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Short Story Unit and Bell-ringers G1

Short Story Unit and Bell-ringers G1. 4 th Period. Good Morning! Bell-ringer…8/15. 1. Please collect an index card from Miss. Handford. 2. On the index card, write the following: A. Name B. Address C. Home phone number D. Parent’s email address E. Your favorite candy

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Short Story Unit and Bell-ringers G1

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  1. Short Story Unit and Bell-ringers G1

    4th Period
  2. Good Morning! Bell-ringer…8/15 1. Please collect an index card from Miss. Handford. 2. On the index card, write the following: A. Name B. Address C. Home phone number D. Parent’s email address E. Your favorite candy F. A weakness you have in English (reading aloud, comprehension, vocabulary, writing, grammar etc.) 3. On the back, write out your schedule (include classroom number/teacher/subject)
  3. Announcements & Agenda 8/15 Homework (do you have your agenda book?) Have all class materials by Monday 8/19/13. Flash-drive, pens, pencils, highlighters and index cards. MAPS testing tomorrow. I-station testing Monday Agenda Review of yesterday Collect signed syllabus & check expectations worksheet (daily grade) Set Up classroom expectations Scavenger Hunt (during this time I will give you your interactive readers, locker numbers & bathroom passes) Exit tickets! What did you learn today? Share Scavenger Hunts!
  4. Collecting forms Collect…. 1.Class syllabus 2.Expectations worksheet (completed and signed)
  5. Review of Class Routines… 1.What is the most important material for this class? Why? 2. How many passes are issued to you every nine weeks? Can they be replaced? 3. Where do you find your make-up work? 4. How does Miss. Handford feel about disrespect? 5. Identify two examples of disrespect.
  6. Classroom expectations Instructions: select three expectations that you believe we should have in this room… Explain your thoughts after your selection. Write your top three on the poster paper. Results will be tallied this afternoon and classroom expectations will be posted tomorrow!!
  7. Scavenger Hunt/Ice-breaker! 15 min Find a different classmate to answer each of your questions! Write your answers on page 3 (underneath the stapled Class Expectations) You may be called on to share your findings about your classmates. Remember, participation is key!!
  8. Exit Ticket: Round Robin! What did you learn today? Share with us a new person that you have met in the class (introduce them) and the interesting information you discovered!
  9. Bell-ringer: Grammar Review 8/15 COPY numbers 1 through 9 starting at the back of your notebook. Write an example beside the name of each “Part of Speech” below that could serve as that “Part of Speech,” when used in a sentence. If you are uncertain, write a question mark beside the name of each part of speech: 1. Noun:________________ 2. Conjunction:__________ 3. Verb:_________________                       4. Adjective:_____________ 5. Pronoun:______________                       6. Preposition:____________ 7. Interjection:____________                    8. Adverb:_______________ 9. Article:________________
  10. Announcements & Agenda 8/15 Announcements: 1. Materials check on Monday! 2. A few reminders about lunch… 3. I-station testing on Tuesday (daily grade) 4. Bring Interactive Reader for Wednesday! Agenda: Pre-assessment on writing and grammar Moving Forward activity
  11. Pre-assessment on Grammar (Why Miss. Handford, Why?!) a pre-assessment helps your instructor to understand what strengths and weaknesses you have in order to avoid working on skills that you have already mastered. Part II: Listen as I read the passage to you: write down exactly what I say to the best of your ability. Part I: Assessing spelling/punctuation/writing skills. Complete INDEPENDENTLY & SILENTLY. When you have completed your pre-assessment, place it in the purple tray and pick up a scavenger hunt! Do not begin until everyone has finished their pre-assessment!
  12. During and after your pre-assessment. Talking during a quiz/test/pre-assessment = zero. When you have completed your pre-assessment, place it in your class tray. Copy the following writing prompt on a piece of paper and begin brainstorming! When you think of moving forward in life…. What are your goals? Your dreams? How do you want to be remembered, when looking back?
  13. MAPS testing: 16th I-station testing: 19th Miss Handford Absent: 21st
  14. Bell-ringer 2: identifying vocabulary words using context clues 8-22-13 Create a three column chart: in the first column list the underlined vocabulary words. In the second column define it the best of your ability. In the third column list key words that lead to your inferred definition. 1. Bounded to his wheelchair, the two mile walk to school is nothing but a hindrance to Aaron. 2. My grandma would always cower under the stairs when thunderstorms would begin. 3. Ashley wince every time the nurse applied the pressure to her wounds.
  15. Announcements & Agenda 8/20 Announcements: Submit signed syllabus NO LATER THAN MONDAY. SOME OF YOU DID NOT TURN IN STUDENT EXPECTATIONS WORKSHEET, AND NEED THIS GRADE… Vocabulary quiz: Thursday 8/29 (1st & 4th)/Friday (7th) 8/30 Bring index cards on Monday. Bring interactive reader all next week  Agenda Identifying and analyzing archetypes
  16. Announcements & Agenda 8/22 Announcements: Submit signed syllabus NO LATER THAN MONDAY. SOME OF YOU DID NOT TURN IN STUDENT EXPECTATIONS WORKSHEET, AND NEED THIS GRADE… Vocabulary due today! It can be turned in on Monday for a 70% Vocabulary quiz: Thursday 8/29 (1st & 4th)/Friday (7th) 8/30 Bring index cards on Monday. Bring interactive reader all next week  Agenda Identifying and analyzing archetypes
  17. Archetypes

  18. What are archetypes? Archetypes are universal patterns in all stories, cultures, and even dreams of people. Term coined by Carl Jung
  19. The term archetype can be applied to: An image A theme A symbol An idea A character A plot pattern
  20. Common Archetypes. HERO: circumstances of birth are unusual, attempt is made at birth to kill him; raised by foster parents, returns to his kingdom to right wrongs MENTOR: teacher or counselor; often are father or mother figures to the hero FATHER AND SON CONFLICT: father and son are separated : reunite when son is adult: GROUP OF COMPANIONS: loyal companions willing to face any number of dangers to be together OUTSIDER: figure banished from a social group : self-blame or committed crime.
  21. A few more archetypes… FRIENDLY BEAST: beast on the side of the hero DEVIL FIGURE: offers temptation to the hero in exchange for possession of the soul. EVIL FIGURE WITH GOOD HEART: evil figure redeemed by nobility of hero
  22. Just a few more! (archetypes) SCAPEGOAT: unjustly held responsible for others’ sins TEMPTRESS: brings about the hero’s downfall. The hero is attracted to her/him CROSSED LOVERS: two lovers forbidden to be together CREATURE OF NIGHTMARE: animal or creature disfigured or mutated;
  23. The following slides will be images of several archetypes Observe the picture for ten seconds and write in the far left column, which archetype the picture could represent! Keep your answer to yourself! The winner will receive a prize!
  24. Picture one: which archetype is this?
  25. Picture two: which archetype is this one?
  26. Picture three: how about this one?
  27. Picture Four. What about this one? Which archetype could this represent?
  28. Results! And the winner is! ______________________ For the remainder of class, finish your Sound of Thunder questions from yesterday. Completing part II and III will receive FULL CREDIT!
  29. Exit ticket: respond to this prompt on page 6 Respond to the following writing prompt by writing a minimum of four sentences: Who is your personal hero? What qualities does this person have that inspires you?
  30. Bell-ringer activity: vocabulary review: 8-23-13 Copy each definition and match the correct vocabulary word: A. Vigilance B. Cower C. Consternation D. Wince E. Synchronize F. Calibrate. To shrink away or cringe is to: __________ To happen at the same time or to agree in time is to _______________. To determine, to correct or to make standard is to _______________. An act of _____________ requires an individual to watch in an alerting manner, avoiding danger.
  31. Parts of a Plot: 8/23
  32. Bell-ringer activity: vocabulary review 8/26 Copy and complete the sentences below: 1. It remains our duty to do all we can to resolve conflict, confront_________________, reduce poverty and promote good governance. 2. Our technical assistant ________________ the promethean board so that the interactive pen could connect accurately with the screen. 3. Susie ______________________ in fear as the monster crept from under her bed. 4. Considering that Ashley is on crutches, the steep stairs in the high school are nothing but a ______________________ on Ashley’s ability to get to class on time. 5. The football field was bathed in a __________________ light as the players ventured onto the grass for their final game.
  33. Announcements and Agenda 8/26 Announcements: 1. Vocabulary quiz on Thursday: multiple choice and writing sentences using vocabulary words. 2. For each day that you DO NOT bring your interactive reader, you will loose 5 participation points. IT IS A REQUIRED MATERIAL. Agenda: 1. Vocabulary workshop: creating flashcards. 2. Harrison Bergeron reading
  34. Bell-ringer Activity 8/27/13 Observe each picture and infer the definition based on what is happening…
  35. Bell-ringer activity: vocabulary review 8/27 Copy and complete the sentences below: 1. It remains our duty to do all we can to resolve conflict, confront_________________, reduce poverty and promote good governance. 2. Our technical assistant ________________ the promethean board so that the interactive pen could connect accurately with the screen. 3. Susie ______________________ in fear as the monster crept from under her bed. 4. Considering that Ashley is on crutches, the steep stairs in the high school are nothing but a ______________________ on Ashley’s ability to get to class on time. 5. The football field was bathed in a __________________ light as the players ventured onto the grass for their final game.
  36. Announcements & Agenda: 8/27 Vocabulary Quiz Thursday: 20 questions total worth 5 points each. Interactive reader everyday! Harrison Bergeron Work will be checked at end of class tomorrow for a daily grade: if you are not bringing your IR, this will affect your grade! Agenda Reading of Harrison Bergeron: discussion and reflection. Paired activity: parts of the plot on page 13
  37. Final Vocabulary Review 8/29 Define the following vocabulary words: 1. Vigilance 2. Oppression 3. Hindrance 4. Wince Answer the following questions: 1. What is the difference between wince and cower? 2. What is the difference between calibrate and synchronize
  38. Announcements and Agenda 8/29 Announcements: 1. You need your interactive reader today and all next week! Agenda: 1. Vocabulary quiz 2. Completing Interactive reader on Harrison Bergeron 3. (possible movie…depends of if our sound wants to work…)
  39. During and after the quiz Talking = a zero. When you have completed your quiz place it in your class tray. DO NOT TALK UNTIL THE LAST PERSON HAS COMPLETED THEIR QUIZ!! Work silently on completing activities on page 14-15 in your interactive reader book.
  40. Harrison Bergeron Movie On page 12 in your spiral notebook Copy the following chart and list some examples as you watch the movie: 1. Create a two column chart and list similarities in one column and differences in the other…(text versus movie)
  41. 8/30: No bell-ringer.. When you receive the handout from Ms. Stokes and your slip, write your password and username on the handout. Today, we will be in the library working on vocabulary review games and Word sharp: these activities will be on your online textbook! You will sit in alphabetical order Print off and turn in results for a daily grade.
  42. Bell-ringer: 9/2 Prefixes Copy and answer the following question: 1. What is a prefix? Copy the following sentences and circle any prefixes. Under each sentence a possible meaning for the words you circled. 1. Sally’s handwriting was unacceptable on her pre-assessment test. 2. Mr. Brown’s hyperactive class resulted in the pep rally being postponed for a week.
  43. Announcements and Agenda: 9/2 1. Interactive readers everyday. 2. Quizzes will be given back tomorrow: request to re-test forms will be attached. 3. We will be taking a break from short stories and resume with “By the Waters of Babylon” on Friday. Agenda: 1. Understanding the history of the English Language 2. Brainstorming prefixes.
  44. Draw the following chart into your spiral notebooks on page _______.
  45. So…what did you learn? 1. English words come from many different places. 2. The English language is fluid (_____________) and continues to evolve. 3. Can you think of any new English words recently added to the dictionary?
  46. Prefix: definition and examples A prefix is: placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. Brainstorm examples and their words: 1. 2. 3. 4.
  47. Graphic Organizer activity Over the next day, you will use a laptop or computer to research the prefixes, by finding sample words and sample word definitions. NOTE: leave the 3rd and 4th column blank. We will do the first seven together today, and tomorrow you will do the rest by yourself.
  48. Exit ticket Brainstorm and list four other sample words for the prefixes that we covered today. List them as numbers 5-8 in your spiral notebook on page ____________
  49. Bell-ringer: Prefixes Continued 9/5 Copy the following sentences and circle the word containing the prefixes that we previously discussed. Write the possible meaning of the word under the sentence. PETA held its 4th annual conference outside of New York City in April. The winds of the storm were abnormally strong, knocking down trees everywhere. Eating lots of vegetables is beneficial to one’s health.
  50. Announcements and Agenda 1. Interactive reader everyday! Agenda: 1. Completing prefix graphic organizer (30 min) 2. Creating your own prefix and illustration to show its meaning. (15 min) BY THE END OF THE CLASS YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED YOUR GRAPHIC ORGANIZER AND DEVELOPED YOUR PREFIX AND ILLUSTRATION.
  51. Review of yesterday 1. How can we describe the English language? 2. What is a prefix? What are some examples? Activity One: 1. Work on defining prefixes (laptops/computers 2. Creating your own prefix and drawing a picture to represent your prefix.
  52. Activities for today! BY THE END OF THE CLASS YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED YOUR GRAPHIC ORGANIZER AND DEVELOPED YOUR PREFIX AND ILLUSTRATION. Graphic organizer activity: 30 min When you have completed your GO, raise your hand and I will check it. You will be given a prefix: create a word using that prefix draw an illustration to represent it’s meaning. Write the imaginary prefix at the top of the page.
  53. Exit ticket: on page 11 Identify which of the following themes apply to the story of Harrison Bergeron. Man versus nature Man versus society The power of love 1.Explain in 5 sentence how this short story reflects the theme. 2. Identify the archetype that Harrison represents. Why does he reflect this archetype?
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