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Silver Falls School District. Long Range Facility Planning 2012-13 assisted by. Purposes of Community Meetings Community Education on School District facility status and current planning information. Seek additional community input for consideration by the Silver Falls School Board. .
Silver Falls School District Long Range Facility Planning 2012-13 assisted by
Purposes of Community MeetingsCommunity Education on School District facility status and current planning information.Seek additional community input for consideration by the Silver Falls School Board.
Growing a Tradition of Quality in Learning for All Silver Falls School District Communities
Growing a Tradition of Quality in Learning for All Silver Falls School District Communities
Silver Falls School District Long Range Facility Planning CommitteeChargeThis committee is charged with development of a district wide Long Range Facility Plan (Plan). It is a document which defines thoughtful direction for buildings, grounds and undeveloped properties of the district. The plan will provide recommended direction for future decisions such as renovation, construction, demolition and sale of buildings or decisions specific to existing or future district property. Major maintenance projects should also be identified. Development of the Plan should focus on anticipated topics and issues that are broader than facility concerns alone. These include demographic changes, instructional needs, curricular needs, technology needs and general education requirements based upon the vision of the district.
The Plan is to specify recommended projects, the timing and sequencing of the projects, their estimated costs and funding source(s). The Plan should extend for twenty years with scheduled updates every three years. The most recent Long Range Facility Plan will be used as a reference. The committee is to be comprised of a cross-section of school personnel, parents and community members. Municipally and local organizations will be represented on the committee. Assistance will be provided by an outside consultant, Hill International. The committee will develop, utilize and implement a planning process that is transparent, participatory and communicates effectively in a timely manner to all community members and district staff. The committee is to meet monthly throughout the 2011-12 school year. It is to provide opportunity for public input which will be used in generating the final recommended Plan. The committee shall hold its first meeting on October 20, 2011 and is to present a final report and recommendation to the Silver Falls School District Board by June 25, 2012.
Growing a Tradition of Quality in Learning for All Silver Falls School District Communities
General RecommendationsEducate the community on future requirements for schools and how these will impact facilities.Obtain community input on Long-Range Facility Planning recommendations. Maintain a diverse offering of grade configuration options including those currently provided in the District.Continue use of schools currently in operation (unless otherwise recommended in this document) if economically feasible.
General Recommendations – cont.Move students and staff members from Eugene Field School as soon as funding allows.Utilize 2008 District Facilities Renovation Feasibility Study recommendations by RSS Architecture to assist the school board in determining facility investment priority of each district school. Maintain the K-8 model in rural schools. Maintain district-wide student transfer option if economically feasible.
Growing a Tradition of Quality in Learning for All Silver Falls School District Communities
1-3 YearsSecure sufficient funding through a General Obligation Bond election in May of 2013. Provide district-wide educational outreach and seek input regarding the pursuit of a bond. If approved by the voters, this funding source is not to exceed the 2012 property tax rate per thousand for bond indebtedness and should be used to complete the following projects:a. Adaptive re-use of the Schlador Street campus to allow for self-contained grades 5-6 and departmentalized grades 7-8. b. Demolish oldest, multi-story structure of Schlador Street campus if partial or full retrofitting is not economically feasible. c. If economically feasible, preserve portions of Schlador Street campus for school use. d. Close Eugene Field Elementary School. e. Utilize the school district ranked projects list assembled by the Director of Maintenance in completing district-wide school upgrades and deferred maintenance projects. f. Consider theschool facilities implications of full-day kindergarten.
SILVER FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4JGeneral Obligation Bonds, Series 2013 - $3.35 Levy RateDiscussion Only – December 3, 2012 Remaining Silverton High School Bond Repayment Balance $43.5 million
1-3 Years – cont.Plan for the ability of schools with grades 6, 7, and 8 to provide access to specialized instruction required to meet the Math, Science and English/Language Arts curricular standards as defined by the adoption of Common Core State Standards. Consider the following examples:a. Electronic distance learning opportunities and other technology applications.b. Facility options which allow for equitable student access tospecialized instruction. c. Facility upgrades or additions.
3+ yearsSell entire Eugene Field Facility and site. Consider use ofsale proceeds fordistrict upgrades or deferred maintenance facility projects.Consideration of all revenues sources (Construction Excise Tax Revenue,State Facility Grant, and Sale of Surplus Property) as funding sources forfuture district-wide school upgrade, maintenance projects or capital purchases.Convene Long-Range Facility Planning Committee during the 2015-16 school year to review facility recommendations and revise as needed. Authorize new district-wide Renovation Feasibility Study as appropriate.
Local Bond election attempts which included discontinued use of Eugene Field Elementary School1984, 1990, 1998, 2002
Information and Input: • School District Web Site -- http://silverfalls.orvsd.org/ • Silver Falls School Board Meetings – 7:00 PM, Second Monday of each month at Silverton Community Center • Community Forum on School Facilities – December 12, 7:00 PM, Commons of Silverton High School • Second Community Forum on School Facilities – January 30, 7:00 PM, Commons of Silverton High School • Presentations to community organizations, Parent/Teacher Clubs, School Staff Meetings
Group Discussion Topics – December 12, 20131. The following are three major elements of the 2012 district long-range facility planning recommendations. Based upon the information you have received to this point, what input would you like the board to know about each of these elements? a. Vacate Eugene Field School. b. Completion of deferred maintenance and facility upgrade projects in all district schools - c. Adaptive Re-use of the Schlador Campus to a 5-6 grade self-contained and 7-8 grade departmentalized campus.2. Please share your thoughts about completing facility recommendations through funding from a Bond that does not exceed the 2012 total bond property tax rate for property owners in the school district. 3. Preliminary information indicates that the cost for adaptive re-use of the Schlador street school building will be close to the same using a remodeling approach as compared to partial demolition and new construction. What information would you like the board to know about these two options?4. What additional input would you like the board to know?