for viewing in the Library!
PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
AKINS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Loessin’s World History Room 167 Tutorials: T-F 8:20-8:50 Ch. 5:CLASSICAL GREECE Section 2: Warring City-States • TODAY’S OBJECTIVES: • Identify the different political systems that developed in the Greek city-states. • Describe the military government of Sparta. • Explain how Athenian and Spartan societies differed. • AGENDA:Please Begin your Warm-up Immediately ! • WARM-UP –Read “Setting the Stage,” Textbook p. 115 / Examine chart p. 117 • DEFINING IMPORTANT TERMS / Textbook Check • DISCUSSION of Section 2, Textbook p. 115-117; Packet Homework p. 5 • VIDEO CLIP, History Channel presents“The Spartans” • NEXT ASSIGNMENT: • Finish p. 5 in your packet for homework ! Tomorrow we wrap up • CH 5 Sec. 2 - examining the great story of The Persian Wars! • PROJECT I is due next Tuesday ! • Pre-A.P. Library reserve article “Alexander the Conqueror” due Mon.!
WARM-UP Students, Please use your textbook, pages 115-116 to complete the handout: “Identifying Terms” When I come to your desk, please show me the white sticker on the back of your textbook. Be sure the textbook you are using is your own as its number will be recorded by your name and you will be held financially responsible for it. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Text p. 115, “Rule and Order in Greek City States”/ Handout,“Identifying Terms” • After the fall of the Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations, • Greek culture retrogressed for 300 years into a period of Dark Ages. • The invading Dorians were illiterate. • Cities were destroyed and plundered. • Eventually cities began to grow again. • These cities were walled for protection. • Each city-state was independent of each other. • VOCABULARY • A. polis – the Greek city-state • It was a “political unit,” • and included the central city • and • surrounding countryside • (which could include • numerous villages as well). PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Text p. 115, “Rule and Order in Greek City States”/ Handout,“Identifying Terms” • The city state, or polis, was the dominant governmental structure of Ancient Greece. • Describe: • The polis was small in size. • Athens was the largest, yet at its height had only 40,000 people. • Each polis had an acropolis – a high point, where the governmental and religious • buildings were constructed. • The market-place, or agora, was the meeting-place for most of the people and • was the economic center of the polis. • 4. The surrounding farmland supported the large population inside the walled cities. Study the photo: What natural feature can you detect that made the old city-state of Athens easy to defend? • VOCABULARY • A. polis – the Greek city-state • It was a “political unit,” • and included the central city • and • surrounding countryside • (which could include • numerous villages as well). • B. acropolis – high point of the polis, usually a fortified hilltop, where civic buildings were located. • agora – the marketplace and economic center of the polis. An aerial view today of the acropolis in Athens, Greece. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Text p. 115, “Rule and Order in Greek City States”/ Handout,“Identifying Terms” • EARLY LACK OF UNITY AMONG THE GREEK CITY-STATES • Explain why: • Separated by barriers of sea and mountains, • by local pride and jealousy, • The independent city states never considered uniting their independent Greek-speaking • city-states into one single political unit. They formed alliances only when some other • powerful city-state embarked on conquest and attempted to dominate over the rest. • LATER GREEKS WILL BECOME UNITED • Explain what influences led to eventual unity: • a common language, • common religion, • common literature, • similar customs, • the religious festivals, • the Olympic Games • But even in times of foreign invasion • it was difficult to induce the cities to act together. • As we will see tomorrow, the threat of the mighty • Persian Empire would finally unite the Greeks • together against a common enemy… • but not without persistent inner-squabbling! • VOCABULARY • A. polis – the Greek city-state • It was a “political unit,” • and included the central city • and • surrounding countryside • (which could include • numerous villages as well). • B. acropolis – high point of the polis, usually a fortified hilltop, where civic buildings were located. • agora – the marketplace and economic center of the polis. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Text p. 117, “Greek Political Structures”/ Handout,“Identifying Terms” Students, All the Terms on today’s handout from CH 5, Sec. 2 will be on Friday’s MAJOR QUIZ ! TYPES of GOVERNMENT MONARCHY • A state / nation ruled by a king or queen. • Rule is usually passed on in hereditary fashion. • Some rulers in early times claimed “Divine right” • Mycenae had a monarchy (ca. 1450 B.C.) ARISTOCRACY • State ruled by nobility (the land-owning families) • Rule is hereditary / based on land-ownership • Social status / wealth support ruler’s authority • Athens had an aristocracy in its early history (594 B.C.) OLIGARCHY • State ruled by a small group of elite citizens • Rule is based on wealth • The ruling elite group controls the military • Sparta had an oligarchy (800-600 B.C.) GREECE: See chart in Textbook p. 117 PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Text p. 115, “A New Kind of Army Emerges”/ Handout,“Identifying Terms” THE IRON AGE BRINGS CHANGE Iron, harder than bronze, but more importantly, cheaper! This meant ordinary citizens could now arm themselves. Citizen-soldiers – composed of merchants, artisans, small landowners were now expected to defend the polis. Hoplites – foot soldiers stood side-by-side, holding a spear in one hand, shield in the other formed the Phalanx – a fearsome battlefield formation of hoplite soldiers, The most powerful fighting force in the Ancient World. “… It was a sight equally awful and terrifying when they marched in step with the rhythm of the flute, without any gap in their line of battle, and with no confusion in their souls, but calmly and cheerfully moving with the strains of their hymn to their deadly fight.” ~ Plutarch, Lycurgus 22.2-3 The phalanx formation called for each man to trust his neighboring infantryman, often times a relative, friend, or lover. With a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right, each man depended on his fellow hoplite's shield for full body coverage. Battles were won and lost depending on the phalanx's ability to hold its formation. Lined shoulder to shoulder with approximately sixty-five pounds of armor, limited vision and hearing, a hoplite's crucial duties required little tactical skill, only to push forward and keep the line together. Outstanding valor rose from a man's ability to keep his nerve amidst such confusion and brutality. In such a scene, the outcome of the battle rested on fellow soldiers’ love and trust for one another. “If there were only some way of contriving a state or an army made up of lovers and their loves, they would be the very best - fighting at each other's side, willing to die for the love at their side, they would be the most fearsome army and one that could overcome the world.” ~ Plato, The Symposium PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: Text p. 115, “Tyrants Seize Power”/ Handout,“Identifying Terms” When no wars among city-states were being fought, the armed and powerful citizen-soldiers could become troublesome for city-state rulers. Unemployed farmers and debt-ridden artisans often joined in revolts against the nobility. In such times arose leaders called tyrants – powerful individuals who gained control by appealing to the poor and discontented for support. PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
As we have seen, the Greek city-states had various types of government – monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, and even tyranny (rule by tyrants). But the two most powerful city-states would find completely new ways to govern themselves. Spartawould build a strict Military State and Athenswould create the world’s first Limited Democracy! Ionian Sea IONIA Greek colonies MAINLAND • Athens PELOPONNESUS • Sparta Mediterranean Sea CRETE
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 2“Sparta Builds a Military State”Text p. 116; Packet p. 5 • Recognizing Facts and Details Made them helots – peasants forced to work the Spartan land – had to turn over ½ of all crops to the Spartans. 1. How did the Spartans treat the Messenians? 725B.C. Sparta conquers Messenia The Peloponnesus region Students, Think About It… “What risk is there in conquering an entire large population of people, forcing them to leave their land and work your lands instead?” Please have your homework, Packet p. 5 Out on your desk during our class discussions so that I can “eye” it! When the Spartans realized they needed more arable land they looked to the southwest to the more fertile soil of Messenia. Helotswere Messenians who the Spartans had conquered and brought back to Sparta to do their work,treated like slaves, forced to be tied for generations to a Spartan nobleman’s lands. They worked the land around Sparta in order for the Spartan males to focus on their superior military training. Messenia . • Sparta
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 2“Sparta Builds a Military State”Text p. 116; Packet p. 5 • Recognizing Facts and Details Made them helots – peasants forced to work the Spartan land – had to turn over ½ of all crops to the Spartans. 1. How did the Spartans treat the Messenians? 725B.C. Sparta conquers Messenia 2. 600B.C. Spartans put down a revolt by Messenians 3. What type of society did Sparta create in response to the revolt? Sparta creates a tough, militaristic state. The Greek historian Herodotus reports that just before the Battle of Thermoplyae, a Spartan warrior named Dienekes was told that the Persian archers could blank out the sun with their full volley of arrows. He replied "Good, then we shall have our battle in the shade." An old man wandering around the Olympic Games looking for a seat was jeered at by the crowd until he reached the seats of the Spartans, where every Spartan younger than him, and some that were older, stood up and offered him their seat. The crowd applauded and the old man turned to them with a sigh, saying, "All Greeks know what is honorable and right, but only the Spartans do it!" Asked why it was dishonorable to return without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos, is said to have replied: "Because the latter they put on for their own protection, but the shield for the common good of all." (Plutarch) "Come back with your shield - or on it" was supposed to be the parting cry of mothers to their sons. According to the writer Plutarch, Mothers whose sons died in battle openly rejoiced, mothers whose sons survived hung their heads in shame. Rigorous military training was the life of the Spartan male from the age of 7 to 60. At age 20 males were allowed to marry in order to procreate, but the men continued to live in their own barracks with one another. At left: Illustration depicting the famous legend of the Spartan boy who, being so disciplined, stood at attention before a superior while a fox he had hid beneath his tunic chewed away at his stomach. Video clip: The History Channel presents “The Spartans” The entire program is available from your instructor for 2-day checkout. The Messenian helots outnumbered the Spartans 8 to 1. Not surprisingly, they staged a revolt, one which the Spartans were just barely able to put down.
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 2“Athens Builds a Limited Democracy”Text p. 117; Packet p. 5 • Recognizing Facts and Details 2. What was the primary cause of conflict between rich and poor in Athens? 621B.C. Draco writes the first legal code. The poor wanted more political rights / power. Debt slavery intensified the conflict. But don’t be fooled… Things were not always “the life of leisure” in the more highly cultured Athens! In contrast to Sparta, in Athens and other Greek city-states boys attended school from about 7 – 14. Boys learned arithmetic, reading, writing, and memorized the heroic epic poems of Homer. Music, especially the lyre, was also stressed. Young men mastered the art of Debating and, to prepare for battle, took up wrestling or other sports. Wealthy parents frequently made arrangements to place their son with an older male tutor and these relationships were often long-lasting. Read Textbook, top of p. 117 In Athens, girls didn’t attend school but a few fortunate ones did have private tutors. In general, women focused their attention on child-rearing, weaving cloth (as shown here), preparing meals, and managing the household. “In both outlook and values, Athens constrasted sharply with Sparta. An ambassador from the city-state of Corinth once compared the Spartans to the Athenians in a speech to the Spartan assembly. He told the Spartans that they had the strongest army in Greece, but they were too cautious. He also said that the Spartans lacked imagination and curiosity. Athenians, he said, were always eager to learn new ideas because they had been educated to think and act as free people.” READ Textbook, p. 117: “Political and Economic Reforms” When a group of peasants agreed to thwart the attempt of an Athenian nobleman to establish a tyranny, they demanded in return that the city’s aristocrats write a code of laws for all the people. They got more than they bargained for. Draco’s code was harsh and included the idea of “debt slavery.” Today, we still call harsh or unfair laws “draconian” in our English language.
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 2“Athens Builds a Limited Democracy”Text p. 117; Packet p. 5 • Recognizing Facts and Details 2. What was the primary cause of conflict between rich and poor in Athens? 621B.C. Draco writes first legal code for Athens. The poor wanted more political rights / power. Debt slavery intensified the conflict. 594B.C. Solon chosen by aristocrats to lead Athens. 4. What economic and political reforms did Solon initiate? He outlawed debt slavery, gave more power to the people’s assembly, allowed all citizens to bring legal suits, encouraged profitable trade. 5. How did Pisistratus gain the support of the poor? 546B.C. Pisistratus the Tyrant, seizes power in Athens. He provided money to the poor to buy farm stuff, creating jobs by starting public building programs to put the poor back to work. 508B.C. Cleisthenesintroduces political reforms in Athens. 6. What steps did Cleisthenes take to create a first limited Democracy in Athens? Broke up the power of the nobility by reorganizing the law assembly, allowing all citizens to submit laws. He created the Council of 500. These reforms allowed all Athenian “citizens” to participate in a limited democracy, though only one-fifth of Athenian residents were classified as “citizens” (free, adult, males over 20.) PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
GREECE: See chart in Textbook p. 117 / Handout,“Identifying Terms” TYPES of GOVERNMENT Students, All these Terms on today’s handout from CH 5, Sec. 2 will be on Friday’s MAJOR QUIZ ! MONARCHY • A state / nation ruled by a king or queen. • Rule is usually passed on in hereditary fashion. • Some rulers in early times claimed “Divine right” • Mycenae had a monarchy (ca. 1450 B.C.) Linking the Past to the Present The United States of America in the 18th c. A.D. became the world’s first Democracy since the time of the 5th c. B.C. Athenians. However, the United States has what is known as a Representative Democracy since a direct democracy was not feasible. ARISTOCRACY • State ruled by nobility (the land-owning families) • Rule is hereditary / based on land-ownership • Social status / wealth support ruler’s authority • Athens had an aristocracy in its early history (594 B.C.) OLIGARCHY • State ruled by a small group of elite citizens • Rule is based on wealth • The ruling elite group controls the military • Sparta had an oligarchy (800-600 B.C.) DIRECT DEMOCRACY • State ruled by its citizens • Rule is based on citizenship • “Majority rule” is method of decision-making • Athens had the first such Democracy (461 B.C.) PP Design of T. Loessin; Akins High School; Pre-A.P. World History
AKINS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Loessin’s World History Room 167 Tutorials: T-F 8:20-8:50 Ch. 5:CLASSICAL GREECE Section 2: Warring City-States • TODAY’S OBJECTIVES: • Identify the different political systems that developed in the Greek city-states. • Describe the military government of Sparta. • Explain how Athenian and Spartan societies differed. Today’s Lesson / PowerPoint is available for viewing in the Library! • AGENDA: • WARM-UP – Read “Setting the Stage,” Textbook p. 115 • DEFINING IMPORTANT TERMS • DISCUSSION of Section 2, Textbook p. 115-117 • VIDEO CLIP, History Channel presents“The Spartans” • NEXT ASSIGNMENT: • Finish p. 5 in your packet for homework ! Tomorrow we wrap up • CH 5 Sec. 2 - examining the great story of The Persian Wars! • PROJECT I is due next Tuesday ! • Pre-A.P. Library reserve article “Alexander the Conqueror” due Mon.!
Put your LIBRARY PROJECT PACKET in your notebook under your Test Divider….you’ll need it to study for the Final in December!
AKINS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Loessin’s World History Room 167 Tutorials: T-F 8:20-8:50 Ch. 5:CLASSICAL GREECE Section 2: The Persian Wars • TODAY’S OBJECTIVES: • Identify the causes of the Persian Wars and major battles in this historic conflict. • Describe the Greek military method (hoplite phalanx) • Describe the consequences of the Persian Wars on the Greek homeland. • AGENDA:Please Begin your Warm-up Immediately ! • WARM-UP –Locate major battle sites in the Persian Wars, textbook map p. 119 • LECTURE / DISCUSSION; Packet p. 6-8 • VIDEO CLIPS fromHistory Channel presents“The Spartans” • NEXT ASSIGNMENT: • Read Textbook CH 5, Sec. 3 and complete pp. 12a-12b in your packet. • PROJECT I is due next Tuesday ! • Pre-A.P. Library reserve article “Alexander the Conqueror” due Mon.!
GREECE: Chapter 5, Section 2“The Persian Wars”Text p. 118; Packet p. 6