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Portraits, self portraits and identity…………….

Portraits, self portraits and identity……………. Foreshortening.

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Portraits, self portraits and identity…………….

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  1. Portraits, self portraits and identity…………….

  2. Foreshortening

  3. If you have a difficult time seeing and drawing the nose close to the eye, try this exercise: Find a photo of a foreshortened face; draw it freehand, concentrating on the eye-nose relationship; then trace the photo and compare the two drawings, noting where you may have inadvertently increased the eye-nose distances in your first drawing. Keep repeating the exercise with other photos until you conquer your habits of distortion.

  4. Basquiat


  6. Kandinsky

  7. Van Gogh

  8. Schiele

  9. Auerbach

  10. Calder

  11. Bueys

  12. Miro

  13. Bacon

  14. Klee

  15. Hurst

  16. Hausmann

  17. Rauscenberg

  18. Paolozzi

  19. Rodchenko

  20. Bernhardt

  21. Hockney

  22. Murakami

  23. Magritte

  24. Lajos Valda


  26. Ron Mueck is an Australian hyperrealist sculptor working in the UK


  28. Wednesday 13th June Wednesday 20th June

  29. Thursday 21st June 2012 AIM Use the 4 Assessment Objectives to self assess your work and identify areas for improvement. Refine artwork purposefully. This task provides evidence for AO1 & AO2 ALL MUST (COMPETENT GRADE D/C) Show effective and relevant refinement of ideas using materials and techniques. Undertake sound investigations showing sound cultural understanding (HW) MOST SHOULD (COHERENT GRADE C/B) Show purposeful and considered refinement of ideas using materials and techniques. Undertake purposeful investigations showing strong cultural understanding (HW) SOME COULD (CONFIDENT GRADE B – A*) Show decisive, focused and well considered refinement of ideas using materials and techniques. Undertake in depth investigations showing perceptive cultural understanding (HW)

  30. Colour Wheel What is the PURPOSE? What is the TECHNICAL VOCABULARY? Farbkreis by Johannes Itten (1961)

  31. Colour Wheel PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY COMPLEMENTARY HARMONIOUS Farbkreis by Johannes Itten (1961)

  32. HOMEWORK DUE MONDAY 9TH JULY COLOUR INVESTIGATIONS Using your colour wheel and other research. Produce a minimum double page spread showing investigations into colour COLOUR EXPERIMENTS THE COLOUR WHEEL PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY, COMPLEMENTARY

  33. HOMEWORK DUE MONDAY 9TH JULY • COLOUR INVESTIGATIONS • Using your colour wheel and other research. Produce a minimum double page spread showing investigations into colour • Complementaries • Harmonious • Tertiary • Blue + Yellow = Green • CYAN BLUE, COBALT BLUE • WARM, COOL • MOOD, MEANING

  34. MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY What is an autobiography? What is the purpose of an autobiography? What does this image tell you about the life of this person?

  35. MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY Homework due Thursday 19th July Bring in to school a range of items that could be used to tell your autobiography in a visual way. ITEMS TO CONSIDER Photographs Magazine cuttings Posters Keepsakes Everyday items Badges ALL OF THIS WILL BE PHOTOGRAPHED / COPIED SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE THEM HOME AGAIN. Peter Blake: Self Portrait with Badges 1961

  36. Peter Blake: Got a Girl1961

  37. Peter Blake Peter Blake was a key member in founding the British Pop Art movement of the 1960’s. He worked across a range of media including painting, printmaking, collage and sculpture. His art reflected the culture that he grew up in and his identity within it. He said: “I wanted to make an art that was the visual equivalent of pop music”

  38. Homework due first lesson back in September IDENTITY COLLAGE Using the items you have collected for your visual autobiography, produce a minimum double page spread collage in your sketchbook. You should include drawings as as well as stuck down images / photocopies. It should reflect the culture that you live in and your identity within it!

  39. Homework due first lesson back in September IDENTITY COLLAGE Using the items you have collected for your visual autobiography, produce a minimum double page spread collage in your sketchbook. You should include drawings as well stuck down images / photocopies. It should reflect the culture that you live in and your identity within it!

  40. Tuesday 4th September Welcome back Year 11 Fast Track! Question: How is this angel like you on your first day back? Ron Mueck ‘Angel’ 1997

  41. Art Website • www.lbsart.weebly.com

  42. Interim Assessment Hand in books Tuesday 11th September • Refine and complete the first 5 tasks for the Portraits project • Include ‘My Autobiography’ homework • Refer to your target sheet to maximise your WAG • Your work will be marked and an Interim WAG given.

  43. Munch


  45. "Painting is too beautiful to be reduced to images which may be compared with those of a dog or horse. It is imperative that we escape the circle in which the realists have trapped us.“ Andre Derain André Derain, Charing Cross Bridge, London, 1906

  46. FAUVISM A movement that began in France in the early twentieth century. The painters were known as les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts") They broke away from older, more traditional methods of painting. Their spontaneous response to nature was characterised by bold, undisguised brushstrokes and use of vibrant colours. Henri Matisse Portrait of Madame 1906

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