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Oxygen-Enhanced MRI outside Lung

This study investigates the effect of dissolved oxygen on T1 reduction in spleen, muscle, and liver using oxygen-enhanced MRI. Wash-in and wash-out curves, average wash-in and wash-out times, and Tc maps are generated to demonstrate tissue response to oxygen.

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Oxygen-Enhanced MRI outside Lung

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Oxygen-Enhanced MRI outside Lung

  2. Initial Study of T1-reduction in Spleen, Muscle and Liver • Plotted signal intensity wash-in and wash-out curves for organs and tissues outside Lungs • Observed the effects of dissolved oxygen in Spleen and Muscle but not Liver • Calculated average characteristic wash-in and wash-out times Tc for Spleen and Muscle • Created Tc Maps for various slices - demonstrated response to oxygen in range of tissues and organs

  3. Oxygen Wash-in Curve for Spleen

  4. Oxygen Wash-out curve for Spleen

  5. Oxygen Wash-in curve for Muscle

  6. Oxygen Wash-out curve for Muscle

  7. Signal Intensity curve for Liver (oxygen wash-in)

  8. Signal Intensity curve for Liver (oxygen wash-out)

  9. Average Tc for O2 wash-in and wash-out in Spleen and Muscle • Spleen wash-in Tc: 56±7s, wash-out Tc: 78±17s • Muscle wash-in Tc: 65±7s, wash-out Tc: 59±6s • Using Exponential fit for Signal Intensity S(t):

  10. Example Tc Maps

  11. Slice Image

  12. Previous Literature • Observed effect on T1 in Spleen confirms findings of Tadamura et al and Jones et al • The lack of evidence of a reduced T1 in the Liver also confirms the findings of Tadamura et al • However the clearly observable effect on T1 for Muscle contradicts the findings of Tadamura et al and Noseworthy et al

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