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The Diary Of Anne Frank. Welcome to Anne’s Attic… click here to continue. Click on this button to continue. or. This button to return to the main page. Where would you like to begin?. Van Pels Family. Tour Attic. Anne. Mr. Frank. Helpers. Westerbork. Auschwitz.
The Diary Of Anne Frank
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Where would you like to begin? Van Pels Family Tour Attic Anne Mr. Frank Helpers Westerbork Auschwitz Quiz
Fun Facts: • December 1, 1940 Otto Frank’s business, Opekta, moves from #400 Singel to #263 Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. • July 6, 1942 • Preparation of the hiding place began • June 3, 1945 • Otto Frank returns to Amsterdam. He is the sole survivor of the people in hiding. • May 3, 1960 • The Anne Frank House is officially open as a public museum, and receives great interest from the public.
Annelies Marie Frank is born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Anne is the second daughter to Otto Frank and Edith Frank-Hollander. The Franks also have a three year old daughter, Margot.
In the early years, Otto works for the family bank, while Edith takes care of things at home. Margot and Anne enjoy playing with the neighborhood children.
"I know I can write. A few of my stories are good, my descriptions of the Secret Annex are humorous, much of my diary is vivid and alive, but... it remains to be seen whether I really have talent." Anne Frank writing in her diary April 5, 1944. Anne receives a plaid diary for her 13th birthday. She begins writing immediately. Anne has no close friends, so her thoughts go directly to the diary.
Otto Frank was born May 12, 1889 in Frankfurt am Main. His father heads the family bank, where he eventually works as well. The Franks are a liberal Jewish family. Otto Frank and Edith Holländer are married in Aachen on May 12, 1925. After a honeymoon in Italy, they go to live in Frankfurt am Main. On February 16, 1926, their first daughter is born: Margot Betti. Anne Marie is born three years later.
Otto Frank is drafted into the German Army in 1915. His brothers are also drafted, and his mother and sister volunteer at a military hospital in Frankfurt. All of Otto’s brothers, as well as his sister and mother survive the war.
"My father, the most adorable father I've ever seen, didn't marry my mother until he was thirty-six and she was twenty-five. My sister Margot was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany in 1926. I was born on June 12, 1929." Anne Frank
Living in the secret annex with the Franks, is the van Pels family. Hermann, Auguste, and Peter van Pels are a small Jewish family that know the Franks through Otto. Hermann has been working for Otto since 1938. Mr. van Pels is an agreeable person who has no trouble settling into the routine in the secret annex. Mrs. van Pels however, likes to stir up trouble between the other inhabitants. Peter is a shy, quiet boy, who Anne instantly falls in love with.
Members MiepGies: She sees to the food and other basic necessities. Johannes Kleiman: He keeps the company going, and monitors the safety of those in hiding. BepVoskuijl: She also sees to food and supplies, she requests correspondence courses for those in hiding as well. Victor Kugler: He is responsible for the company, and he also brings newspapers and magazines for the families in hiding.
“They come upstairs every day and talk to the men about business and politics, to the women about food and wartime difficulties and to the children about books and newspapers. They put on their most cheerful expressions, bring flowers and gifts for birthdays and holidays and are always ready to do what they can.” Anne Frank
On August 8, 1944, the people in hiding are taken to Camp Westerbork. Because they have been arrested, they are assigned to barracks in the punishment block. They have to work all day breaking up old batteries.
“Of course, all of us had to work in the camp, but in the evenings we were free and we could be together. For the children especially, there was a certain relief; to no longer be cooped up and to be able to talk to other people. However, we adults feared being deported to the notorious camps in Poland.” Otto Frank
ArbeitMachtFrei Work Will Give You Freedom Auschwitz has been regarded as the most effective death camp in the Nazi race to exterminate the Jewish people. Each day began with roll call and the distribution of rations. These rations were just enough to keep the prisoners working, but also malnourished. The prisoners worked for 11-12 hours a day. In the evening the prisoners were escorted back to their camps for a four-hour roll call. The day ends with the prisoners sleeping 10 to a bed, made of wooden boards and a thin blanket.
“I will never forget that moment when the 17-year-old Peter van Pels and I saw a group of selected men. Peter’s father was among them. They were marched away. Two hours later a cart with their clothes on it went by.” Otto Frank Prisoners of Auschwitz are immediately separated once they arrive at the death camp. They are divided into prisoners that are fit to work, and prisoners to be immediately killed. All of the members of the attic are expected to work. Hermann van Pels only works a short while before he is too weak, and is sent to the gas chambers.
At the end of October 1944, Anne and Margot are transported from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen. Their mother Edith, remains at Auschwitz. Edith falls ill and dies of exhaustion in January 1945. Auguste van Pels arrives at Bergen-Belsen with another transport of prisoners in November 1944. There she meets Anne and Margot again. Auguste van Pels is only at Bergen-Belsen for a short while and probably dies during a transport of prisoners to Theresienstadt. Anne and Margot succumb to typhus in March 1945, a few weeks before the camp is liberated by the British Army.
Otto Frank is liberated from Auschwitz on January 27, 1945. Shortly before his release, the Nazis evacuate the camp. Prisoners, who can still walk, must go with them. Peter van Pels is among these prisoners. He arrives at the Mathausen concentration camp in Austria at the end of January. The prisoners have to perform heavy labor. Peter van Pels dies of exhaustion on May 5, 1945. On January 27, 1945, Russian soldiers liberate Auschwitz. There are only 7650 survivors
The End of Nazi Germany The German Surrender took place April 25 through May 8, 1945. The Russians and the Allies liberated the concentration camps and the death camps and were shocked by what they found. The bodies of prisoners were stacked high as the Germans tried to destroy evidence of their crimes. Dwight D. Eisenhower toured Ohrdruf Concentration Camp. After seeing what had taken place there, he immediately ordered the German civilians see what had been done by members of their society. Those that survived the death camps, helped the Allies identify guards that had hidden among the prisoners. On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun committed suicide. This signified the fall of Nazi Germany. On May 2, 1945, Berlin fell to the Red Army.
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889 in Austria. In 1909, after the death of his mother, he moved to Vienna, Austria to make a new start. In 1932 Hitler decided to run for President. The first election yielded no winner of the majority, so a second election was held. Hitler lost the second election to the previous President Hindenburg. On January 30, 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the position of Chancellor. This began the rise of Nazi power in Germany.
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Let’s practice first • When did preparation for the hiding place begin? • May 3, 1960 • December 1, 1940 • July 6, 1942 • August 15, 1951
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Question 1 • Anne was born in which city: • Frankfurt am Main, Germany • Vienna, Austria • Berlin, Germany • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Question 2 • Anne received the diary for what birthday: • 15 • 7 • 12 • 13
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Question 3 • Mr. Frank served in what army: • Polish Army • American Army • Swedish Army • German Army
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Question 4 • How do the Franks know the van Pels family: • Mr. van Pels works for Otto • Mrs. van Pels and Edith are friends • Margot and Peter van Pels are dating • Anne and Peter van Pels went to school together
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Question 5 • How many people helped hide the Franks: • 7 • 4 • 2 • 5
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