1. Chapter TwoCulture
3. What is Culture? Nonmaterial culture _____ created by members of a society. Material culture ______ ______ created by members of a society.
4. What is Culture? Society refers to people who interact in a defined ________ and share ______. Culture shock refers to personal _________ when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life.
5. How Many Cultures?
6. The Elements of Culture Although cultures vary, they all have five common components:
(1) Symbols
(2) Language
(3) Values and Beliefs
(4) ______
(5) Ideal and Real
7. Elements of CultureSymbols Symbols anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share ______.
8. Elements of CultureSymbols Symbols ________ _______ General Marketing
Aimed at a total population
Segmented Marketing
Aimed at a specific population
9. Elements of CultureLanguage Language a system of symbols that allows people to ___________ with one another.
Language allows for the ________ of culture.
10. Elements of CultureLanguage Cultural transmission the process by which one generation ______ _____ to the next.
Every society transmits culture through speech.
11. The Sapir-Whorf Thesis Languages are not just different sets of labels for the same reality.
All languages fuse symbols with distinctive emotions.
The Sapir-Whorf Thesis people perceive the world through the ______ ___ of language.
12. Elements of CultureValues and Beliefs
13. Elements of CultureValues and Beliefs
14. Elements of Culture Societies show significant cultural variations in their favorite sports.
15. Key Values of United States Culture Equal Opportunity
Achievement and Success
Material Comfort
______ and ____
Practicality and Efficiency
16. Key Values of United States Culture ________
Democracy and Free Enterprise
Racism and Group Superiority
17. Elements of CultureNorms Norms _____ and __________ by which a society guides the behavior of its members.
Most important norms in a culture apply __________ and at all times.
18. Elements of CultureNorms Mores norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance.
19. Elements of CultureNorms Mores
20. Elements of CultureNorms
21. Technology & Culture
Sociocultural evolution
22. Technology and Culture hunting and gathering societies
horticultural & pastoralism
postindustrial information technology
23. Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity can involve _____ ____.
Many cultural patterns are ______ _________ to only some members of a society.
24. Cultural Diversity Popular culture cultural patterns that are _________ among a population.
25. Subcultures Subculture cultural ______ that set apart some _______ of societys population.
26. Multiculturalism Multiculturalism an ________ _______ recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting the equality of all cultural traditions.
27. Multiculturalism Eurocentrism the dominance of _________ cultural patterns.
28. Counterculture Counterculture cultural patterns that rejects and _______ those widely _______ within a society.
29. Cultural Change Cultural integration the close ____________ among various elements of a cultural system. Some elements of culture change _____ than others cultural lag.
30. Cultural Change Cultural integration
Women in the workforce
Later first marriages
Change in family patterns
Increased use of day care
31. Cultural Change Cultural lag
_______ _______
Use by adolescents
32. Cultural Change Cultural changes
New cultural elements
Cell phones
Spread of objects from one society to another
33. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism Ethnocentrism the practice of ______ another culture by the standards of ones own culture.
34. Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism Cultural Relativism the practice of evaluating a culture by that cultures ___ ________.
35. A Global Culture Global economy: the flow of goods
Global communication: the flow of __________
Global migration: the flow of people
36. Theoretical Analysis of Culture The structuralfunctional paradigm depicts culture as a complex strategy for meeting human needs.
The socialconflict paradigm suggests that many cultural traits function to the advantage of some and the disadvantage of others.
Sociobiology explores ways in which _____ ______ affects how we create culture.