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The Diary of Anne Frank. Made by: Angel, Angelica, Maricruz, and Nancy. “I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you’ll be a great support and comfort to me”. Vocabulary.
The Diary of Anne Frank Made by: Angel, Angelica, Maricruz, and Nancy
“I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you’ll be a great support and comfort to me”
Vocabulary • Contagion- disease that can be transmitted via direct or indirect contact. • Crematories- place to cremate • Death march- long forced march of Nazi prisoners • Delouse- to remove lice • Demise- death • Designate- to point out • Epidemic- Fast spreading disease
Vocabulary • Feign- to pretend • Gypsy- European ethnic group • Incriminating- proof of a crime or a fault • Infirmary- A hospital in an institution • Insignia- a special emblem worn by soldiers or others to show rank or special accomplishments • Irony- a situation that results in the opposite of what was expected • Kapos- prisoners of concentration camps who agreed to supervise other prisoners inside the camp in exchange for special privileges
Vocabulary • Liberate- to set free • Magazine- a building used for storage
People In The Annexe • Mr. Frank: wise, strong, calm, kind, perceptive • Mrs. Frank: reserved, quiet, cultured, liberal, calm • Mr. Van Daan: always right, competent, outspoken, nervous, stubborn • Mrs. Van Dann: loud, excitable, good-natured, self-centered, materialistic • Peter Van Daan: shy, reserved, insecure, bright, obedient
People In The Annexe • Margot Frank: studious, gentle, easygoing, bright, peace-loving • Anne Frank: life-of-the-party, witty, fun-loving, keen, good-hearted • Mr. Dussel: cranky, fussy, set in his own ways; a loner, an admonisher
The Helpers: from left to right: Mr. Kraler, Miep Gies, Elli, and Mr. Koophius.
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929. Her older sister, Margot was three years older than her. In 1933 Anne, Margot, her father (Otto Frank) and her mother (Edith Frank) moved to Amsterdam. On Anne Frank's thirteenth birthday she received a diary, she named it "Kitty" which she liked the best out of all her presents. She loved to write in "Kitty." By her thirteenth birthday Nazis were taking over Amsterdam and making anti-Jewish rules. She went to a Montessori school. Then because of the anti-Jewish laws, she moved to a Jewish Lyceum where she quickly started to adjust. Then when World War II started her father, Otto Frank and some other clients where he worked created a hiding place in an annex to the office. The family moved into the hiding place as soon as possible. Then it all began. Short biography
The Secret Annexe is raided • On August 4, 1944, when the Nazis entered the building. One was a German Gestapo sergeant and the other four were Dutchmen. They did not make a sound and entered the place, surprising Elli and Miep. They had already known where the people in the Annexe were at. So they climbed the stairs, and reached the bookcase and demanded it to be opened.
…. • Since Kraler refused to open it, the German officer grew furious and yanked at it himself. The bookcase swung open and the Secret Annexe was hidden no more. This was the end of it all.
The Fate of The Annexe People • They were all prisoners now, and they were put into separate cells, where they were held for several days. And unexpected, they were ushered to the railroad station. The train was headed for Westerbork, a Nazi prison for Jews in Holland. But they wouldn’t remain there for long. For Westerbork was a transit camp, a temporary collection center for Jews on their way to death camps of Polland
…. • Here at Westerbork, there were many barracks crammed with thousands of people. The workday began at 5:00a.m. and ended at sunset. For many hours, adults swung sledgehammers to crush old batteries, while the teenagers assembled cables in the worst conditions. There was hardly any food there, mainly stale brad, a coffee substiture, and watery soup.
… • Despite these hardships, Anne Frank was pleased that she was out of the Annexe walls. She really did enjoy being outdoors and talking to people. She and Peter managed to be together often.
The Men And Women Are Separated at Auschwitz • And they all arrived at the place where they would all never see each other again. Here, camp guards separated the men and women, shoving them to opposite sides of the platform. This was to be the last time Mr. Frank saw his family.
Bound for Auschwitz • On September 3, 1944 the last shipment of Dutch Jews was deported from Holland, It was the eighty-sixth such trainload to head either Auschwitz or Sobibor ,the two death camps designated for Jewish victims from the Netherlands. Two weeks later, on September 17, 1994, 20,000 American and British airborne troops fell to the soil of the Netherlands. This invasion was only a partial success. And they had arrived too late. All eight of them were on the very last transport to Poland.
All Arrivals are Selected for Death or Forced Labor. • Next came selection. At Auschwitz, which was a combination death-labor camp, 10 percent of the most able-bodied Jewish arrivals were selected for hard labor. The rest were immediately sent to the gas chambers. • Anne, Margot, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Van Daan were sent to a small group of selected for labor, while Peter, Mr. Frank, Mr. Van Daan, and Mr. Dussel went along with the group of Jewish men to do hard work.
Nazi Trickery • For those who had gone to the left, they were told to bathe and be deloused. Many entered large buildings labeled “BATH”, when this was actually another form of Nazi trickery. Inside the buildings, they appeared to be shower rooms. They hid the true appearance of the gas jets by making them seem as only showerheads. For these people, their struggle against the Nazi terror was over.
The prisoners are prepared for camp life • Along with the rest ,the Franks, the Vann Daans , and Dussel had their heads shaved .What did the Nazis do to the human hair and Jewish clothes? They built huge magazines at Auschwitz to organize and store these materials until they could be transferred to Germany for use. Their hair was woven into rugs and slippers or used as packing material around pipes in German submarines. All Jewish clothes were shipped to German towns and cities to make up for clothing shortages brought on by the war. Then the Jewish prisoners were disinfected and branded like cattle.
Anne, Margot, And Mrs. Van Daan Leave; Mrs. Frank Dies • Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan stayed two months at Auschwitz. In October, they were selected to be shipped to Bergen-Belsen, a concentration camp in Germany, also named the “sick camp.” Mrs. Frank was already very ill from disease and starvation. And now, she was separated from everyone she loved. So she lost her will to live and died on January 6, 1945.
All the Secret Annexe Men Die except for Mr. Frank Mr. Frank had lain ill in the infirmary, unaware of his wife or daughters’ fate. Then on January 26, just 10 days after his wife ‘s death, Mr. Frank was besieged by Russians soldiers who had come to liberate prisoners. Auschwitz was no more! Mr. Frank was free. Many months later Mr. Frank discovered that he was the only survivor from all the people in the Secret Annexe group. He already knew that Mr. Van Daan had died in the gas chambers, for he had seen him marching toward the building. As the Russians had come upon Auschwitz, SS camp chiefs had prepared to abandon the camp. Hastily, the guards burned as many camp records as time allowed. They even ordered the prisoners to knock down the three remaining gas chambers.
… • The death march from Auschwitz was to last three weeks. It was in the dead of winter. There was no food or water at all. And those who lagged behind were instantly shot. • Peter Van Daan ended up in a camp in Austria called Mauthausen. He died there on May 5, 1945, just three days before the Allies arrived to free the remaining prisoners.
Bergen-Belsen Is The Final Resting Place for Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan • Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan had arrived at the Bergen-Belsen labor camp, a horrible place situated in Germany between the cities of Berlin and Hamburg. Bergen-Belsen was not a death camp but it was worse than Auschwitz. Here, there was no order, no roll call, and no schedule to follow. In some sections of the camp, the most necessary things were not available. Such as, food, water, and latrines. Also, there were no gas chambers to dispose of the sick. They simply lay around and waited to die.
Why it was named the “sick camp” • And to make matters worse, Bergen Belsen at this time had a raging epidemic of typhus and typhoid fever. The British would soon burn the disease-infested area to the ground in order to stop the spread of the contagions.
Typhus • Typhus, a disease transmitted by lice. It is primarily related to periods of famines or wars when conditions of life are poor, people are crowded, and personal hygiene is absent.
Typhoid • This is an illness that is transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with feces from an infected person
The fate of Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan • It was not long before Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan fell ill. In March of 1945, typhus and starvation claimed the lives of all three. And just three weeks after Anne Frank died, the British troops arrived to free Begen-Belsen prisoners.
In The End… • The only survivor of the Secret Annexe was Otto Frank. Later on, he found his daughter’s diary and used it to testify against the Nazis that took part in the Holocaust. And in 1953 Mr. Frank married again. His new wife Fritzi was also a Holocaust survivor who had lost her family to the Nazis, and she also knew Anne Frank. • To the very end, Mr. Frank strongly suspected that a particular man that had working in the warehouse below the Secret Annexe. • On August 19,1980, Otto Frank died at the age of 91 in a hospital in Switzerland.