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Proteins. Pavel Vrtílek. High molecular matters, proteins of human body are compounded around from twenty amino acids . AMK are form a part all organism cells and they must be forever innovated. Production of own proteins is dependent on their entry from food products .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Proteins Pavel Vrtílek

  2. High molecular matters, proteins of human body are compounded around from twenty amino acids. • AMK are form a part all organism cells and they must be forever innovated. • Production of own proteins is dependent on their entry from food products. • Proteins are single source of nitrogen and sulphur, which are not included in other nutrients.

  3. Division proteins 1. Simple – include only protein constituent • histones • albumins • globulins • fibrilar proteins (skleroproteins - colagen, elastin) • plant proteins (prolamins, gluteins)

  4. 2. Compound – except protein include also other non-proteins constituent (e. g.: suggars, nukleo (nukleové) acids or lipids) • glykoproteins – with suggar constituent • lipoproteins – with lipid constituent • chromoproteins– with contents dyes • metaloproteins – in your molecule contained metal (e. g. Fe, Zn, Se) • fosfoproteins– with molecule of phosphorus acid • nukleoproteins– with chains of nucleic acids

  5. Fyziological function proteins • structural and protective (colagen in bones and connective tissues; elastins in tendons and skin; ceratins in hair and nails; fosfolipoproteins as contituent of cellular membranes) • transport and storage(skladovací) (transferin transfering Fe, feritin as reserve Fe, albumins as porters of mineral matters, lipoproteins and fosfolipoproteins transfering lipids)

  6. mechanical-chemical (actin and myozin as proteins muscles; structural proteins bones; clotting proteins podílející se srážení) • control (řídící) and regulative • defensive and protective (obranné a ochranné)

  7. Structure • Principal of structural stone of proteins are amino acids, which are bonded by peptide bonds. • In higher organisms are always in L-form (bacterie, antibiotica and in D-form), where amino group (NH2) single AMK (se váže) with karboxylic group (COOH) double AMK.

  8. H O H O NH2 - C - C - OH -HNH - C - C - OH R1 R2 • For reaction two molecules AMK split (se odštěpí) molecule water =peptid.

  9. Glutathion-S-transferasa (GST - EC = dimer protein Procentualrepresentationsingle amino acidsinmolecule GST(100 % = 222 AMK)

  10. Izoforms GST inhumanbody 1) a-GST in hepatocyts 2) p-GST in epitel gallpassages ( žlučových cest)

  11. Izoforms GST inkidneys 1) a-GST in proximal tubuls 2) p-GSTindistal tubuls

  12. According to number (Podle počtu) AMK distinguish: • dipeptides ( 2 AMK) • tripeptides, tetrapeptides • oligopeptides (5-10 AMK) • polypeptides (11-100 AMK) • proteins - macropeptides (over 100 AMK)

  13. Amino acids distinguish on: • essential (necessary), which must organism entry in food, • semiessential, which are necessary; in specific situations (growth) and • non-essential, which organism needs, but can form. (které organizmus sice potřebuje, ale dokáže si je vytvořit).

  14. Essential AMK: • leucin, izoleucin, valin • methionin, fenylalanin, lyzin • threonin, tryptofan Semiessential AMK: • histidin, arginin (period of growth) - for children • tyrosin (colaps kidneys)

  15. Non-esencial AK: • glycin, (glutamová) acid, glutamin • serin, taurin, alanine, ornitin, tyrozin • cystein, prolin, hydroxyprolin • (asparagová) acid, asparagin • carnitin - 98% from total contents this matter in organism is in muscles

  16. Thank you for your attention

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