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Orthographic Projection Ortho 1.2 - Walkthrough

Orthographic Projection Ortho 1.2 - Walkthrough. GOAL: Ortho 1.2. Orthographic Projection. Creating a 1-View Drawing .  Layout Sheet Prepare a Layout Sheet. Orthographic Projection. Creating a 1-View Drawing .  Center the Object 1.) Draw Inclined, Vertical, & Horizontal Lines

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Orthographic Projection Ortho 1.2 - Walkthrough

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Orthographic ProjectionOrtho 1.2 - Walkthrough

  2. GOAL: Ortho 1.2

  3. Orthographic Projection • Creating a 1-View Drawing   Layout Sheet Prepare a Layout Sheet

  4. Orthographic Projection • Creating a 1-View Drawing   Center the Object 1.) Draw Inclined, Vertical, & Horizontal Lines 2.) Box-in the Object 3.) Calculate the Box Size 4.) Center the Rectangle in the Workspace

  5. Orthographic Projection • Creating a 1-View Drawing   Construct the Object

  6. Starting at the top left corner of the box, From that mark measure right 1 ½” and put a mark. measure on the HORIZONTAL line to the right 3” and put a mark.

  7. Make a VERTICAL line from each mark to the bottom horizontal line.

  8. From that mark measure down 2” and put a mark. Starting at the top left corner of the box, measure on the VERTICAL line down 1 ½” and put a mark.

  9. Make a HORIZONTAL line from each mark to the right vertical line.

  10. Starting at the top left corner of the box, measure on the HORIZONTAL line to the right 1 ½” and put a mark.

  11. Make a VERTICAL line from each mark to the bottom horizontal line.

  12. Complete the drawing using OBJECT LINES.

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