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MRI. Magnetic Resonance. Principle first observed in 1946 Used for spectroscopy and imaging Imaging techniques are a form of tomography, where slices are ’cut’ and depict MRI utilizes signals from the body MRI is non-ionizing, operating in radiofrequency range, unlike CT, PET, SPECT
Magnetic Resonance Principle first observed in 1946 Used for spectroscopy and imaging Imaging techniques are a form of tomography, where slices are ’cut’ and depict MRI utilizes signals from the body MRI is non-ionizing, operating in radiofrequency range, unlike CT, PET, SPECT Resolution is not limited to radio wave lengths MRI is pricy
Nuclearspin A nucleui possesses a spin angular momentum, (p) Can be view as a rotation of the nuclei I is the quantum number of the spin. The spin gives raise to a magnetic moment: Where is the gyromagnetic ratio
Nuclearspin I can be an intenger, half an intenger, or 0 If I is 0 there is nospin and nomagnetic moment The natural isotope 12C has quantum spin of 0 whereas13C has ½.
Nuclei in a magneticfield – The classics Torque on the nuclei Torque makes the mucleiprecess chancing p ω0 is the Larmor frequency, the frequency that the nuclei precesses with
Nucleiin a magneticfield – Quantum mechanics p is quantifiedallowed2I +1states Eg a proton 1H is allowedtwostatesordirections parallel to the field (spin up) antiparallel to the field (spindown)
Manynucleiin a magneticfield An equlibriumbetweenspin up and spindownwillemearge A small excess of nuclei in the lowenergystate, N
Back to the Larmor Frequency , the gyromagnetickonstant ‘material’ constant , Canbeaffected by chemicalbounds The magneticfieldmaybeinhomogeneous
The Chemical shifteffect Shielding electrons reduces the magnetic field ’seen’ by the nucleus The resonance frequency is also reduced is the shielding constant ~5e-6 depends on local chemical envionment Used for gaining knowledge about chemical structure; Spectroscopy
Bulk / Macroscopic / Sum magnetization Ns is the number of atoms in a sample i is the magnetic moment of the i-th atom M is always aligned to B in equilibrium M can be pertubed and will precess
Excitation Adding a fieldB1perpendicular to B0 at Lamorfrequencywillexcite the system An ocillatingmagenticfield at 1 – 500 MHz is a Radio frequencywave B1 ~ 50 mT & B0 ~ 1-5T is the flip angle A pertubation pulse is oftennamedafter the flip angle 90° pulse 180 ° pulse
Excitation B1 is the envelopefunction The duration of the pulse affects the flip angle = B1 orifdifferent amplitudes areallowed
Inducedcurrent In Eqlibrium Mz = M0 Mx = My = 0 ~ Mxy After perturbation
FreeIndusctionDecay (FID) The Mxycomponentdecays to 0 The frequency is the peak The decay rate T2 is proportional to the width at half max Area under the envolope is the hight of the spectral amplitude
Relaxation Mxy 0 : Spin-spin relaxation T2time to 36.7% of M0 Mz M0 : Spin-lattice relaxation T1 time 63.2% of M0 Important for contrast in images
Inversion recovery 180-TI-90-FID
Magnetic Field Gradients G is the gradient of a magnetic field
Slice selection • By applying a gradient G the resonance frequency becomes dependent on direction • The bandwidth of the pulse determines the thickness of the slice