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English Learner & Multilingual Pathways. English Learner Support Services World Languages / Multilingual Education 2008. Program Options. Core Pathways for English Learners (Dual Language Immersion, Biliteracy, English Plus) Intervention Pathways for English Learners
English Learner &Multilingual Pathways English Learner Support Services World Languages / Multilingual Education 2008
Program Options • Core Pathways for English Learners (Dual Language Immersion, Biliteracy, English Plus) • Intervention Pathways for English Learners (Newcomer, Underschooled English Learner, Long- term English Learner) • Multilingual Education Programs for All Other Students (Dual Language Immersion, Foreign Language in Elementary Schools, Secondary World Languages)
Program Options Core Pathways for English Learners • Dual Immersion Language Pathway • Biliteracy Pathway • English Plus Pathway
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Student Population: • English Learners whose home language is Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, or Spanish • Bilingual students who speak Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, or Spanish and English • Heritage language students who themselves are English speakers but whose family background includes Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, or Spanish • Native English speakers who speak only English
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Instruction: • In kindergarten, 80:20 model in target language • Percentage of English instruction increases year to year • In fifth grade, 50:50 in target language/English • At secondary level, two classes in target language • ELLs: daily ELD at students’ proficiency level and SDAIE strategies to access core curriculum
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Language Requirements: • District will assign an appropriate balance of English Learner students who are proficient in the target language (2/3 to 1/2) and fluent English speakers (1/3 to 1/2) per grade level and classroom • The District will assess the student’s proficiency in his/her home language using primary language tests in Chinese and Spanish • When practicable, the District will assess students who speak languages other than Spanish or Chinese for primary language proficiency
Biliteracy Pathway Goals for English Learners: • Develop high levels of English and home language proficiency and literacy • Develop high levels of academic competency Where Dual Language Immersion program placement is not possible, the Biliteracy Pathway provides the most effective academic program for English Learners.
Biliteracy Pathway Student Population: • Currently designed for English Learners who are native speakers of Spanish , Cantonese, or Filipino • When there are enough English Learner students who speak another target language, a biliteracy pathway in that target language will be developed
Biliteracy Pathway Instruction: • In kindergarten, 80:20 model in target language • Percentage of English instruction increases year to year • In fifth grade, 50:50 in target language/English • At secondary level, two classes in target language • ELLs: daily ELD at students’ proficiency level and SDAIE strategies to access the core curriculum
English Plus Pathway Goal: • The English Plus Pathway is designed to ensure that English Learners develop English language proficiency and academic competency.
English Plus Pathway Student Population: • English Learners from low-incidence languages • English Learners whose parents do not enter a waiver because they want their children to be in an intense English instruction program
English Plus Pathway Instruction: • In English through Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) • Daily ELD (at least 30 min.) • Support in home language where practicable
Program Options Intervention Pathways for English Learners • Newcomer Pathway • Underschooled Student Pathway (being developed) • Long-Term English Learner Pathway (being developed)
Newcomer Pathway Goal: • To help recently arrived immigrant English Learner students adjust to their new language and culture in a one year program (with the possibility of a second year as needed)
Newcomer Pathway Student Population: • Recently arrived immigrant students • Grades K-12 (2008-2009)
Newcomer Pathway Instruction • Offered in English and either Cantonese, Mandarin, Filipino, or Spanish • Provides orientation and transition support • Primary language instruction in academic areas (when possible) at grade level • Intensive English Language Development
Program Options Multilingual Education Programs for All Other Students • Dual Language Immersion • Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) • Secondary World Languages
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Goal: • Develop high levels of English and target language proficiency and literacy • Develop academic competency in the core curriculum through instruction in English and the target language
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Student Population: • Standard English Learners • Heritage speakers of the target language • Native speakers of English • English Learners
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Instruction: • In kindergarten, 80:20 model in target language • Percentage of English instruction increases year to year • In fifth grade, 50:50 in target language/English • At secondary level, two classes in target language
Dual Immersion Language Pathway Language Requirements: • District will assign an appropriate balance of students who are proficient in the target language (2/3 to 1/2) and fluent English speakers (1/3 to 1/2) per grade level and classroom • The District will assess the student’s proficiency in his/her home language using primary language tests in Chinese and Spanish • When practicable, the District will assess students who speak languages other than Spanish or Chinese for primary language proficiency
Foreign Language in the Elementary School Goal: • To develop competency in a second language (Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish) • To become fully proficient in English language
Foreign Language in the Elementary School Student Population: All students including • Standard English Learners • Heritage speakers of the target language • Native speakers of English
Foreign Language in the Elementary School Instruction: • Target language instruction varies from 30 - 60 minutes per day • Instruction is three to five days per week and delivered in the target language • Curriculum is sequential, standards based, and reinforces concepts taught in other content areas • Curriculum integrates the target language and culture
Secondary World Language Programs Goal: • Develop academic literacy and social competency in a second language • Interact in real-world communication, both written and spoken • Students may take College Board approved Advanced Placement courses for Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish
Secondary World Language Programs Student Population: All students including • Standard English Learners • Heritage speakers of the target language • Native speakers of English
Secondary World Language Programs Instruction: • Content and pedagogy will differ if the students are native speakers or second language learners of the target language • Curriculum is sequential, standards-based and connected to other disciplines by reinforcing concepts taught in math, science, and/or social studies • Integrates the target language and its culture in authentic contexts to promote meaningful communication