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Christianity in the British Isles

Christianity in the British Isles . By: CJ Hamilton. Everything you see in red is under full Roman control! -until the capital falls under attack!!!. Soldiers need to defend the homeland!. And so…they left. We have better things to do!. We’re free!!!. Beginnings of Christianity .

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Christianity in the British Isles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Christianity in the British Isles By: CJ Hamilton

  2. Everything you see in red is under full Roman control! -until the capital falls under attack!!!

  3. Soldiers need to defend the homeland! And so…they left We have better things to do!

  4. We’re free!!!

  5. Beginnings of Christianity • Romans accept Christianity by 4th century • Introduce it to British Isles • Romans leave • Celts then take up Christianity • Establish Celtic Church

  6. And from there it spreads… • Solider named Columba gains followers • He and Monks go North • Establish Monasteries

  7. Saint Augustine

  8. Feats of St. Augustine • Arrives in South England • Arrival in 597 converts most of nation • Converts King Ethelbert (of Kent) • Augustine sets up Monasteries in Kent • Preached to other leaders • Church promotes Peace and helped unify English people

  9. Christian influence on English culture • Beowulf preserved by Christian monks • Gave the story a mix of Christianity • Noticeable at the end of most passages

  10. Bibliography • Unidentified.1998. http://www.britannia.com/church/bond1.htmlBritannia Internet Magazine. • Ross, David. http://www.britainexpress.com/History/Early_Christian_Britain.htm. Britain Express • Mayr-Harting, Henry http://www.psupress.org/books/titles/0-271-00806-7.html. The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England • Knight,Kevin .2009.http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01505a.htm.Catholic Encyclopidia

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