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Charting federal and provincial government. The Federal Overview. Provincial Executive. The Cabinet. Has authority to: Propose new laws Introduce government bills into the legislature Approve major policy and spending decisions for all government bodies Develop and propose the budget
The Cabinet Has authority to: Propose new laws Introduce government bills into the legislature Approve major policy and spending decisions for all government bodies Develop and propose the budget Approve appointments to Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions
The Prime Minister/Premier Responsible for: appointing and leading the cabinet changing “machinery of government” changes in government, new policies, final funding allocations for new initiatives
The PM/Premier’s Advisors Political staff (PMO/Premier’s Office): chief of staff, policy advisors, regional advisors, press secretary, etc. Privy Council Office/Cabinet Office Led by the Clerk of the Privy Council/Secretary of Cabinet Provides non-partisan advice to PM Oversees cabinet agenda Provides strategic direction and coordination to all government departments
Government ministries Political lead: the Minister chosen by PM/Premier, usually non-experts advised by political staff: Executive Assistant or Chief of Staff; policy advisors; legislative assistant
Government ministries Civil service lead: Deputy Minister Reports to Minister and Clerk of the PCO/Cabinet Secretary Appointed by PM/Premier Co-ordinates and manages all departments or divisions Conduit for information from civil services to the Minister Politically neutral, but politically sensitive
Who owns your issue?– some examples Federal Provincial Education Social assistance Public transit Health care Environment Housing Immigration Agriculture Law enforcement PSE Arts and culture Defense International Trade Border security Foreign policy Employment insurance
Constitutional division of powers • Federal government is responsible for: • Peace, order and good government • Matters of “general interest” that affect country’s well-being • Everything not delegated to provinces • Spending power to make payments to individuals, institutions or other governments where Parliament may not have power to regulate
Constitutional division of powers • Provinces are responsible for: • Matters of particular local interest (education, hospitals, etc.) • Municipalities are creatures of province, and restricted to authorities delegated by their provincial government
Division of powers complicated by: Federal spending powers Complexity of issues/changing roles Shared interest of all levels of government History of intergovernmental relations and overlap/competition amongst governments
Is your issue on the radar? Throne speech and budget Party commitments (including opposition parties) Press releases/announcements Departmental annual reports Government websites – Hansard, committee submissions, research, organizational charts and staff lists
What changes do you want? New agenda item New funding Legislative change Regulatory change Program design changes Funding allocation Politicians Civil service
What influences change? First Minister & Cabinet Parliamentary/Legislative Committees Political Assistants Parliamentary Secretaries Munic/Provs/ Territories Caucus Committees Coalitions, Advocacy Groups, NGOs POLICY MP/ MPPs/ Sena-tors Senior Officials (i.e. Clerk/Secretary, Deputy Ministers, ADMs) Public Opinion Firms /Think Tanks Media Mid-level Officials (i.e. directors, policy analysts, researchers)
Political strategies MP/MPP -- makes statement, makes motion, introduces petition, asks question Caucus committee meeting Meeting with local MP/MPP Letter-writing campaigns Public awareness campaigns Influencing party platforms – research, media, think tanks, key constituencies, alliances Election process
Policy development strategies Formal government consultations Submissions to Parliamentary Committees Meetings with the Minister/Minister’s Office Pilot projects Independent research Formal/informal meetings with Ministry policy staff Engage with the public service and becoming a trusted source of advice
Where is your issue in the policy development process? Minister’s Office (EA/Policy Advisor); other Minister’s Offices Memorandum to Cabinet Committee outlines options Departmental team created to develop policy Research and consultation with stakeholders Meetings with Finance, Treasury Board, Privy Council/ Cabinet Office Cabinet Committee makes recommendation to Cabinet Decks – draft documents test ideas – could include Minister’s Office, Cabinet Committees Presentation to Cabinet for approval Interdepartmental meetings (formal/informal)
The world outside Fiscal environment Caucus and constituency concerns Opposition party pressure Priorities and actions of other levels of government Events – and media coverage Public opinion/polling Success stories in other jurisdictions/sectors Research/discoveries Advocacy – individual champions and organizations YOU!
The questions: Who “owns your issue” within government? What are the key intervention points for the changes you want to make?
Nifty Links Federal Government Members of Cabinet, parliamentary secretaries and opposition critics Organized by areas of responsibility – not portfolio name (e.g. 2010 Olympics, Employment Insurance) http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/HouseOfCommons/MinistryMembers.aspx Search Debates, Journals and Committee Evidence Allows you to search House of Commons debates (as recorded in Hansard), Journals, and Committee Evidence. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/housechamberbusiness/ChamberPublicationIndexSearch.aspx?View=H&arpiD=1&arpiJ=0&Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=40&Ses=2 Legislation Allows you to search for legislation, accompanying speeches and press releases (no subject index – search by Bill No. or Title http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Sites/LOP/LEGISINFO/index.asp?Language=E Bills Allows you to search current bills, read text, learn status. http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/bills.asp?Language=E&Parl=40&Ses=2 House of Commons Committees Allows you to search committee membership, reports, evidence, guidelines for preparing a submission to a House of Commons Committee. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/CommitteeBusiness/Default.aspx?Parl=40&Ses=2&Language=E&Mode=1 Library of Parliament Research Publications Research reports commissioned by MPs and Senators, sorted by subject. RSS feed. http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/library_prb.asp?Language=E
Provincial links Annual reports Includes reports on performance of each ministry. http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/about/rbplanning/ 2009 Ontario budget http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/english/budget/ontariobudgets/2009/ Info-GO – public service contact info Search all government staff. Browse by ministry – shows reporting structure and staffing of each department http://www.infogo.gov.on.ca/infogo/mainPage.do E-laws Read or download all legislation and associated regulations. Search or browse by name of statute. http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/ Government of Ontario Websites Includes alphabetical links to Ontario ministries, agencies, boards and commissions http://www.ontario.ca/en/your_government/list/ONT03_020924 Hansard search Allows you to search debates in the legislature by topic http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/house-proceedings/house_current.do Transcripts on standing committees http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/committee-proceedings/committee_transcripts_current.do?locale=en Bills and lawmaking Allows you to check the status of legislation, and read background information about how different types of bills become law http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/go2.jsp?Page=/bills/bills_main&menuItem=bills_header&locale=en